Eternal City
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Reminiscences of Rome. Or, a Religious, Moral, and Literary View of the Eternal City, in a Series of Letters Addressed to a Friend in England, by a Member of the Arcadian Academy
William J. Alban Sheehy
Outlook Verlag
, 06.09.2024, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783385576827
Reminiscences of Rome. Or, a Religious, Moral, and Literary View of the Eternal City, in a Series of Letters Addressed to a Friend in England, by a Member of the Arcadian Academy
William J. Alban Sheehy
Outlook Verlag
, 06.09.2024, BuchISBN: 9783385576834

Two Thousand Years in Rome (Aldine Paperbacks) A chronological guide to the Eternal City - placing its works of art, its monuments, its turbulent history through the ages in lucid perspective for the modern traveller.
Mertz, Richard and Barbara Mertz
Aldine, London
, 1972.ISBN: 0460021095
Zustand: gebraucht; mittelmäßig

Reminiscences of Rome. Or, a Religious, Moral, and Literary View of the Eternal City, in a Series of Letters Addressed to a Friend in England, by a Member of the Arcadian Academy / Sheehy / Buch
Sheehy, William J. Alban
Outlook Verlag
, 2024, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783385576827

Rome as it was. The Eternal City a century ago in the water-colours by Ettore Roesler Franz. / Rome, wie es war. Die ewige Stadt vor einem Jahrhundert in den Aquarellen von Ettore Roesler Franz. Bildband.
Sergio Cartocci
OTO Art Edition, Rom
, 1972.Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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Et in Arcadia ego. Roma come luogo della memoria nelle culture europee • Et in Arcadia ego. Rome as a memorial place in European cultures - Le strade che portano alla Città eterna • The roads leading to the Eternal City
Gałkowski, Artur; Cavallo, Stefano; Kowalik, Katarzyna
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
, 2021, GebundenISBN: 9783631818770
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City of Eternal Night / Crescent City: Book Two / Kristen Painter / Taschenbuch / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2014 / Little, Brown Book Group / EAN 9780356503752
Kristen Painter
Little, Brown Book Group
, 2014, TaschenbuchISBN: 9780356503752

Warnings of the Eternal Spirit, to the City of Edenbvrgh, in Scotland
Thomas Dutton
Creative Media Partners, LLC
, 23.05.2016, BuchISBN: 9781358784750

Permutation City: A Novel of Eternal Life
Greg Egan
Nightshade Book
, 2014, TaschenbuchISBN: 9781597805391
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Jerusalem. City, Holy and Eternal. Published in Commemoration of the Trimillenial Anniversary of the City of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem -, Hemispere Publications, Inc.
, 1954Zustand: Ecken und Kanten stärker bestoßen; Widmung auf dem Schmutztitel; Seiten etwas gebräunt.
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Street of Eternal Happiness / Big City Dreams Along a Shanghai Road / Rob Schmitz / Taschenbuch / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 2017 / John Murray Press / EAN 9781444791082
Rob Schmitz
John Murray Press
, 2017, TaschenbuchISBN: 9781444791082
Jerusalem the Eternal. The Paratroopers' Battle for the City of David.
Eli Landau
Published Otpaz
, 1968.Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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Warnings of the Eternal Spirit, to the City of Edenburgh, Pronounced by the Mouths of Margaret Mackenzie, and James Cuninghame
Margaret MacKenzie
Gale Ecco, Print Editions
, Einband - fest (Hardcover)ISBN: 1379753589

Eternal Hong Kong: From One Empire to the Next (City Heritage)
Mangin, Marc and Thomas Renaut
Asa Editions
, 1998.ISBN: 2911589084
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
![Grant Showerman: Eternal Rome [2 Bd.e]. Grant Showerman: Eternal Rome [2 Bd.e].](

Eternal Rome [2 Bd.e]. The city and its people from the earliest times to the present day: From earliest Latium to the the fifth christian century / From the fifth christian century to the present.
Grant Showerman
New Haven: Yale University Press.
, 1924.Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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The Sacred Prostitute / Eternal Aspect of the Feminine / Nancy Qualls-Corbett / Taschenbuch / Kartoniert Broschiert / Englisch / 1988 / Inner City Books / EAN 9780919123311
Nancy Qualls-Corbett
Inner City Books
, 1988, TaschenbuchISBN: 0919123317