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The Pictorial History of England, Being a History of the People, as Well as a History of the Kingdom. [By G. L. Craik and C. MacFarlane.] ... a New Edition, Revised and Extended. (History of the Peace ... 1816-46. by Harriet Martineau.).
George Lillie Craik Charles MacFarlane
British Library, Historical Print Editions
, Einband - flex.(Paperback)ISBN: 1241594473
The Pictorial History of England, Being a History of the People, as Well as a History of the Kingdom. [By G. L. Craik and C. MacFarlane.] ... a New Edition, Revised and Extended. (History of the Peace ... 1816-46. by Harriet Martineau.).
George Lillie Craik Charles MacFarlane
British Library, Historical Print Editions
, Einband - flex.(Paperback)ISBN: 1241594481

Advances in Nuclear und Radiochemistry. Extended Abstracts and Papers presented at the Sixth International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC-6), 29 August to 3 September 2004, Aachen, Germany. In Cooperation with Iniveristy of Cologne, GDCh, FECS, OECD-NEA and IAEA. (= Schriftenreihe des Foschungszentrums Jülich / Reihe Allgemeines und Interdisziplinäres - Band 3)
Qaim, S.M. and H.H. Coenen (Editors)
Foschungszentrum Jülich
, 2004.ISBN: 3893363629
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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His Master`s Voice Recorded Entertainment : Containing details of all available 33 1/3 r.p.m. long play, 7 inch 45 r.p.m. standard and extended play and 78 r.p.m. records issued up to and including June 1954. OS. edition (Overseas edition). Herausgeber: The Gramophone Company Ltd.
Gramophone Company Ltd.
The Gramophone Company Ltd. , Hayes - Middlesex - England
, 1954.
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Book of Extended Abstracts of the 7th Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress and Exhibition of ISIS-Symmetry and the 6th National and 3rd International Congress of SEMA. Form and Symmetry. 11 to 17 de November 2007. Host Institution: Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Guerri, Claudio [Hrsg.]
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
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The viscosity of synthetic and natural silicate melts and glasses at high temperatures and 1 Bar pressure and at higher pressures. An extended compilation of viscosity data in tabular and graphic form. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull.., 1764.]
Ryan, M.P., & Blevins, J.Y.K., 1987.
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Landolt-Börnstein (Vol. III/16a). Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology. New Series. Group III: Crystal and Solid State Physics. Vol. 16: Revides, Updated and Extended Edition of Vol. III/3 and III/9. Ferroelectrics and Related Substances. Subvolume a: Oxides. / Gruppe III: Kristall- und Festkörperphysik. Band 16: Neubearbeitung und Erweiterung der Bände III/3 und III/9. Ferroelektrika und verwandte Substanzen. Teilband a: Oxide.
Hellwege, K.H., T. Mitsui und S. Nomura
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
, 1981.ISBN: 3540098801

Landolt-Börnstein (Vol. III/16b). Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology. New Series. Group III: Crystal and Solid State Physics. Vol. 16: Revides, Updated and Extended Edition of Vol. III/3 and III/9. Ferroelectrics and Related Substances. Subvolume b: Non-oxides. / Gruppe III: Kristall- und Festkörperphysik. Band 16: Neubearbeitung und Erweiterung der Bände III/3 und III/9. Ferroelektrika und verwandte Substanzen. Teilband b: Nicht-Oxide.
Hellwege, K.H., T. Mitsui und S. Nomura
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
, 1982.ISBN: 3540104844
Landolt-Börnstein. Group III, Vol. 16, Revised, Updated and Extended Edition of Volumes III/3 and III/9: Ferroelectrics and Related Substances. Subvolume a and b / Gruppe III, Band 16, Neubearbeitung und Erweiterung der Bände III/3 und III/9: Ferroelektrika und verwandte Substanzen. Teilband a und b. Two Volumes / Zwei Bände. (= Landolt Börnstein. New Series / Neue Serie: Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Group III: Crystal and Solid State Physics / Kristall- und Festkörperphysik).
Mitsui, T., S. Nomura K.-H. (Hg.) Hellwege u. a.
Berlin : Springer
, 1981/82.Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut
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Polizei greift ein! Kriegsberichte aus Ost, West und Nord, mit O r i g i n a l - S c h u t z u m s c h l a g * O s t j u d e n t u m >>> Käufer aus BULGARIEN, GRIECHENLAND, LETTLAND, LUXEMBURG, ÖSTERREICH, POLEN, RUMÄNIEN, SCHWEDEN, SLOWAKEI, SPANIEN, ZYPERN werden gebeten, eine deutsche Versandadresse anzugeben! Durch die nationale Umsetzung der europäischen Verpackungsrichtlinie "EPR: Extended Producer Responsibility" ist seit 1.1.2023 die Versendung in 12 der 27 EU-Länder für kleine Unternehmen mit einem unverhältnismäßigen großen Aufwand verbunden <<<<
Helmuth Koschorke
Berlin und Leipzig, Franz Schneider Verlag
, 1941.
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Series 'Progress of Theoretical Physics, Number 99, 1989'; Supplement: COMPLEX DYNAMICS IN NONLINEAR SYSTEMS. - In Commemoration of the Retirement of Professor Hazime Mori from Kyushu University: 'STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS'(Mori et al.); 'GLOBAL BIFURCATIONS . . .'(Yoshida et al.); 'THERMODYNAMICS . . .'(Fujisaka et al.); 'NONEQUILIBRIUM ASPECTS . . .'(Rikvold); '. . . LORENZ SYSTEM'(Shimada et al.); '. . . INTERMITTENCY . . .'(Yamada et al.); '. . . SPECTRAL ANALYSIS . . .'(Antoranz); 'NON-STATIONARY CHAOS . . .'(Aizawa); 'LARGE DEVIATION . . .'(Oono); '. . . SELF-ORGANIZATION AND -RELAXATION PROCESS IN PLASMA'(Horiuchi et al.); '. . . TWO-DIMENSIONAL HAMILTOPNIAN SYSTEMS'(Ichikawa et al.); 'MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC CELLULAR AUTOMATA'(Hatori); '. . . EVOLUTION EQUATIONS IN EXTENDED SYSTEMS'(Kuramoto); '. . . SPATIOTEMPORAL CHAOS'(Kaneko); 'PHASE TRANSITION IN A CLASS OF LARGE POPULATIONS OF COUPLED OSCILLATORS'(Daido); 'MAXWELL-BLOCH TURBULENCE'(Ikeda et al.); 'QUANTUM LAN
MORI, Hazime (Professor at Kyushu University) / Kyozi Kawasaki; Yoshiki Kuramoto; Hisao Okamoto (Preface) / Yoji Aizawa; J. C. Antoranz; Helmut R. Brand; Hiroaki Daido; Hirokazu Fujisaka; Kazuhiro Fukushima; Hiroshi Furukawa; Hermann Haken; Hiroko Hata; T
Japan, 1989.
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Evolution of dynamical structures in complex systems : proceedings of the international symposium, Stuttgart, Juli 16 - 17, 1992. "Evolution of Dynamical Structures in Complex Systems" is dedicated to the founder of synergetics, Hermann Haken, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. This volume is an attempt to gather together and review the new results and de velopments achieved by researchers from various fields during the last few years. The contents bear witness to the great success in the development of general approaches to synergetic systems as well as remarkable progress in the more tra ditional fields of synergetics such as lasers and nonlinear optics, hydrodynamics, condensed matter physics, biology, and sociology. Since their inception, the concepts of synergetics and rigorous mathematical theories have been extended to other scientific disciplines such as medicine, artifi cial intelligence and synergetic computers, and psychology. Here too, these ideas have yielded new ins
Friedrich, Rudolf (Herausgeber)
Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ; London ; Paris ; Tokyo ; Hong Kong ; Barcelona ; Budapest : Springer
, 1992.ISBN: 3540555064
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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