ISBN beginnend mit 9783030253
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783030253028: Valerie Harwood: The Promotion of Education – A Critical Cultural Social Marketing Approach
- ISBN 9783030253035: Elaine Seymour: Talking about Leaving Revisited – Persistence, Relocation, and Loss in Undergraduate STEM Education
- ISBN 9783030253066: Elaine Seymour: Talking about Leaving Revisited – Persistence, Relocation, and Loss in Undergraduate STEM Education
- ISBN 9783030253073: Kieran C. O'Doherty: Psychological Studies of Science and Technology
- ISBN 9783030253103: Kieran C. O'Doherty: Psychological Studies of Science and Technology
- ISBN 9783030253110: Stefan Biffl: Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering – With Forewords by Robert M. Lee and Tom Gilb
- ISBN 9783030253141: Stefan Biffl: Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering – With Forewords by Robert M. Lee and Tom Gilb
- ISBN 9783030253158: Juan Carlos Castro: Mobile Media In and Outside of the Art Classroom – Attending to Identity, Spatiality, and Materiality
- ISBN 9783030253189: Juan Carlos Castro: Mobile Media In and Outside of the Art Classroom – Attending to Identity, Spatiality, and Materiality
- ISBN 9783030253196: Njoki Nathani Wane: Decolonizing the Spirit in Education and Beyond – Resistance and Solidarity
- ISBN 9783030253226: Njoki Nathani Wane: Decolonizing the Spirit in Education and Beyond – Resistance and Solidarity
- ISBN 9783030253233: Mala Sachdeva: Obstetric and Gynecologic Nephrology – Women’s Health Issues in the Patient With Kidney Disease
- ISBN 9783030253264: Mala Sachdeva: Obstetric and Gynecologic Nephrology – Women’s Health Issues in the Patient With Kidney Disease
- ISBN 9783030253271: Alice Louise Kassens: Intemperate Spirits – Economic Adaptation during Prohibition
- ISBN 9783030253318: Kaspar Althoefer: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems – 20th Annual Conference, TAROS 2019, London, UK, July 3–5, 2019, Proceedings, Part II
- ISBN 9783030253349: Kathryn Colby: Foundations of Corneal Disease – Past, Present and Future
- ISBN 9783030253370: Mark Lupisella: Cosmological Theories of Value – Science, Philosophy, and Meaning in Cosmic Evolution
- ISBN 9783030253400: Tal Hörer: Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management – Bleeding and Haemodynamic Control
- ISBN 9783030253431: Tal Hörer: Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management – Bleeding and Haemodynamic Control
- ISBN 9783030253448: Richard Beckman: Charm in Literature from Classical to Modernism – Charmed Life
- ISBN 9783030253493: Alina Gamboa: Regional Integration, Development, and Governance in Mesoamerica
- ISBN 9783030253523: Alina Gamboa: Regional Integration, Development, and Governance in Mesoamerica
- ISBN 9783030253530: Okon Akiba: Preventive Diplomacy, Security, and Human Rights in West Africa
- ISBN 9783030253561: Okon Akiba: Preventive Diplomacy, Security, and Human Rights in West Africa
- ISBN 9783030253578: Calvin Jongsma: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics via Logic and Proof
- ISBN 9783030253608: Calvin Jongsma: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics via Logic and Proof
- ISBN 9783030253615: Sherry Cummings: Senior Cohousing – A New Way Forward for Active Older Adults
- ISBN 9783030253646: Can Başkent: Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency
- ISBN 9783030253677: Can Başkent: Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency
- ISBN 9783030253684: Ruth Massey: Urban Geography in South Africa – Perspectives and Theory
- ISBN 9783030253714: Ruth Massey: Urban Geography in South Africa – Perspectives and Theory
- ISBN 9783030253721: Mieczyslaw Pokorski: Advances in Biomedicine
- ISBN 9783030253752: Mieczyslaw Pokorski: Advances in Biomedicine
- ISBN 9783030253769: David Diallo: Collective Participation and Audience Engagement in Rap Music
- ISBN 9783030253806: Jeffrey D. Cirillo: Tuberculosis Host-Pathogen Interactions
- ISBN 9783030253837: Jeffrey D. Cirillo: Tuberculosis Host-Pathogen Interactions
- ISBN 9783030253844: Moustafa Kardjadj: Transboundary Animal Diseases in Sahelian Africa and Connected Regions
- ISBN 9783030253875: Moustafa Kardjadj: Transboundary Animal Diseases in Sahelian Africa and Connected Regions
- ISBN 9783030253912: Andrzej Grzybowski: Current Concepts in Ophthalmology
- ISBN 9783030253929: Jaafar Aksikas: Cultural Studies in the Classroom and Beyond – Critical Pedagogies and Classroom Strategies
- ISBN 9783030253950: Jaafar Aksikas: Cultural Studies in the Classroom and Beyond – Critical Pedagogies and Classroom Strategies
- ISBN 9783030253967: Federica Buongiorno: Phenomenology in Italy – Authors, Schools and Traditions
- ISBN 9783030253998: Federica Buongiorno: Phenomenology in Italy – Authors, Schools and Traditions