ISBN beginnend mit 9783639196
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783639196016: Rabin Bhattacharya: Thin Film Electronic Arrays on Three-Dimensional Surfaces
- ISBN 3639196023: Takenobu Toyota: A study on growth processes of sea ice in the southern Sea of Okhotsk
- ISBN 9783639196023: Takenobu Toyota: A study on growth processes of sea ice in the southern Sea of Okhotsk
- ISBN 9783639196030: Mahesh Bhide: Nitric oxide delivery from polymeric wound dressings
- ISBN 9783639196054: Trevor McGuire: The Gröbner Annihilator Graph of a Ring
- ISBN 9783639196061: Mfowabo Ncube: Impact of TPM on manufacturing performance
- ISBN 9783639196078: Elvan Ceyhan: Correcting for Covariates
- ISBN 9783639196085: Michelle Ramos-Pellicia: Language contact and dialect contact
- ISBN 9783639196092: Pablo Reyes: Structural Awareness in Mediated Learning Conversations
- ISBN 9783639196108: Roland Paier: SERVICE PROCESS ENGINEERING
- ISBN 9783639196115: Subramaniam Ganesan: Model based design of Adaptive Noise Cancellation
- ISBN 3639196120: Moritz Mack: Optimized Distributed DataStore Exchange
- ISBN 9783639196122: Moritz Mack: Optimized Distributed DataStore Exchange
- ISBN 9783639196139: Karen Fung: An Evaluation of the Caries Experience in People with Down Syndrome
- ISBN 9783639196146: Peter Schuster: Messen von Geschäftsprozessen
- ISBN 9783639196153: Kerri Kearney: Grief and Organizational Change
- ISBN 9783639196160: Adrian Mörstedt: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen europäischer Außenpolitik
- ISBN 9783639196177: Baohua Yu: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Second Language Acquisition
- ISBN 9783639196184: Dina Elmani: Die kollektive Identität des palästinensischen Volkes
- ISBN 9783639196191: Luca Mastrogiacomo: Mobile Spatial coordinate Measuring System
- ISBN 3639196201: Chepngetich Mainye, Pamela: Communicative Behaviour and Gender Identity
- ISBN 9783639196207: Chepngetich Mainye, Pamela: Communicative Behaviour and Gender Identity
- ISBN 9783639196238: Matteo Tanca: From JXTA to SMEPP
- ISBN 9783639196245: Jamie Fraser: Long Term Performance and Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
- ISBN 9783639196252: Kellyemma Davis: Pedro Almodóvar
- ISBN 9783639196269: Bianca Sherwood: Features of Natural Translation in a Language Testing Environment
- ISBN 9783639196276: Anita Siklós: Assimilation und Entfremdung
- ISBN 9783639196283: Sandra Jeschke: Sexual and Reproductive Health in rural Kenya
- ISBN 9783639196306: Mauro Tucci: Computational Intelligence in Power-Line Communication Systems
- ISBN 3639196317: Ben Jarman: Rediscovering Route 66
- ISBN 9783639196313: Ben Jarman: Rediscovering Route 66
- ISBN 9783639196320: Tessema Mindaye: Search Engine for Amharic Language Web Documents
- ISBN 3639196333: Himmel, Steffen Roman: Festigkeitsanalysen eines HPLWR-Brennelements
- ISBN 9783639196337: Himmel, Steffen Roman: Festigkeitsanalysen eines HPLWR-Brennelements
- ISBN 9783639196344: Franz Unterholzner: Gesprächsstruktur und Sprachvariation bei Radiotelefonaten
- ISBN 9783639196351: Matteo Bernardoni: Kreditportfoliomodelle
- ISBN 9783639196368: Kamitanji Kabuya: Social integration of refugees
- ISBN 3639196384: Horacio E Bown: Representing Nutrition and Genotype in Forest Productivity Models
- ISBN 9783639196382: Horacio E Bown: Representing Nutrition and Genotype in Forest Productivity Models
- ISBN 9783639196399: Azeemi, Khawaja Shamsuddin: COLOUR THERAPY
- ISBN 3639196406: Nina Boulus: Managing the Gradual Transition to Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
- ISBN 9783639196405: Nina Boulus: Managing the Gradual Transition to Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
- ISBN 9783639196412: Alphonso Hendricks: Optical and Radiometric Properties of the PtSi/p Si Composites.
- ISBN 9783639196429: Chandika Gunasinghe: A Review of a Poverty Alleviation Programme in a Developing Country
- ISBN 9783639196436: Mahmuda Naznin: Wireless Sensor Network
- ISBN 9783639196443: Hajibah Osman: ANALYSING PROFESSIONAL GENRES
- ISBN 9783639196450: Julia Graffer: Personalmarketing in der stationären Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege
- ISBN 9783639196467: Beth Harland: A Fragment of Time in the Pure State
- ISBN 9783639196474: Erkmen, R. Emre: Finite Element Formulations for Thin-walled Members
- ISBN 9783639196481: Sebastian Deißner: Vertrauensfragen in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- ISBN 9783639196498: Afsar Mian: Indian Crested Porcupine (Hystrix indica)
- ISBN 3639196503: Ágnes Galamb-Nagy: Intertextualität in Max Frischs Homo faber
- ISBN 9783639196504: Ágnes Galamb-Nagy: Intertextualität in Max Frischs Homo faber
- ISBN 9783639196511: Miriam Simone Pawlik: "Nicht-kultische Triptycha"
- ISBN 9783639196528: Kinga Kapui: Anglizismen in der Werbesprache
- ISBN 9783639196542: Lei Zhang: Building a Better Infectious Disease Surveillance System for China
- ISBN 3639196554: Miguel Niño Zarazúa: Microcredit and poverty in Mexico
- ISBN 9783639196559: Miguel Niño Zarazúa: Microcredit and poverty in Mexico
- ISBN 9783639196566: Jin Yuan Wu: The Impacts of ESOP Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783639196573: Amouzou BEDI: Semantische E-Mail Klient Applikation für Unternehmen
- ISBN 3639196597: Ramy Karam Aziz: Molecular Dissection of the Clonal M1T1 Group A Streptococci
- ISBN 9783639196597: Ramy Karam Aziz: Molecular Dissection of the Clonal M1T1 Group A Streptococci
- ISBN 3639196600: Jose Trejo: Valuing a Marine Protected Area in Belize
- ISBN 9783639196603: Jose Trejo: Valuing a Marine Protected Area in Belize
- ISBN 3639196619: Bom Conselho, Thiérs: The Use of the Educational Voucher Program
- ISBN 9783639196610: Bom Conselho, Thiérs: The Use of the Educational Voucher Program
- ISBN 9783639196627: Ikponmwosa Idukpaye: SPATIAL MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS
- ISBN 9783639196634: Marina Miglitsch: Kunststück Liebe
- ISBN 9783639196641: Jörg Petrasch: Tomography-based Methods for Reactive Flows in Porous Media
- ISBN 9783639196658: Norazah Mohd Suki: EMERGING ISSUES IN MARKETING
- ISBN 9783639196665: Ricci, Roslyn Joy: Classical Chinese Poetry Re-Created in English
- ISBN 3639196678: Majid Davoodi: Utilisation of Bauxite Residue in Construction Industry
- ISBN 9783639196672: Majid Davoodi: Utilisation of Bauxite Residue in Construction Industry
- ISBN 3639196686: Soumyanetra Munshi: An Alternative Paradigm of Democratization
- ISBN 9783639196689: Soumyanetra Munshi: An Alternative Paradigm of Democratization
- ISBN 9783639196696: Simon Hollis: Abridging the Tyranny of Distance
- ISBN 3639196708: Philipp Dorestal: "We shall have our manhood"
- ISBN 9783639196702: Philipp Dorestal: "We shall have our manhood"
- ISBN 9783639196719: Seedat Khan, Mariam: Domestic Workers and Socialisation in South Africa
- ISBN 9783639196726: Cathrine Holst: Feminism, Epistemology and Morality
- ISBN 9783639196733: Carole FEURER: Development of a genomic approach for the study of Coryneform bacteria
- ISBN 9783639196740: Sam Kayaga: Academia/Public Sector Collaboration in Developing Countries
- ISBN 9783639196757: Alexander Schmidt: Umweltschutz als Spiel der Staaten
- ISBN 9783639196771: Raj Mestry: Training and Development of Principals in the Management of Educators
- ISBN 9783639196788: Shcherbakova, Alysa V.: Managing Risk in Financial Markets
- ISBN 9783639196795: Jens Engelhardt: Measuring the Performance of Acquisitions and Acquisition Programs
- ISBN 9783639196801: François Muller: Brand portfolio strategies in fashion industries
- ISBN 9783639196818: Christine Pertele: Die ungerechte Republik?
- ISBN 9783639196832: Linnea Pearson Axman: The Participatory Action Research Empowerment Measure
- ISBN 3639196848: Arefin, Ahmed Sh.: Minimum Edge-Ranking Spanning Tree Problem of Series-Parallel Graphs
- ISBN 9783639196849: Arefin, Ahmed Sh.: Minimum Edge-Ranking Spanning Tree Problem of Series-Parallel Graphs
- ISBN 9783639196856: Gülgünes Chomiakow: Ensuring the Success of Pair Programming
- ISBN 9783639196863: Jia Zeng: Multi-Agent System for Motif Recognition
- ISBN 9783639196887: Bernhard Zehentmayer: Der alpine Schisport in Österreich
- ISBN 9783639196894: Bianca Mergler: Commitment schaffen durch Abschlussarbeiten
- ISBN 9783639196900: A.K.M Fazlul Haque: Unix-based tool for investigating Intelligent Network
- ISBN 9783639196917: Lars Bruhnke: Zukünftige Anpassungen der EU-Emissionsbeschränkungen
- ISBN 9783639196924: Yasser Abdelrady I. Mohamed: New Control Algorithms for The Distributed Generation Interface
- ISBN 3639196937: Nabeel Saleem: Leaders for Sale
- ISBN 9783639196931: Nabeel Saleem: Leaders for Sale
- ISBN 9783639196948: Egan Chernoff: The subjective- sample-space
- ISBN 9783639196955: Elena Malofeeva: Meta-Analysis of Math Instruction with Young Children
- ISBN 9783639196962: Nadine Kerkhoff: St. Hubertus in Hostel
- ISBN 363919697X: Mark Kass: Intercultural cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians
- ISBN 9783639196979: Mark Kass: Intercultural cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians
- ISBN 9783639196986: Hannes Vogel: Why They Fight
- ISBN 9783639196993: Wassim Tout: Quantitative Evaluation of the Impact of Floating Point Arithmetic Units on the Performance of DSP Structures