The Office of the Austrian Federal President at the Vien… – neu kaufen
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(ISBN-10: 3710606756)Verlag:
The Leopoldine Wing of the Vienna Hofburg is a centre of political life in Austria - today, as the seat of the offices of the republic's head of state, just as it was in past times as a ceremonial centre of the Hasburgs. Built under Emperor Leopold I as an extension of the medieval castle complex, this wing contained the most splendid interiors of the imperial court in Vienna, valuable furniture …
Verlagstext: The Leopoldine Wing of the Vienna Hofburg is a centre of political life in Austria - today, as the seat of the offices of the republic's head of state, just as it was in past times as a ceremonial centre of the Hasburgs. Built under Emperor Leopold I as an extension of the medieval castle complex, this wing contained the most splendid interiors of the imperial court in Vienna, valuable furniture …