Jerusalem in Panorama -- Showing Historical Walls & Armistice Demarcation Lines 1948 – Buch antiquarisch kaufen
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Upon the brow of hills the mediaeval city is perched and encircled with massive walls that rise high at some points and seem to dispand in other places. Parapets rise with clarity of an etching and over the bulwarks peep the pinnacles, spires, domes. minarets, and towers. This is the city that has been besieged by the armies of the Hebrews, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Turks, Romans, Persians, Saracens, Crusaders, English, and Zionists. Small wonder Jerusalem has been called "the city of magnificent differences” since each conqueror left some memorial of his occupation. Standing in Jerusalem nothing could be more diverting than the people who crowd through the bazaars of the Old City. In those narrow streets surrounded by masterpieces of Saracenic architecture one will see more history in the pascal of the passing races and faces than could be acquired from schoiarly guide books. It is fascinating to see the diversity of passing races and hear the variety of spoken languages. Bear-ded men, black-cloaked and wearing stränge hats are Greek Priests, while Sheiks and Mullahs of Islam in-dicate their rank in the manner and colours of the turbans they wear. The black, white, and brown ro-bes of the Latin religious Orders, and the spreading white coronets on deep blue worn on the Sisters of Charity, and the hooded black-cloaks of Armenian priests add odor and religious atmosphere to the Street scenes in the Old City. One is also impressed by the unlimited variety of weather-hardened fellahin (pea-sants) with dark faces peering out from flowing robes, their heads covered with the fringed kefflyeh and multicoloured abayas. Native woman will be envied by most Western women for their carriage, poise and serenity. The Bedouin women carry their young children astride one shoulder while balancing a tray on the head containing some recent purchase. The village woman wear large pieces of richly embroide-red cloth, and about the neck and head of their cos-turne they have silver or gold coins. They are happy in their simple way, and are undisturbed by the latest styles of the tourists. Some Moslem women go comple-tely veiled in public In contrast some tourists, forgetting the holiness of the city, walk through it attired most indiscreetly. All these people circulate slowly in the crowded bazaars and shops. The bazaars and shops of Jerusalem are unique in compactness and antiquarian interest. They display assorted wares, the odor of spices and roasted "falafel” commingle groceries, carcasses of freshly killed sheep, vegetables and fruits are fully exposed for purchase ; the steady tapping of cobblers’ and coppersmiths’ hammers are heard. Doorways are filled with local sweets, cadburies, post-war Japan goods, American pencils, and Australian butter boxes, the desk of a Professional scribe is side-by-side with an ice-cream vendor. The market places resound with the roaring cries of beverage venders and the sharp warning of a camel driver as his lordly animal moves along without yielding. To pedestrians this accumulation of contrasts in such close quarters makes this city the most interesting spot in the whole world.
This is the first time that a Jerusalem Plan is published, which illustrates in colour the ancient walls of the City. Great care and special study had been given as to the line of these ancient walls. The illus-tration is based on the latest archeological discove-ries of fragments of foundations of ancient towers and walls, as well as based on a careful and logical Interpretation of the Greek text by Josephus Flavius. More than twenty theories have been advanced by archeologists and scholars as to the position of the usw......
Map 57cm X 40cm.
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