ISBN beginnend mit 9783659112
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659112003: P Ilango: Incomplete Data Handling in Medical Informatics
- ISBN 9783659112010: Anne Marie Kagwesage: English for Academic Purposes practices in Rwandan higher education
- ISBN 9783659112027: Dharmendra Kumar: Bacterial Lectins Database
- ISBN 9783659112034: Lakshmi Shanmugam: Multimedia Instruction in Physical Science Education
- ISBN 3659112046: Ewgeniq Kapelüshnik: Obrazy edy w lexike i frazeologii russkogo qzyka
- ISBN 9783659112041: Ewgeniq Kapelüshnik: Obrazy edy w lexike i frazeologii russkogo qzyka
- ISBN 9783659112058: Sel skokhozyaystvennaya Kooperatsiya V Rossii
- ISBN 3659112062: Ewgenij Valer'ewich Panin: Vysshee obrazowanie dlq nacional'nyh men'shinstw w SSSR
- ISBN 9783659112065: Ewgenij Valer'ewich Panin: Vysshee obrazowanie dlq nacional'nyh men'shinstw w SSSR
- ISBN 9783659112072: Bernadette Netsai Chabongora: An Assessment of Possible Conflict Between Church and State
- ISBN 9783659112089: Stroenie Molekul
- ISBN 9783659112096: Iskusstvo kukly KhKh veka. Teatr, inter er, vitrina
- ISBN 9783659112102: Sudipta Chakraborty: Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Chakdaha - Role of Mica Minerals
- ISBN 9783659112119: Antanas Buracas: Multiple criteria evaluation of entrepreneurship development
- ISBN 9783659112126: Gaurav Solanki: High Copper Amalgam Alloys in Dentistry
- ISBN 9783659112133: Farah Khan: Scavenging Evaluation of Cu & Fe in in vitro Momordica Charantia
- ISBN 9783659112140: Handojo Djati Utomo: The Adsorption of Heavy Metals by Waste Tea and Coffee Residues
- ISBN 9783659112157: Ruchieka Vij Hitesh Vij: Stroma of Odontogenic Cysts
- ISBN 365911216X: Sergej Krassa: Jemotiwnaq lexika russkogo argo
- ISBN 9783659112164: Sergej Krassa: Jemotiwnaq lexika russkogo argo
- ISBN 9783659112171: Fayyaz Rasool: Composite Culture Of Major And Chinese Carps In Freshwater Ponds
- ISBN 9783659112188: Rojani Mishra: An Analysis of Market Integration and Price Behavior of Vegetables
- ISBN 9783659112195: T. Pradeep Kumar: Teacher Absenteeism
- ISBN 9783659112201: Rami El-Emam: Fuel cell
- ISBN 9783659112218: Qasim Shahzad Gill: Pakistan-European Union Relations : An Analysis
- ISBN 9783659112225: Ediamu Tom Didimus: Immune Response to Hib Conjugate Vaccine in infants
- ISBN 9783659112232: Ugochukwu Obiwulu: Party Politics And Intricacies In Nigeria's Democracy
- ISBN 9783659112249: Apollo Kimani: Extra tuition and performance in Kenya
- ISBN 9783659112256: Ischislenie Vyskazyvaniy I Logicheskoe Programmirovanie
- ISBN 3659112267: Anastasiq Araslanowa: Klasternyj podhod
- ISBN 9783659112263: Anastasiq Araslanowa: Klasternyj podhod
- ISBN 9783659112270: Israfil Israfilow: Rossijskoe weschnoe prawo
- ISBN 9783659112287: Sovershenstvovanie trenirovochnogo protsessa short-trekovikov
- ISBN 9783659112294: Erasmus F. Kipesha: Global Financial Crisis:Impact on SACCOs Poverty Reduction in Tanzania
- ISBN 9783659112300: Fiziku O Promyshlennoy Sobstvennosti
- ISBN 9783659112317: Onalenna Molwelwa: The Future of National Flag Carriers in Developing Countries
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- ISBN 9783659112331: Muhammad Zafarullah: Gelatin Extraction and Its Application in Food
- ISBN 9783659112348: C., Santhosh Kumar: Remedial Effect of Phyllanthus Acidus on Bleomycin Provoke Pneumopathy
- ISBN 9783659112355: Nazish Murtaza: Software Effort Estimation using Outlier Elimination Methods
- ISBN 9783659112362: Athoni Rhetso: Impact of HIV on Bio-cultural attributes
- ISBN 9783659112379: Jonathan Mwania: Psychological Effects of Trauma
- ISBN 9783659112386: Chaurasiya, Om Shankar: Serum zinc in febrile seizures, idiopathic epilepsy and CNS infections
- ISBN 9783659112393: Suresh Kumar: Panchagavya as a nutrient source for Growth and Yield of Blackgram
- ISBN 9783659112409: Shalini Pathak: Antiseizure Potential of Angelica Plant
- ISBN 9783659112416: Colton McKee: The Radical Liberal Interculturalism Triad
- ISBN 9783659112423: Kobaku Rama Krishna Reddy: A Study of the Short Stories of Mulkraj Anand
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- ISBN 9783659112454: Kamilu Rauf: Weighted Hardy-Type Inequalities
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- ISBN 9783659112461: Marina Bushuewa: Diagnostika i monitoring qwleniq qwlenij
- ISBN 9783659112478: Tsennostnoe Otnoshenie K Razvitiyu Lichnosti Uchashchegosya
- ISBN 9783659112485: Erik Markensten: Mind The Gap
- ISBN 9783659112492: Walaa Samir: Effect of Various Daily Consumption Agents on Tooth Extraction
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- ISBN 9783659112522: Judy Chepngeno: Effectiveness of Communication Channels Used in Kenya
- ISBN 9783659112539: Igor Botian: Software Security Vulnerabilities in Mobile Peer-to-peer Environment
- ISBN 9783659112546: Alia Bano Munshi: Physiological and biochemical impact of copper and cadmium on shrimp
- ISBN 9783659112553: Morfofunktsional naya Kharakteristika Reproduktivnoy Sistemy
- ISBN 9783659112560: Lal, Banwari: Role of Common Interest Group in Empowerment of Dairy Farmers
- ISBN 9783659112577: Alexandrina Sobreira de Moura: Rethinking Development: Alternatives for the South Volume 2
- ISBN 9783659112584: Patel, Kunal Narayanbhai: Formulation and Characterization of Transdermal Patches of Diclofenac
- ISBN 9783659112591: Angloyazychnye Dogovory Kupli-Prodazhi
- ISBN 9783659112607: Mwanga A. Mashaka Issa Hamisi Issa: Low Birth Registration in Chamwino District - Tanzania
- ISBN 9783659112614: Khwaja Rahman: Relationship Between Mother's Time Allocation and Child's Health
- ISBN 9783659112621: Optimizatsiya Restavratsii Zubov Keramicheskimi Vkladkami
- ISBN 9783659112638: Darakhshan Qaiser: Spectroscopy of Fullerenes in Solutions
- ISBN 9783659112645: Rohit Kumar Singh: Disruptions of Contraceptive Use in India
- ISBN 9783659112652: Bitva global nykh proektov
- ISBN 9783659112669: Shefali Arora: QSAR studies for the analgesic activity of heterocycles derivatives
- ISBN 9783659112676: Khaled Tawfik: A Study of the Translation of Figurative Language in the Qur'an
- ISBN 3659112682: Mihail Vladislawowich Grishaew: Opticheskij kontrol' dwuokisi azota i ozona w stratosfere
- ISBN 9783659112683: Mihail Vladislawowich Grishaew: Opticheskij kontrol' dwuokisi azota i ozona w stratosfere
- ISBN 9783659112690: Swati Shah: Physiological response to acute cold pain
- ISBN 9783659112706: Akhter Siddiqui: Toxicity in crustaceans and fishes
- ISBN 9783659112713: Ontologiya sensornyh metafor v angloyazychnom reklamnom diskurse
- ISBN 9783659112720: Lian Hoy Lee: Enhancing Wikipedia with Semantic Technologies
- ISBN 9783659112737: Rahul Deshmukh: Benchmarking In Graph Databases
- ISBN 9783659112744: Neelu Shetti: Lycopene
- ISBN 9783659112751: Arvind kumar singh R. Parthasarthy: Biological activities of 1,3,4-oxadiazole Derivatives
- ISBN 9783659112768: Chimdessa Fekadu Tsega: Human Rights and Federal Intervention in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659112775: Sabin Kumar Mishra: Influence of Nozzle Blockage on Flow Behavior in Multi Strand Tundish
- ISBN 9783659112782: Ghazala Nasim: Biological control of root born plant pathogens
- ISBN 9783659112799: Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan: Integration of Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and the Internet
- ISBN 9783659112805: Zapadnaya Traditsiya Prava V Sovremennoy Rossii
- ISBN 9783659112812: Victorio Molina: Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Fish from Laguna de Bay
- ISBN 9783659112829: Nimmakayala Venkata Subba Reddy: Famine in Rayalaseema, 1876-78
- ISBN 9783659112836: Huq, Md. Fazlul: Ni-Cu-Zn Ferrite: Dependence of Structural and Magnetic Properties
- ISBN 9783659112843: Religioznyj faktor w modernizacii anglijskoj i russkoj kul'tur XVI w.
- ISBN 9783659112850: Obediah Dodo: Understanding Apostolic Church Beliefs: Case of Johane Masowe Chishanu
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- ISBN 9783659112874: Endalkachew Geremew: Legislative Constitutionality of the Ethiopian Federal Parliament
- ISBN 9783659112881: Anisha Kalkoor Harsha Hegde N. K. Vijaykumar: Evaluation of seed source variation in Jatropha curcas Linn
- ISBN 9783659112898: Olufemi A., Adebiyi: Dietary Fibre in Monogastric Nutrition
- ISBN 9783659112904: Natalie Bradbury: An exploration into the changing cultural value of the book
- ISBN 9783659112911: Sanjeev Kumar: Study on bio fertilizers and foliar spray of urea in rain fed chickpea
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- ISBN 9783659112935: Regina Derkintyte-Kaupiene: The Duty to Have Cargo Ready to Load under a Voyage Charter-Party
- ISBN 9783659112959: Amel Soliman: Theraputic effect of the Egyptian Freshwater mussel Extract in rats
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- ISBN 9783659112980: Devesh Kumar: Study of Conformation and Interactions in Mesogens
- ISBN 9783659112997: Rajani Chauhan: Natural Product Part-I Berginia