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Railroad Tycoon 2 Xplosiv – Spiel gebraucht kaufen

Dieser Artikel wurde am 29.11.2024 verkauft.
leichte Gebrauchsspuren
1 bis 31
Alter ab:
6 Jahre
150 g
original english import.
A Strategy game that runs on a totally different kind of engine!
The real heart of the game is its detailed business simulation of 19th and 20th century railroad empires. At the beginning of a scenario or campaign, you form a railroad company, and it then becomes your job to meet the expectations of your shareholders by supplying the goods and services demanded by the game's cities and industries.
It isn't easy. Those pretty trains chugging across the bucolic landscape have to be maintained, repaired, and replaced regularly or you run the risk of experiencing an expensive breakdown or crash. As the years tick by you must also adapt to historical demands. New industries spring up while others become less important. The passenger and mail routes that generate so much cash at the beginning of the game don't even cover your expenses once the automobile steals the show. The availability of new trains (the game models over 60), the fact that demands wax and wane over time, and the inclusion of a fully functioning stock market simulation that allows for hostile takeovers add up to a game where players always have something to do.

Railroad Tycoon II ist die Fortsetzung des legendären Wirtschafts-Strategiespiels ''Railroad Tycoon''. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Aufbau eines erfolgreichen Schienennetzes. Sie errichten Bahnhöfe, verbinden Städte und Industriezweige und handeln mit den produzierten Gütern.

Windows 95 or 98, NT 4
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