The English Mum - Letters to a German sixteen-year-old – neu kaufen
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(ISBN-10: 3347485262)Verlag:
As a sixteen-year-old exchange student, Fritz recei-ved several letters from his English host mother, which Fritz's parents regarded as inappropriate and intrusive, leading to them immediately asking the host mother to abstain from further contact. Fritz, who regards the contact as a friendship, assesses the situation completely differently and, for decades, feels betrayed by his parents. 50 year…
Verlagstext: As a sixteen-year-old exchange student, Fritz recei-ved several letters from his English host mother, which Fritz's parents regarded as inappropriate and intrusive, leading to them immediately asking the host mother to abstain from further contact. Fritz, who regards the contact as a friendship, assesses the situation completely differently and, for decades, feels betrayed by his parents. 50 year…
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von BuchWeltWeit Inh. Ludwig Meier e.K.
1310 Bewertungen , 99,6% positiv
gewerblicher Anbieter, Neuware
1310 Bewertungen , 99,6% positiv
gewerblicher Anbieter, Neuware