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Verkäufer-Bewertung: 100,0% positiv (239 Bewertungen)
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Preis: 28,75 € *

Versandkosten: 6,00 € (Deutschland)
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* Inkl. Mwst.

124 pp., num. figs, br. 4
Owen, B. & Raffety, A.: Identification Guide and Iconography of Eastern Pacific Hybrid Abalone Shells (Genus Haliotis) Part 2 of 2.
Powell, II, C. L. & Berschauer, D. P.: Crossata (Gastropoda: Bursidae) in the eastern Pacific: A morphologic and paleontologic perspective.
Maxwell, S. J., Dekkers, A. M., Berschauer, D. P. & Congdon, B. C.: A new Domiporta (Gastropoda, Mitridae) from tropical Queensland.
Thach, N. N.: Amphidromus chrisabbasi, a new species (Gastropoda: Camaenidae) from Indonesia.
Strano, G.: A Study on Olive Shells - 3: Juvenile or Adult? Prejudices, Evidence, a New Growth Model and Taxonomic Consequences.
Petuch, E. J. & Berschauer, D. P.: A New Genus and a New Subspecies of Olive Shell (Olividae: Olivinae) from the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
Veldsman, S. G.: Description of a new Marginella: Marginella martiae from the East Coast Province, South Africa.
Petuch, E. J., Berschauer, D. P. & Poremski, A.: New Species of Jaspidiconus (Conidae: Conilithinae) from the Carolinian and Caribbean Molluscan Provinces.
Velásquez, M., Valentich-Scott, P. & Capelo, J. C.: Marine boring bivalve mollusks from Isla Margarita, Venezuela.
Owen, B.: The Second known 12-inch Red Abalone taken by California recreational diver, and history of current and past world record Red Abalone [Haliotis rufescens].

New taxa: Domiporta valdacantamessae n. sp., Amphidromus (Amphidromus) chrisabbasi n. sp., Felicioliva n. gen., Felicioliva kaleontina chimu n. ssp., Marginella martiae n. sp., Jaspidiconus chaac n. sp., Jaspidiconus ixchel n. sp., Jaspidiconus chinchorroensis n. sp., Jaspidiconus lusca n. sp., Jaspidiconus kellyae n. sp., Jaspidiconus tayrona n. sp., Jaspidiconus booti n. sp.
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