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Zum Sonnentor durch altes Indianerland. Erlebnisse und Aufnahmen einer Forschungsreise in Nordargentinien, Bolivien, Peru und Yucatan
Richard N. Wegner

The Yucatan: A Guide to the Land of Maya Mysteries Plus Sacred Sites at Belize, Tikal & Copan: A Guide to the Land of Maya Mysteries Plus Sacred Sites at Belize, Tikal and Copan
Antoinette May
Wide World Publishing,U.S.
, 01.04.1993.ISBN: 093317490X
Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut
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East Coasts of Central America and Gulf of Mexico Pilot. Western Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico from Punta Tirbi to Cape Sable including Yucatan Channel (Admirality Charts and Publications NP 69A)
The Hydrographer of the Navy - compiled by Commander C.E.K. Robinson, FRICS, RN
Hydrographic Department, Ministry of Defence, Taunton, Somerset
, 1993.
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The Case of His Majesty s Subjects Settled on the Coast of Yucatan in the Bay of Honduras Under the Special and Sole Protection of the Crown of Spain
Robert White
, 2012, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9781275832435

The Case of the Agents to the Settlers on the Coast of Yucatan, and the Late Settlers on the Mosquito-Shore: Stating the Whole of His Conduct, in Soli
Robert White
, 2012, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9781275609990

Rambles in Yucatan or Notes of Travel Through the Peninsula, Including a Visit to the Remarkable Ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabak, Zayi, and Uxmal / B. M. Norman / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024
Norman, B. M.
Outlook Verlag
, 2024, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783368731021

Travels Amongst American Indians | Their ancient earthworks and temples: including a journey in Guatemala, Mexico and Yucatan, and a visit to the ruins of Patinamit, Utatlan, Palenque and Uxmal | Buch
Lindesay Brine
, 2017, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783744754521

Travels Amongst American Indians, Their Ancient Earthworks and Temples | Including a journey in Guatemala, Mexico and Yucatan, and a visit to the ruins of Patinamit, Utatlan, Palenque and Uxmal | Buch
Lindesay Brine
, 2017, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783744796170

Vida del V. Padre Fray Manuel Martinez célebre franciscano yucateco, ó sea estudio historico sobre la extinción de la orden Franciscana en Yucatán y sobre sus consecuencias | Ancona | Taschenbuch
Carrillo y Ancona, Crescencio
Outlook Verlag
, 2024, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783368036713

Die Orchidee. Journal zur Förderung der Orchideenkunde. Jahrgang 65 ( 1 ), 2014. Norbert Baumbach: Yucatan - im Land der Maya; William Cavestro: Dracula fernandezii Cavestro: eine neu beschriebene Art aus Ecuador; etc.
Thiele & Schwarz
, 2014Zustand: wie neu
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Reisen in Zentralamerika und Yucatan 1839-40. Vorwort von Max Mittler. Mit Bildern und Faltkarte. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Hanna Wulf.OLnbd mit SU. Sauberes Exemplar 60. - 599 S. (pages)
L. Stephens, John
Atlantis,Zürich,Freiburg i.Br. 1969 .
, 1969.
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A Visit to Mexico, by the West India Islands, Yucatan and United States, with Observations and Adventures on the Way. In two Volumes. Mit einem gefalteten Frontispiz und einer Faltkarte.
Robertson, W[illia]m Parish.
London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1853.
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Maya cities. A short introductory guide to the principal archaeological sites in Southeastern Mexico and Yucatan. Translated by Dr. Pablo Martinez del Rio.84p., b/w plates, maps
México : Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 1959
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Histoire De Nations Civilisées Du Mexique Et De L'amérique-Centrale, Durant Les Siècles Antérieurs À Christophe Colomb: L'histoire De L'yucatan Et Du Guatémala; Avec Celle De L'anahuac, Durant Le Moye
Brasseur De Bourbourg
Nabu Press
, 2010, TaschenbuchISBN: 9781148594736
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
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The Boy Travellers in Mexico; Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Northern and Central Mexico, Campeachey, and Yucatan, With a Description of the Republics of Central America and of the Nicaragua Canal
Wallace Knox, Thomas
Alpha Editions
, 2022, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9789355895189

Dieses Bild ist kein Original-Foto des angebotenen Exemplars. Abweichungen sind möglich.
Bericht aus Yucatán Diego de Landa. Aus dem Span. von Ulrich Kunzmann. [Hrsg. und mit einem Nachw. von Carlos Rincón. Übers. aus dem Span. von Ulrich Kunzmann. Mit einem Aufsatz von Linda Schele und Mary Ellen Miller]
Landa, Diego de, Carlos Rincón und Carlos Rincón
Reclam, Leipzig
, 1900.Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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Indian Notes and Monographs Vol. IX (No. 1 - 3) + Vol. X (No. 1 - 9). - IX, 1. The Earliest Notices Concerning the Conquest of Mexico by Cortés in 1519; 2. Bibliographic Notes on Uxmal, Yucatan; 3. Reports on the Maya Indians of Yucatan; X,1. A Stone Effigy Pipe from Kentucky; 2. A Sacred Warclub of the Oto; 3. An Illinois Quilled Necklace; 4. Old Sauk and Fox Beaded Garters; 5. A Bird-Quill Belt of the Sauk and Fox Indians; 6. An Archaic Iowa Tomahawk; 7. A Wooden Image from Kentucky; 8. A Mohawk Form of Ritual of Condolence, 1782; 9. Decorative Art of the Tetes de Boule of Quebec.
Saville, Marshall H. / M. R. Harrington / Geeorge H. Pepper / J. N. B. Hewitt / D. S. Davidson / A. Skinner.
Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation
, 1919 - 1928., Hardcover
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