Women and the Arts: - Dialogues in Female Creativity
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Women and the Arts
Diana Almeida
Peter Lang Ltd. International Academic Publishers
, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783034310727
![Almeida, Diana V. [Hrsg.]: Women and the Almeida, Diana V. [Hrsg.]: Women and the](https://images.booklooker.de/t/03280044_MTAxNTI2MA==/Diana-V-Hrsg-Almeida+Women-and-the-Arts-Dialogues-in-Female-Creativity.jpg)
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Women and the Arts. Dialogues in Female Creativity
Almeida, Diana V. [Hrsg.]
Bern: Lang
, 2013.ISBN: 9783034310727
Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut
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