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Verkäufer-Bewertung: 99,3% positiv (2636 Bewertungen)
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(ISBN-13: 9783453053649)
220 g
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235 (5) Seiten. 18,8 cm. Taschenbuch. Kartoniert.
Guter Zustand. Seiten papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. - Susan Quilliam (born 1950 in Liverpool) is a British psychologist with particular focus on personal relationships. She works as an advice columnist, writer, broadcaster, consultant, trainer and coach. Quilliam is associated with several relationship organisations, including Relate and the Family Planning Association, and is the author of 21 books published in 33 countries and 24 languages. She revised The Joy of Sex (2008) for modern sensibilities. Early life, education and career: Born in Liverpool in 1950, Quilliam gained her Psychology degree at the University of Liverpool (1971) followed by a PGCE at Christ's College of Education (1972). She then taught English and Personal, Health and Social Education (PSHE) in secondary and further education (1972-1979) before moving to London to work in educational publishing (1979-1983). In 1983 she established Jonquil Publishing (later The Chalkface Project), a publishing company specialising in Personal and Social Education, whilst concurrently working freelance as a writer on relationships and sexuality. This later part of her career developed through advice-giving work as an agony aunt to various publications including Good Housekeeping, which brought a high level media profile. This was followed by the development of her career through authoring relationship books and articles; broadcasting, consultancy and training on relationship topics and coaching clients one-to-one. Later public career: Quilliam is the sex and relationship agony aunt for Fabulous magazine, Britain’s biggest-circulation Sunday supplement, as well as relationship columnist for Cliterati and resident psychologist answering patient questions for the Sexual Advice Association website. Quilliam came to attention in both the US and UK for her rewriting of the manual The Joy of Sex (2008). Originally published in 1972, she reworked Alex Comfort's book for a better male/female balance. She has in addition written 21 books on love and sex published in 30 counties and 21 languages; three of her books have been written for Relate and The Samaritans, with whom she works closely. Since 2003 she has also been Consumer Correspondent columnist for, and a member of the Editorial Board of, the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. Quilliam has appeared on radio and television and from 2008 to 2010, co-presented a weekly radio programme, Sex in the City with Jim Davis on LBC 97.3,[3] which was at the time the highest-rated radio programme in the 10-midnight Friday night time slot. She is on the Media Advisory team of the Enduring Love? project project at the Open University. Quilliam has run workshops on relationships and intimacy and is on the London faculties of The School of Life and Your Daily Bread, and has spoken several times at the Royal Society of Medicine on the links between relationships and health. She was shortlisted for the Family Planning Association’s Rosemary Goodchild Award for excellence in journalism, and has also served as a judge for this award. In 2009 Quilliam was named one of the Family Planning Association’s 21st Century Achievers. Campaigns she has worked on have won PR Week Award for Campaign of the Year and PR Week Award for Ethical Health Care. In August 2013, Quilliam was announced as the official spokesperson and Sex and Relationship Expert for the Durex brand of sexual health and pleasure products. Pro Bono work: Susan advises and campaigns for a number of charities dealing with relationship and sexual problems, including Relate and the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists. She is also resident psychologist answering patient questions for the Sexual Advice Association website and sits on the following advisory boards: Editorial Committee, Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care; Women's Health Concern. She is Patron of the Outsiders charity. ... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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