ISBN beginnend mit 9783337893
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783337893002: Anonymous: Window and parlor gardening
- ISBN 9783337893019: John Bodenham: Bodenham's Belvedere; or, The garden of the mvses
- ISBN 9783337893026: George Ticknor: Life of William Hickling Prescott
- ISBN 9783337893033: Henry Varnum Poor: Resumption and the silver question
- ISBN 9783337893040: Philip Stewart Robinson: In garden, orchard and spinney..
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- ISBN 9783337893064: Charles Linneaus Allen: Bulbs and tuberous-rooted plants
- ISBN 9783337893071: Frank W Sempers: Manures: How to make and how to use them
- ISBN 9783337893088: Mary Treat: Injurious insects of the farm and garden.
- ISBN 9783337893095: William Robinson: The wild garden
- ISBN 9783337893101: M. E Dunlap: A manual of the general principles of law
- ISBN 9783337893118: Cameron Knight: The mechanician, a treatise on the construction and manipulation of tools, for the use and instruction of young engineers and scientific amateurs
- ISBN 9783337893125: Alfred Smee: My garden
- ISBN 9783337893132: Wesley Bissonnette: Bits of blue
- ISBN 9783337893149: Joseph Battell: The Yankee boy from home ..
- ISBN 9783337893156: Thomson, Peter G.: Cincinnati Society Blue Book and family directory
- ISBN 9783337893163: James Alexander Henshall: More about the black bass
- ISBN 9783337893170: George Adams Fisher: The Yankee conscript
- ISBN 9783337893187: Lucas Malet: Mrs. Lorimer
- ISBN 9783337893194: Lucas Malet: Mrs. Lorimer
- ISBN 9783337893200: Jeremiah Sullivan Black: Essays and speeches of Jeremiah S. Black
- ISBN 9783337893217: Sarah L Barrow: Red, white and blue socks
- ISBN 9783337893224: R. T. Haines Halsey: Pictures of early New York
- ISBN 9783337893231: R. L. Polk and Co.: The Dual city blue book
- ISBN 9783337893248: James Lane Allen: The blue-grass region of Kentucky
- ISBN 9783337893255: Silver Dun: The blue Andalusian
- ISBN 9783337893262: Selborne, Roundell Palmer: The endowments and establishment of the Church of England
- ISBN 9783337893279: Chicago Western Historical Co.: The history of Black Hawk County, Iowa, containing a history of the county
- ISBN 9783337893286: Swisher, Bella French: Black River Falls, Wis
- ISBN 9783337893293: Anonymous: Organization of nursing
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- ISBN 9783337893316: Wilkie Collins: The black Robe
- ISBN 9783337893323: Wilkie Collins: The black robe
- ISBN 9783337893330: Wilkie Collins: The black robe
- ISBN 9783337893347: Francisque Michel: The life & feats of arms
- ISBN 9783337893354: Leopold George Heath: Letters from the Black Sea during the Crimean war
- ISBN 9783337893361: Anonymous: White and Blue
- ISBN 9783337893378: Bennett Henderson Young: History of the Battle of Blue Licks
- ISBN 9783337893385: Anonymous: The Black book of Warwick
- ISBN 9783337893392: Anonymous: Recollections of old Liverpool
- ISBN 9783337893408: Frank Beard: Chalk lessons, or The blackboard in the Sunday school
- ISBN 9783337893415: Gosson, Louis C.: Post-bellum campaigns of the blue and gray
- ISBN 9783337893422: Joseph Waldo Denny: Wearing the blue in the Twenty-fifth Mass.
- ISBN 9783337893439: Anthony Trollope: Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
- ISBN 9783337893446: Horatio Alger: Ragged Dick, or, Street life in New York with the boot-blacks
- ISBN 9783337893453: Robert P. Nevin: Black-robes, or, sketches of missions and ministers ..
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- ISBN 9783337893538: Alexandre Dumas: The first republic, or, The Whites and the Blues, in two volumes
- ISBN 9783337893545: Alexandre Dumas: The first republic; or, The Whites and the Blues
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- ISBN 9783337893682: Anonymous: Light of Truth or An English Translation of the Satyarth Prakash
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- ISBN 9783337893828: George Clapperton: Practical paper-making
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- ISBN 9783337893866: William Ewart Gladstone: The impregnable rock of holy scripture
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- ISBN 9783337893880: Julius Charles Hare: Guesses at truth
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- ISBN 3337893929: George Washington Julian: Radicalism and conservation
- ISBN 9783337893927: George Washington Julian: Radicalism and conservation
- ISBN 9783337893934: Anonymous: Genealogy of the Brewster family
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