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Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology – Buch gebraucht kaufen

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Verkäufer-Bewertung: 100,0% positiv (5 Bewertungen)
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Preis: 12,00 € *

Versandkosten: 2,70 € (Deutschland)
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(ISBN-13: 9780679745402)
leichte Gebrauchsspuren
202×132×17 mm
234 (XII + 222)
285 g
New York
Erstauflage der Vintage-Books-Ausgabe, April 1993 (Erstausgabe war Knopf Verlag, 1992)
Sehr guter Zustand, aber nicht wie neu (vermutl. 1× gelesen):
– Altersbedingt nachgedunkelt; unterer Schnitt fleckig; Ecken leicht bestoßen; Einband leicht berieben, hintere lange Einbandkante abgegriffen; Bestandsnummer und Preis der Buchhandlung in Bleistift auf hinterer Umschlag-Innenseite;
+ Buchblock relativ fest, Buchrücken eben und plan ohne Aufbiegespuren; alle Seiten völlig fest eingefügt, unversehrt, sauber und ohne Gebrauchsspuren.

With characteristic wit and candor, Neil Postman, our most astute and engaging cultural critic, launches a trenchant—and harrowing—warning against the tyranny of machines over man in the late twentieth century. We live in a time when physical well-being is determined by CAT scan results. Facts need the substantiation of statistical study. The human mind needs “deprogramming” while computers catch devastating “viruses.” We live, then, in a Technopoly—a self-justifying, self-perpetuating system wherein technology of every kind is cheerfully granted sovereignty over social institutions and national life.
In this provocative work, the author of ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ chronicles our transformation from a society that uses technology to one that is shaped by it, as he traces its effects upon what we mean by politics, intellect, religion, history—even privacy and truth. But if Technopoly is disturbing, it is also a passionate rallying cry filled with a humane rationalism as it asserts the manifold means by which technology, placed within the context of our larger human goals and social values, is an invaluable instrument for furthering the most worthy human endeavors.

Neil Postman is a critic, communications theorist, and Chair of the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at New York University. In 1987 he was given the George Orwell Award for Clarity in Language by the National Council of Teachers of English. In 1989 he received the Distinguished Professor Award at New York University. In the spring of 1991 he was Laurence Lombard Visiting Professor of the Press and Public Policy at Harvard University. For ten years he was editor of ‘Et Cetera’, the journal of General Semantics. His seventeen previous books include ‘Teaching as a Subversive Activity’ (with Charles Weingartner), ‘The Disappearance of Childhood’, ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’, and ‘Conscientious Objections’.
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