Aernout Mik
– Buch gebraucht, antiquarisch & neu kaufen
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Aernout Mik. EXposicio´ produi¨da i organitzada per la Fundacio´ "la Caixa", CaixaForum, Barcelona, juliol-setembre 2003.
Aernout Mik
Barcelona Fundacio´ "La Caixa"
, 2003.ISBN: 8476648227
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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Turbulence: Sara Blokland, Amie Dicke, Mathilde ter Heijne, Klaar van der Lippe, Aernout Mik, Saskia Olde Wolbers, Vanessa Jane Phaff, L.A. Raeven, Julika Rudelius, Femke Schaap, Michael Tedja
Westen, Mirjam & Max Meijer
Arnhem : Museum voor Moderne Kunst
, 2003, TaschenbuchISBN: 907286137X
Zustand: Gut
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Aernout Mik : Shifting shifting : [on the occasion of the Exhibition Aernout Mik: "Shifting Shifting" ; Camden Arts Centre, London, 16 February - 15 April 2007 ... Kunstverein Hannover, 8. December 2007 - 3. February 2008]. [publ. by Camden Arts Centre, London in collab. with The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh ... Organised by Camden Arts Centre with The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh ... Ed. by Bruce Haines. Text by Michael Taussig. Transl. by Michael Stoeber]
Taussig, Michael T. (Mitwirkender), Bruce (Herausgeber) Haines and Aernout (Illustrator) Mik
Hannover : Kunstverein [u.a.]
, 2007.ISBN: 9781900470636
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
Futureland. Björn Dahlem, Tacita Dean, Mathile ter Heijne, Christian Jankowski, Daniel Anum Jasper, Stefan Kern, Aernout Mik, Daniel Pflumm, Matthew Ritchie, Daniel Roth, Fiona Tan, David Thorpe, Gracia Toderi, Corinne Wasmuth. Städtisches Museum...
Maiburg, Barbara (Hrsg.)
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg; Venlo: Museum van Bommel van Dam
, 2001, Broschur.ISBN: 3924039461
Zustand: Gut
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ID - Vanessa Beecroft / Douglas Gordon / Tony Oursler / Aernout Mik / Eija-Liisa Ahtila / Sam Samore ua. - ID / An international survey on the notion of identity in contemporary art. Katalog Eindhoven 1996. Texte engl.: Lynne Cooke / Gregor Muir ua.
Lynne Cooke / Gregor Muir / Oliver Sacks / Jean Fisher / Adam Chodzko / Michelle Nicol / Vanessa Beecroft / Douglas Gordon / Tony Oursler / Aernout Mik / Eija-Liisa Ahtila / Sam Samore / Willie Doherty / Georgina Starr / Gillian Wearing ua.
Stedlijk van Abbemuseum
, 1999, Klappbroschur
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XXI Bienal 1991 São Paulo Holanda. Ab Van Hanegem, Gerald Van der Kaap, Aernout Mik, Lidwien Van de Ven, Ben Zegers ; the 21st Sao Paulo International Biennial 1991, dutch entry ; [publ. at the occassion of the Dutch entry to the 21st São Paulo International Niennial, São Paulo, 21 September - 10 December 1991; a more extensive version of the Dutch entry was exhibites at the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven from 9 May to 30 June 1991.
Stedelijk Van Abbe-Museum
The Hague, Netherlans Office for fine Arts
, 1991.ISBN: 9071465217
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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