ISBN beginnend mit 9783031195
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783031195013: Reza Borhani: Fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Medicine
- ISBN 9783031195044: N. Bourbaki: Théories spectrales – Chapitres 3 à 5
- ISBN 9783031195068: Kadri Aavik: Contesting Anthropocentric Masculinities Through Veganism – Lived Experiences of Vegan Men
- ISBN 9783031195099: Kadri Aavik: Contesting Anthropocentric Masculinities Through Veganism – Lived Experiences of Vegan Men
- ISBN 9783031195105: John Rethorst: Why Teaching Art Is Teaching Ethics
- ISBN 9783031195136: John Rethorst: Why Teaching Art Is Teaching Ethics
- ISBN 9783031195143: Peter C. Kratcoski: Juvenile Justice Administration – Processes and Issues
- ISBN 9783031195174: Peter C. Kratcoski: Juvenile Justice Administration – Processes and Issues
- ISBN 9783031195181: Elias Götz: Russia’s Role in World Politics – Power, Ideas, and Domestic Influences
- ISBN 9783031195211: Elias Götz: Russia’s Role in World Politics – Power, Ideas, and Domestic Influences
- ISBN 9783031195228: Manolo Dulva Hina: Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication – Selected Papers from the 2nd EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communications (CICom 2021)
- ISBN 9783031195259: Manolo Dulva Hina: Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication – Selected Papers from the 2nd EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communications (CICom 2021)
- ISBN 9783031195266: Gbadebo O. A. Odularu: Agricultural Transformation in Africa – Contemporary Issues, Empirics, and Policies
- ISBN 9783031195297: Gbadebo O. A. Odularu: Agricultural Transformation in Africa – Contemporary Issues, Empirics, and Policies
- ISBN 9783031195303: Ghenadii Korotcenkov: Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors – Volume 1, Materials and Technology
- ISBN 9783031195334: Ghenadii Korotcenkov: Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors – Volume 1, Materials and Technology
- ISBN 9783031195341: David C. Aron: An Insider’s Guide to Academic Medicine – A Clinical Teacher’s Perspective
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- ISBN 9783031195402: Alan M. Whitman: Thermodynamics: Basic Principles and Engineering Applications
- ISBN 9783031195419: Gianfrancesco Zanetti: Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Volume 1: From Plato to Rousseau
- ISBN 9783031195440: Gianfrancesco Zanetti: Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Volume 1: From Plato to Rousseau
- ISBN 9783031195457: Gianfrancesco Zanetti: Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Volume 2: From Kant to Nietzsche
- ISBN 9783031195488: Gianfrancesco Zanetti: Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Volume 2: From Kant to Nietzsche
- ISBN 9783031195495: Gianfrancesco Zanetti: Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Volume 3: From Ross to Dworkin and Beyond
- ISBN 9783031195525: Gianfrancesco Zanetti: Handbook of the History of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy – Volume 3: From Ross to Dworkin and Beyond
- ISBN 9783031195532: Werner Liebregts: Data Science for Entrepreneurship – Principles and Methods for Data Engineering, Analytics, Entrepreneurship, and the Society
- ISBN 9783031195563: Werner Liebregts: Data Science for Entrepreneurship – Principles and Methods for Data Engineering, Analytics, Entrepreneurship, and the Society
- ISBN 9783031195570: Edmund Husserl: Einleitung in die Phänomenologie – Vorlesung 1912
- ISBN 9783031195594: Anna Visvizi: Research and Innovation Forum 2022 – Rupture, Resilience and Recovery in the Post-Covid World
- ISBN 9783031195624: Anna Visvizi: Research and Innovation Forum 2022 – Rupture, Resilience and Recovery in the Post-Covid World
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- ISBN 9783031195747: Krishan V. J. Mistry: Exploring Electron–Neutrino–Argon Interactions
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- ISBN 9783031195990: Georgios Psaroudakis: Risk Sharing in the Euro Area – Legal Aspects