ISBN beginnend mit 9783642357
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783642357015: Winkler, Dietmar; Biffl, Stefan; Bergsmann, Johannes: Software quality - increasing value in software and systems development ; 5th international conference ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642357046: Wolff, Burkhard; Gaudel, Marie-Claude; Feliachi, Abderrahmane: Unifying theories of programming - 4th international symposium ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357077: Rensing, Ludger; Koch, Michael; Rippe, Bernhard; Rippe, Volkhard: Mensch im Stress - Psyche, Körper, Moleküle
- ISBN 9783642357091: Fontanel, Didier: Unsaponifiable Matter in Plant Seed Oils
- ISBN 9783642357121: Flori, Cecilia: A First Course in Topos Quantum Theory
- ISBN 9783642357152: Schmitz-Hoffmann, Carsten; Schmidt, Michael; Hansmann, Berthold; Palekhov, Dmitry: Voluntary Standard Systems - A Contribution to Sustainable Development
- ISBN 9783642357183: Ohtsu, Motoichi: Progress in Nanophotonics 2
- ISBN 9783642357213: Artemov, Sergei; Nerode, Anil: Logical foundations of computer science - international symposium ; proceedings
- ISBN 9783642357244: Li, Shipeng; El Saddik, Abdulmotaleb; Wang, Meng; Mei, Tao; Sebe, Nicu; Yan, Shuicheng; Hong, Richang; Gurrin, Cathal: Advances in multimedia modeling: Advances in multimedia modeling
- ISBN 9783642357275: Li, Shipeng; El Saddik, Abdulmotaleb; Wang, Meng; Mei, Tao; Sebe, Nicu; Yan, Shuicheng; Hong, Richang; Gurrin, Cathal: Advances in multimedia modeling: Advances in multimedia modeling
- ISBN 9783642357305: Palmirani, Monica; Pagallo, Ugo; Casanovas, Pompeu; Sartor, Giovanni: AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems - models and ethical challenges for legal systems, legal language and legal ontologies, argumentation and software agents ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357336: Geva, Shlomo; Kamps, Jaap; Schenkel, Ralf: Focused retrieval of content and structure - revised and selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357367: Ermolayev, Vadim; Mayr, Heinrich C.; Nikitchenko, Mykola; Spivakovsky, Aleksander; Zholtkevych, Grygoriy: ICT in education, research, and industrial applications - 8th international conference ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357398: Kutulakos, Kiriakos N.: Trends and topics in computer vision: Trends and topics in computer vision
- ISBN 9783642357428: Arbab, Farhad; Ölveczky, Peter Csaba: Formal aspects of component software - 8th international symposium ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357459: Meyer, Bertrand; Nordio, Martin: Tools for Practical Software Verification - International Summer School, LASER 2011, Elba Island, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures
- ISBN 9783642357480: Kutulakos, Kiriakos N.: Trends and topics in computer vision: Trends and topics in computer vision
- ISBN 9783642357510: Goss, M: Making Waves - The Story of Ruby Payne-Scott: Australian Pioneer Radio Astronomer
- ISBN 9783642357541: Obaidat, Mohammad S.; Sevillano, José L.; Filipe, Joaquim: E-Business and telecommunications - international joint conference ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357572: Rivest, Louis; Bouras, Abdelaziz; Louhichi, Borhen: Product lifecycle management - towards knowledge-rich enterprises ; IFIP WG 5.1 international conference ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357602: Mancini, Daniela; Vaassen, Eddy H. J.; Dameri, Renata Paola: Accounting Information Systems for Decision Making
- ISBN 9783642357633: Butts, Jonathan; Shenoi, Sujeet: Critical infrastructure protection VI - 6th IFIP WG 11.10 international conference ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357664: Koo, Kyung-Hoi; Mont, Michael A.; Jones, Lynne C.: Osteonecrosis
- ISBN 9783642357695: Andriiko, Aleksandr A.; Andriyko, Yuriy O; Nauer, Gerhard E.: Many-electron Electrochemical Processes - Reactions in Molten Salts, Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids and Ionic Solutions
- ISBN 9783642357725: Büter, Clemens: Außenhandel - Grundlagen internationaler Handelsbeziehungen
- ISBN 9783642357749: Fine, Cordelia: Wissen Sie, was Ihr Gehirn denkt? - Wie in unserem Oberstübchen die Wirklichkeit verzerrt wird ... und warum
- ISBN 9783642357763: Dong, Yue; Lin, Stephen; Guo, Baining: Material Appearance Modeling: A Data-Coherent Approach
- ISBN 9783642357794: Zheng, Yuliang: Tunable Multiband Ferroelectric Devices for Reconfigurable RF-Frontends
- ISBN 9783642357824: Altenbach, Holm; Morozov, Nikita F: Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics - Models, Simulations and Applications
- ISBN 9783642357855: Pfeiffer, Heather D.; Ignatov, Dmitry; Poelmans, Jonas; Nagarjuna, G.: Conceptual structures for STEM research and education - proceedings
- ISBN 9783642357886: Ulmer, Gerd: Gehaltssysteme erfolgreich gestalten - IT-unterstützte Lohn- und Gehaltsfindung
- ISBN 9783642357909: Russer, Peter; Lugli, Paolo; Weitze, Marc-Denis: Nanoelektronik - Kleiner - schneller - besser
- ISBN 9783642357947: Yuan, Yuyu; Wu, Xu; Lu, Yueming: Trustworthy computing and services - international conference ; revised selected papers
- ISBN 9783642357978: Ludyk, Günter: Einstein in Matrix Form - Exact Derivation of the Theory of Special and General Relativity without Tensors