ISBN beginnend mit 9783319434
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319434025: Salvatore Iaconesi: Digital Urban Acupuncture – Human Ecosystems and the Life of Cities in the Age of Communication, Information and Knowledge
- ISBN 9783319434056: R. Ruard Ganzevoort: Lived Religion and the Politics of (In)Tolerance
- ISBN 9783319434087: Leonid N. Sindalovskiy: Aquifer Test Solutions – A Practitioner’s Guide with Algorithms Using ANSDIMAT
- ISBN 9783319434117: Stanislav Misak: Operation Characteristics of Renewable Energy Sources
- ISBN 9783319434148: Seon Ki Park: Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. III)
- ISBN 9783319434179: Pedro Serna: Bioethical Decision Making and Argumentation
- ISBN 9783319434216: Allen Leung: Digital Technologies in Designing Mathematics Education Tasks – Potential and Pitfalls
- ISBN 9783319434247: Gul Agha: Quantitative Evaluation of Systems – 13th International Conference, QEST 2016, Quebec City, QC, Canada, August 23-25, 2016, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319434278: Sorin Dan: The Coordination of European Public Hospital Systems – Interests, Cultures and Resistance
- ISBN 9783319434308: Róisín Healy: Poland in the Irish Nationalist Imagination, 1772–1922 – Anti-Colonialism within Europe
- ISBN 9783319434339: Rachid Benlamri: Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Driving Forces of the Global Economy – Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICLIE)
- ISBN 9783319434360: M. Steven Fish: A Quarter Century of Post-Communism Assessed
- ISBN 9783319434391: Roberto Bruno: Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- ISBN 9783319434421: Roberto Di Stefano: Marian Devotions, Political Mobilization, and Nationalism in Europe and America
- ISBN 9783319434452: Juan Carlos Celedón: Achieving Respiratory Health Equality – A United States Perspective
- ISBN 9783319434483: Hui-Hai Liu: Fluid Flow in the Subsurface – History, Generalization and Applications of Physical Laws
- ISBN 9783319434513: Marc Christopher Thomas: Beyond Standard Model Collider Phenomenology of Higgs Physics and Supersymmetry
- ISBN 9783319434544: Andrea Festanti: Measurement of the D0 Meson Production in Pb–Pb and p–Pb Collisions – A Study Performed with the ALICE Experiment at the LHC
- ISBN 9783319434575: Simone Schuchmann: Modification of K0s and Lambda(AntiLambda) Transverse Momentum Spectra in Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with ALICE
- ISBN 9783319434605: Mireia Crispín Ortuzar: High Jet Multiplicity Physics at the LHC
- ISBN 9783319434636: Fernanda Pinheiro: Multi-species Systems in Optical Lattices – From Orbital Physics in Excited Bands to Effects of Disorder
- ISBN 9783319434667: Andrea Ungar: Cardiac Management in the Frail Elderly Patient and the Oldest Old
- ISBN 9783319434728: Monica Rosén: Cognitive Abilities and Educational Outcomes – A Festschrift in Honour of Jan-Eric Gustafsson
- ISBN 9783319434759: Pierre Brémaud: Discrete Probability Models and Methods – Probability on Graphs and Trees, Markov Chains and Random Fields, Entropy and Coding
- ISBN 9783319434810: Vladimir Belyakov: Diffraction Optics of Complex-Structured Periodic Media – Localized Optical Modes of Spiral Media
- ISBN 9783319434841: Juliet C. Gray: Immunotherapy for Pediatric Malignancies
- ISBN 9783319434872: Elio Tuci: From Animals to Animats 14 – 14th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2016, Aberystwyth, UK, August 23-26, 2016, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319434902: Keith Allan: Pragmemes and Theories of Language Use
- ISBN 9783319434933: George M. Simnett: Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
- ISBN 9783319434995: Gregory W. Dawes: Religion, Philosophy and Knowledge