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Authorship in Comics Journalism – Buch gebraucht kaufen

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Verkäufer-Bewertung: 100,0% positiv (956 Bewertungen)
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Preis: 31,90 € (49,00 €) *

Versandkosten: 3,00 € (Deutschland)
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* Keine MwSt.-Berechnung, da Privatverkauf. Durchgestrichener Preis ist der in Deutschland einheitlich gebundene Preis für ein neues Exemplar der aktuellsten Auflage mit der ISBN 9783739831237.

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(ISBN-10: 3739831235)
wie neu
15 x 22 cm
660 g
Das Buch ist neu und ungelesen und in sehr gutem Zustand, aber nicht eingeschweiß. Die Deckel sind herstellungsbedingt etwas aufgeworfen.

Dissertation, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 2020

Zusammenfassung: „Autorschaft in Comic-Journalismus“
1 Introduction: Comics, Journalism, and the Author
1.1 Comics Journalism and the Comics Journalist
1.2 Hypotheses, Key Questions, and Aims
1.3 Key Concepts and State of Research
1.4 Corpus, Methodological Issues, and Outline
Theoretical Premises and Generic Constituents of Comics Journalism
2.1 Changing Journalistic Field and Profession
2.1.1 Defining Journalism
2.1.2 Topicality and Relevance
2.1.3 Crisis
2.1.4 Change
2.1.5 List of Challenges
2.2 Representation of Facts: Accuracy and Imagination
2.2.1 Fake News and Alternative Facts
2.2.2 Truth, Essential Truth, and Emotional Truth
2.2.3 Imagination and Informed Imagination
2.2.4 Objectivity in Journalism
2.3 Narrative Mediation
2.3.1 Author and Authorship
2.3.2 Reality Narrations and Reality References
2.3.3 Mediated Authenticity
2.4 The Popularity of Drawing(s)
2.5 In the Tradition of New Journalism
2.6 Classification Categories for Comics Journalism
2.6.1 Way and Medium of Publication
2.6.2 Duration of Production
2.6.3 A Combination of Journalistic Genres
3. The Author in the Storyworld: The Comics Journalistic Pact
3.1 Voice
3.1.1 Voice-Giving
3.1.2 Narrative Mediation in Comics Journalism
3.1.3 First-Person Narration vs. Neutral Documentary-Like Narration
3.1.4 Metaization and Self-Referentiality in Comics Journalism
3.2 Face
3.2.1 The Role of Witnessing
3.2.2 The Relationship between Autobiography and Comics Journalism
3.2.3 Visual Self-Reflection and the ‘Cartoon-Me’
3.2.4 The Challenge of Collaborative Authorship
4. The Author in the Extratextual World
4.1 Hands
4.1.1 The Comics Journalist as a Handicraftswoman
4.1.2 The Comics Journalist as a Messenger
4.1.3 The Comics Journalist as an Engaged Person
4.2 Practices of Authorship in Comics Journalism
4.2.1 Staging of the Authorship?
4.2.2 Phases and Methods of Working
4.2.3 Formal Aspects of Practicing Comics Journalism
4.3 The Use of Social Media in Comics Journalism
4.3.1 Announcement, Advertisement, and Distribution
4.3.2 The Importance of Networks, Brands, and Styles
5. Conclusion and Outlook: Authorship Matters in Comics Journalism
5.1 ‘The Comics Journalistic Pact’ Refers to Voice, Face, and Hands
5.2 Limitations and Further Research Works Cited

What is Comics Journalism,' and 'Why is the author not dead at all?' Because literature and journalism deal differently with "authorship" and "author," this work renegotiates these concepts. It analyzes the author's importance in comics journalism, especially concerning the verification and authentication of the production process. This study gives a broad and extensive overview of the various forms of contemporary comics journalism, and argues that authorship in comics journalism can only be adequately understood by considering the author both on the textual and extratextual level. By combining comics analyses with cultural, sociological, and literary studies approaches, this study introduces the 'comics journalistic pact,' which is an invisible agreement between author and reader, addressing issues of narration ('voice'), testimony ('face'), and journalistic engagement ('hands'). It categorizes comics journalism as a borderline genre between literature, culture, art, and journalism due to its interdisciplinary nature.
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Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG, Dischingerweg 5, 72070 Tübingen
[email protected]

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