The RAINTREE-Trilogy: Inferno + Haunted + Sanctuary – Buch gebraucht kaufen
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gebrauchtes Buch
INFERNO (ISBN 9780373617623)
Book one
Zustand: 2
Die üblichen Leseknicke im Buchrücken, Ecken leicht angestoßen
It’s time to discover the Raintree Triology
Two hundred years after the Raintree clan defeated them, the Ansara wizards are rising again to take on their bitterest foes. As king, it’s up to Dante Raintree to protect his clan, but his heart – and maybe his loyalties – may be fatally divided when Lorna Clay walks into his life. Suddenly fire, always his to control, defeats him, taking with it his livelihood. Unsure whether Lorna is to blame yet unable to walk away from her, Dante faces the fight of his lifetime, a fight even his strenghts and that of the Raintree clan may not be enough to win.
HAUNTED (ISBN 9780373617647)
Book two
Zustand: 3
Die üblichen Leseknicke im Buchrücken, Ecken angestoßen, Buchrücken unten leicht gestaucht
Their name is Raintree
It’s more than a last name; more than a notation on a family tree. It’s a mark of destiny. Each family member has a special gift, an otherwordly talent.
Gideon Raintree, a homicide detective, can harness electricity and talk to ghosts. He will need to wield gifts he’s kept hidden to solve his newest case – a relentless serial killer unleashed by the dark Ansara wizards. But first he must deal with his reaction to Hope Malory, his alluring new partner. He’d never planned on love in the midst of battle. With evil lurking at every turn, Gideon and Hope are in a race against time to save their love, their family… and their newly conceived child.
SANCTUARY (ISBN 9780373617661)
Book three
Zustand: 2-3
Die üblichen Leseknicke im Buchrücken, Ecken leicht angestoßen
The time has come for the battle to decide the Raintree’s fate…
War with their archrival, the evil Ansara clan, is unavoidable. For Mercy Raintree, a war means she must assume her position as guardian of the Sanctuary – the sacred Raintree home place deep in the Smoky Mountains. But doing so threatens to disclose her most prized secret – one Mercy has kept to herself for six years.
As the solstice looms and the battle heats up, Dranir Judah Ansara gathers his forces, intending to wipe EVERY Raintree from the face of the land. Including Mercy, whom he’s claimed as HIS to kill. Then he comes face-to-face with her – and with her daughter, Eve. Will Mercy’s closely guarded secret change not only the outcome of the battle… but also Judah’s own bitter heart?
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