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Studia Dipterologica 13 (1) – Buch gebraucht kaufen

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Verkäufer-Bewertung: 100,0% positiv (245 Bewertungen)
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Preis: 27,60 € *

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192 pp., num. figs, br. gr. 8 [16.5 x 24 cm]
Amorim, S. de S. & Yeates, D.: Pesky gnats: Ridding dipteran classification of the Nematocera.
Vanin, S.: Phenological and altitudinal distribution of Bibionidae (Diptera, Nematocera) in Southern Alps (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy).
Chandler, P. J.: The Neotropical species of Sciophila Meigen (Diptera, Mycetophilidae).
Haenni, J.-P.: Faunistic and taxonomic notes on European Anisopodidae (Diptera).
Dengler, K.: Zur Bionomie der räuberisch an Larven von Xylodiplosis spec. lebenden Gallmücke Lestodiplosis xylodiplosuga Skuhravá & Dengler, 2001 (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae).
Rulik, B. & Kallweit, U.: A blackbird's nest as breeding substrate for insects - first record of Docosia fumosa Edwards, 1925 (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from Germany.
Menzel, F. & Heller, K.: Trauermücken (Diptera: Sciaridae) aus dem Nationalpark "Hainich" (Thüringen) nebst der Beschreibung von Scatopsciara andrei Menzel spec. nov.
Koc, H. & Zwick, P.: New species and records of Net-Winged Midges (Diptera: Blephariceridae) from Asia Minor.
Zwick, P.: Revision of the genus Asioreas Brodsky (Diptera: Blephariceridae).
Wagner, R.: Amber Bruchomyiinae - descriptions of already known and new species, and the position of the 'subfamily' within Psychodidae (s. l.) (Diptera).
Wagner, R. & Svensson, B. W.: The exceptional discovery of a new neotropical moth fly in Sweden (Diptera Psychodidae).
T´thová, A. & Knoz, J.: A revised check-list of the biting midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Stary, J.: Hoplolabis (Parilisia) species related to H. (P.) punctigera (Lackschewitz, 1940) and H. (P.) spinosa (Nielsen, 1953) with the description of a new species (Diptera, Limoniidae).
Lukashevich, E. D., Huang, D.-Y. & Lin, Q.-B.: Rare families of lower Diptera (Hennigmatidae, Blephariceridae, Perissommatidae) from the Jurassic of China.
Ribeiro do Amaral, A. M., Dos Santos Valente, A. C., Dos Santos Calvao-Brito, R. H. & Maia-Herzog, M.: Oviposition of Simuliidae (Diptera) on pupae of Simulium (Hemicnetha) rubrithorax Lutz.
Smith, P. T. & Brown, B. V.: Molecular evidence for the family classification of Tachinisca Kertész, 1903 (Diptera: Tephritoidea).
Jentzsch, M. & Arnold, A.: Zur Verbreitung der Stinkfliege Coenomyia ferruginea (Scopoli, 1763) in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen.
Jentzsch, M. & Arnold, A.: Historical and new records of Coenomyia ferruginea (Scopoli, 1763) from Germany and some other countries (Diptera, Coenomyidae).
Lavigne, R. J.: A new species of Bathypogon Loew (Insecta: Diptera: Asilidae) from South Australia with notes on its behaviour.
da Silva Döge, J. et al.: New data on the occurence of the subgenus Drosophila (Drosophila) in Brazil: I. The Drosophila tripunctata species group (Diptera, Drosophilidae).
Gatt, P.: New morphological observations on Paralimosina fucata (Rondani) with remarks on the male fifth abdominal sternite in the genus Paralimosina Papp (1973) (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae).

New taxa: Scatopsciara andrei n. sp., Liponeura vinconi n. sp., Asioreas brodskyi n. sp., Asioreas devyatkovi n. sp., Nemapalpus hoffeinsi n. sp., Nemapalpus scheveni n. sp., Alepia vaga n. sp., Hoplolabis (Parilisia) longior n. sp., Daohennigma n. gen., Daohennigma panops n. sp., Blephadejurinae n. subfam., Blephadejura n. gen., Blephadejura propria n. sp., Perissordinae n. subfam., Perissordes n. gen., Perissordes pilosus n. sp., Bathypogon danielsi n. sp.
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