ISBN beginnend mit 9783319901
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319901008: Marija Zurnić: Corruption and Democratic Transition in Eastern Europe – The Role of Political Scandals in Post-Milošević Serbia
- ISBN 9783319901039: Cong Tian: Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method – 7th International Workshop, SOFL+MSVL 2017, Xi'an, China, November 16, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319901060: Tina Bhutani: Evidence-Based Psoriasis – Diagnosis and Treatment
- ISBN 9783319901091: Luís Barreira: Admissibility and Hyperbolicity
- ISBN 9783319901121: Hirokazu Kikuchi: Presidents versus Federalism in the National Legislative Process – The Argentine Senate in Comparative Perspective
- ISBN 9783319901152: Malcolm Zack: Stargazing Under Suburban Skies – A Star-Hopper's Guide
- ISBN 9783319901183: Michael R. Dietrich: Handbook of the Historiography of Biology
- ISBN 9783319901213: Randall W. Myster: Igapó (Black-water flooded forests) of the Amazon Basin
- ISBN 9783319901244: Steven C. Hertler: Life History Evolution – A Biological Meta-Theory for the Social Sciences
- ISBN 9783319901275: Andrea D. Lewis: Unsung Legacies of Educators and Events in African American Education
- ISBN 9783319901305: Mahyar Arefi: The Palgrave Handbook of Bottom-Up Urbanism
- ISBN 9783319901336: Silvia Dibeltulo: Rethinking Genre in Contemporary Global Cinema
- ISBN 9783319901367: Jacqueline MacDonald: Prospects of Plant-Based Vaccines in Veterinary Medicine
- ISBN 9783319901398: Andrzej Bielecki: Models of Neurons and Perceptrons: Selected Problems and Challenges
- ISBN 9783319901428: Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda: Metallomics – The Science of Biometals
- ISBN 9783319901459: Carlos Rubio-Bellido: Energy Optimization and Prediction in Office Buildings – A Case Study of Office Building Design in Chile
- ISBN 9783319901480: Kenro Kusumi: The Genetics and Development of Scoliosis
- ISBN 9783319901510: Carlos H. Schenck: Rapid-Eye-Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder
- ISBN 9783319901541: Alexander Popp: Contact Modeling for Solids and Particles
- ISBN 9783319901572: Anthony J. Makin: The Limits of Fiscal Policy
- ISBN 9783319901602: Diana R. Dansereau: Pluralism in American Music Education Research – Essays and Narratives
- ISBN 9783319901633: Kemal Oflazer: Turkish Natural Language Processing
- ISBN 9783319901664: Florentine Mariele Sophie Roth: B Corp Entrepreneurs – Analysing the Motivations and Values behind Running a Social Business
- ISBN 9783319901695: María José Abásolo: Applications and Usability of Interactive Television – 6th Iberoamerican Conference, jAUTI 2017, Aveiro, Portugal, October 12-13, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319901725: Guangwei Huang: Urban Planning and Water-related Disaster Management
- ISBN 9783319901756: Bob Jickling: Wild Pedagogies – Touchstones for Re-Negotiating Education and the Environment in the Anthropocene
- ISBN 9783319901787: Nigel Calder: Using Mobile Technologies in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
- ISBN 9783319901817: Ciarán Michael Casey: Policy Failures and the Irish Economic Crisis
- ISBN 9783319901848: Silvia Ronchi: Ecosystem Services for Spatial Planning – Innovative Approaches and Challenges for Practical Applications
- ISBN 9783319901879: Gennady Stupakov: Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in Accelerator Physics
- ISBN 9783319901909: Ishtiaq Jamil: Civil Service Management and Administrative Systems in South Asia
- ISBN 9783319901930: Weijian Jiang: Cerebral Ischemic Reperfusion Injuries (CIRI) – Bench Research and Clinical Implications
- ISBN 9783319901961: Morgan M. Medlock: Racism and Psychiatry – Contemporary Issues and Interventions
- ISBN 9783319901992: Andrew J. Mashburn: Kindergarten Transition and Readiness – Promoting Cognitive, Social-Emotional, and Self-Regulatory Development