Unternehmensmitbestimmung im deutsch-polnischen … – neu kaufen
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(ISBN-10: 3428181484)Verlag:
»Board-Level Co-Determination in a Comparison of German and Polish Law. A Comparative Analysis of the German and Polish System of Board-Level Employee Involvement« The author undertakes a comprehensive and profound comparative study of board-level co-determination in Germany and Poland. The portrayal of the historical and ideological backgrounds is followed by a detailed analysis of the co-determ…
Verlagstext: »Board-Level Co-Determination in a Comparison of German and Polish Law. A Comparative Analysis of the German and Polish System of Board-Level Employee Involvement« The author undertakes a comprehensive and profound comparative study of board-level co-determination in Germany and Poland. The portrayal of the historical and ideological backgrounds is followed by a detailed analysis of the co-determ…