ISBN beginnend mit 9783639105
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3639105001: Andreas Felber: Supply Chain Management in der Automobilzulieferindustrie
- ISBN 9783639105001: Andreas Felber: Supply Chain Management in der Automobilzulieferindustrie
- ISBN 9783639105049: Waseem Anwar: BLACK WOMEN S DRAMATIC DISCOURSE
- ISBN 3639105087: László Gyopár: Thoreau's Ideas for Modern Times
- ISBN 9783639105087: László Gyopár: Thoreau's Ideas for Modern Times
- ISBN 9783639105100: Henrik Birgersson: Development and Assessment of Regeneration Methods for Commercial Automotive Three-Way Catalysts
- ISBN 9783639105117: Evelyne Schneider: Indikatoren-Entwicklung für das Messen und Bewerten von Wissen
- ISBN 9783639105124: Birgit Weber: Direct-to-Consumer Kommunikation in der Pharma-Industrie
- ISBN 3639105133: Schwietz, Michele S.: Internationalization of the Academic Profession
- ISBN 9783639105131: Schwietz, Michele S.: Internationalization of the Academic Profession
- ISBN 9783639105148: Cornelia Moser: Generika
- ISBN 9783639105155: Michael Müller: Supply Chain Controlling
- ISBN 9783639105162: Michael Daum: Wie Künstliche Intelligenz durch Quantenphysik zu Bewusstsein erwacht
- ISBN 3639105176: Carolin-Carmen Neubauer: Diversity Management as Competetive Advantages in Economies
- ISBN 9783639105179: Carolin-Carmen Neubauer: Diversity Management as Competetive Advantages in Economies
- ISBN 3639105184: Farhad Mukhtarov: The Prospects of Privatization of Water Supply Services
- ISBN 9783639105186: Farhad Mukhtarov: The Prospects of Privatization of Water Supply Services
- ISBN 3639105192: Martin Fürnkranz: Personaleinsatzplanung von Ärzten anhand von Stellenbeschreibungen
- ISBN 9783639105193: Martin Fürnkranz: Personaleinsatzplanung von Ärzten anhand von Stellenbeschreibungen
- ISBN 9783639105209: SITKIYE KUTER: Developing a Collaborative Partnership in Initial Teacher Education
- ISBN 9783639105223: Evelyn Cartright: The Relationship between Ethics and Ethnicity
- ISBN 3639105230: Judith Booth: The Recruiter and the Indian Information Technologist
- ISBN 9783639105230: Judith Booth: The Recruiter and the Indian Information Technologist
- ISBN 3639105249: Wesley Colvin: Invasive Plants Conservation and Restoration on Santa Cruz Island CA
- ISBN 9783639105247: Wesley Colvin: Invasive Plants Conservation and Restoration on Santa Cruz Island CA
- ISBN 9783639105254: Hua Xu: Data Analysis for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
- ISBN 3639105265: Lynn Brunet: The Masonic Presence in Contemporary Art
- ISBN 9783639105261: Lynn Brunet: The Masonic Presence in Contemporary Art
- ISBN 9783639105278: Dao-Xin Yao: Magnetism in Strongly Correlated Systems
- ISBN 3639105281: Moolman, Francis Sean: Oxygen Carriers for a Novel Bio-artificial Liver Support System
- ISBN 9783639105285: Moolman, Francis Sean: Oxygen Carriers for a Novel Bio-artificial Liver Support System
- ISBN 3639105303: Reinhard Sollböck: Navigation related Communication with Galileo
- ISBN 9783639105308: Reinhard Sollböck: Navigation related Communication with Galileo
- ISBN 9783639105315: Thomas Kothmiller: Entwicklungsperspektiven für österreichische Autobahnraststationen
- ISBN 363910532X: Ester Appelgren: Media Convergence and Digital News Services
- ISBN 9783639105322: Ester Appelgren: Media Convergence and Digital News Services
- ISBN 3639105338: Donna MacKinnon: Becoming an Adult in Rural Scotland
- ISBN 9783639105339: Donna MacKinnon: Becoming an Adult in Rural Scotland
- ISBN 3639105346: Nieko Maatjes: Automated Transformations from ECA Rules to Jess
- ISBN 9783639105346: Nieko Maatjes: Automated Transformations from ECA Rules to Jess
- ISBN 9783639105353: Robert Baggs: Bitter Rivals make Great Art
- ISBN 9783639105360: Mahnaz Shafii: Available Bandwith Estimation
- ISBN 9783639105377: Eikemo, Terje Andreas: Health Inequalities in European Welfare States
- ISBN 9783639105384: Tuula Keinonen: Science Education
- ISBN 9783639105391: Johannes Hohenbichler: Das Designziel online=offline
- ISBN 9783639105407: Schefcik, Leopold: Schefcik, L: Der 14-Punkte-Plan
- ISBN 3639105419: Gerald Zimmer: Development of a CellChip based Multi-Well-Type Bioreactor
- ISBN 9783639105414: Gerald Zimmer: Development of a CellChip based Multi-Well-Type Bioreactor
- ISBN 9783639105421: Salwa Al-Darwish: Investigation of teachers' perceptions of EL Curriculum in KES
- ISBN 3639105435: Holly Dunsworth: Proconsul heseloni feet from Rusinga Island, Kenya
- ISBN 9783639105438: Holly Dunsworth: Proconsul heseloni feet from Rusinga Island, Kenya
- ISBN 9783639105445: Bernd Wollmann: Journalismus 2.0 - So denken die Journalisten im Internetzeitalter
- ISBN 3639105451: Chad Johnson: Psychotherapy With Troubled Spirits
- ISBN 9783639105452: Chad Johnson: Psychotherapy With Troubled Spirits
- ISBN 363910546X: Marie-Elene Roberge: When and how does diversity increase group performance?
- ISBN 9783639105469: Marie-Elene Roberge: When and how does diversity increase group performance?
- ISBN 9783639105476: Attilio Sacripanti: Advances in Judo Biomechanics Research
- ISBN 3639105486: Ashutosh Nandeshwar: Models for Calculating Confidence Intervals for Neural Networks
- ISBN 9783639105483: Ashutosh Nandeshwar: Models for Calculating Confidence Intervals for Neural Networks
- ISBN 3639105494: Elsadig Elsheikh: Darfur: Domesticating Coloniality
- ISBN 9783639105490: Elsadig Elsheikh: Darfur: Domesticating Coloniality
- ISBN 3639105516: Nurhayati Abdullah: Processing Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches
- ISBN 9783639105513: Nurhayati Abdullah: Processing Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches
- ISBN 9783639105520: Christian Leeb: From Nose to Brain
- ISBN 3639105532: Asad Amir: Industry Technology Roadmapping of Nonwoven Medical Textiles
- ISBN 9783639105537: Asad Amir: Industry Technology Roadmapping of Nonwoven Medical Textiles
- ISBN 9783639105568: Artem Kashubin: Seismic studies of Paleozoic orogens in SW Iberia and the Middle Urals
- ISBN 3639105575: Dilbarhon Hasanova: Functional Allocations of English in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
- ISBN 9783639105575: Dilbarhon Hasanova: Functional Allocations of English in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
- ISBN 3639105583: Terrylynn Tyrell: Community Screening for ASD in Early Intervention Settings
- ISBN 9783639105582: Terrylynn Tyrell: Community Screening for ASD in Early Intervention Settings
- ISBN 9783639105605: Yawei Jin: Simulation Methodology to Compare Alternatives to Silicon Device
- ISBN 9783639105612: Peter Firkola: Working for the Kaisha
- ISBN 9783639105629: Martin Frühwirt: Informationsberufe im Wandel der Zeit
- ISBN 9783639105650: Stefan Martini: Antidotbedarf bei Unfällen mit luftgetragenen chemischen Gefahrstoffen
- ISBN 3639105664: Pamela Louderback: Academic Encounters of American Indian Freshmen
- ISBN 9783639105667: Pamela Louderback: Academic Encounters of American Indian Freshmen
- ISBN 9783639105698: Thomas, Patty Ball: Preparing Young Children to Enter School Ready to Learn
- ISBN 3639105710: Hangzai Luo: Large-Scale Video Database Retrieval via Visual Recommendation
- ISBN 9783639105711: Hangzai Luo: Large-Scale Video Database Retrieval via Visual Recommendation
- ISBN 9783639105735: Dagmar Pfadenhauer: Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Projektentwicklung von EKZ/FMZ
- ISBN 9783639105742: Suhaiza Hanipah: A process for melt grafting itaconic anhydride onto polyethylene
- ISBN 3639105761: Lin, Lanceral;Soong, Jenn-Jaw;Norris, Jessie L.: The Marketization of Higher Education in Taiwan
- ISBN 9783639105766: Lin, Lanceral;Soong, Jenn-Jaw;Norris, Jessie L.: The Marketization of Higher Education in Taiwan
- ISBN 9783639105797: Florian Schwarz: Digital Marketing Communication in the Tourism Industry
- ISBN 9783639105803: Mathis Rekowski: Marketing für Kinofilme
- ISBN 9783639105827: Stephens Phatlane: Poverty, Medicine and Disease in South Africa
- ISBN 9783639105834: Peter Zulauf: Informations-Management in einem Grossprojekt
- ISBN 3639105850: John Kowal: Faculty Decision-Making in Academic Departments of Two-Year Colleges
- ISBN 9783639105858: John Kowal: Faculty Decision-Making in Academic Departments of Two-Year Colleges
- ISBN 9783639105865: Julie Day: Elite Women's Household Management
- ISBN 9783639105872: Stefan Persterer: The Luxury Traveller
- ISBN 9783639105889: Simone Pfeifer: Ritual, Identität und Internet
- ISBN 3639105893: Sebastian Unger: Community Marketing
- ISBN 9783639105896: Sebastian Unger: Community Marketing
- ISBN 9783639105902: Jie Yao: BMPGA: A Bi-objective Multi-population Genetic Algorithm
- ISBN 9783639105919: Alexander Thiede: Relationales Multi-Standort Datenbankdesign
- ISBN 9783639105933: Christopher Rodenbeck: LOW-COST PHASED ARRAYS AND SCANNING ANTENNAS
- ISBN 3639105974: Daniel Schoerling: The Prospects for a Sustainable Energy Policy in Alberta
- ISBN 9783639105971: Daniel Schoerling: The Prospects for a Sustainable Energy Policy in Alberta
- ISBN 9783639105988: Corinna Winter: Perspektiven im Kulturtourismus