ISBN beginnend mit 9783659215
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659215001: Shrirang Kandalgaonkar: Business Education: Retrospect and Prospects
- ISBN 9783659215018: Madhvendra Shukla: Mind The Modus Operandi
- ISBN 9783659215025: Adaptatsiya I Kachestvo Zhizni U Rabotnikov Proizvodstva Alyuminiya
- ISBN 9783659215032: Ammarah Gillani: Gender Gap & Technophobia
- ISBN 9783659215049: ShivaTejas Bettadapura: A simulation of Ultra Wideband Transceiver System
- ISBN 9783659215056: Mukesh Kumar: Non Destructive Methodologies and Shearography
- ISBN 9783659215063: Russkoyazychnyy zhenskiy zhurnal Ukrainy v aspekte teorii teksta
- ISBN 3659215074: Merlyn Tapuwa Chapfunga: The Effectiveness of Nutrition Assessment in HIV and AIDS Management
- ISBN 9783659215070: Merlyn Tapuwa Chapfunga: The Effectiveness of Nutrition Assessment in HIV and AIDS Management
- ISBN 9783659215087: Hilary Brown: I Must Walk Through the Gate
- ISBN 9783659215094: Denis Ermolaew: K woprosu patrioticheskogo wospitaniq grazhdan w Rossii i za rubezhom
- ISBN 3659215104: Ewgenij Vital'ewich Ewdokimow: Vneshnepoliticheskaq propaganda
- ISBN 9783659215100: Ewgenij Vital'ewich Ewdokimow: Vneshnepoliticheskaq propaganda
- ISBN 9783659215117: Klim Danilow: Topinambur w Rossii
- ISBN 9783659215124: Terfasa, Zelalem Temesgen: Environmental Impact of Resettlement
- ISBN 9783659215131: Godwin Kavaarpuo: Contribution of NGOs in Promoting Basic Education in Wa West District
- ISBN 9783659215148: Jessica Butcher: Conflict in the Sudanese Diaspora
- ISBN 9783659215155: Carlos Moreira: Microgrids
- ISBN 9783659215162: Reuben John Sulu: Fishes, Fishers and Waves of Change in Nggela, Solomon Islands
- ISBN 9783659215179: Dianne Scouller: Back to the Future
- ISBN 9783659215186: Marta Lorenzon: Laser cleaning of Polychrome Alabaster
- ISBN 9783659215193: Julieth Villarraga Farfán: Carbon Footprint in the Colombian Chemical Industry
- ISBN 9783659215209: Kadah, Mohamed Mansour: The International Multilateral System
- ISBN 9783659215216: Ashley Dickson: Examining Differences in Stress Symptoms Based on Sexual Orientation
- ISBN 9783659215223: Jargalsaikhany Mendee: Civil Society in a Non-Western Setting
- ISBN 9783659215230: Rajvir Yadav: Ergonomic studies on agricultural workers of Gujarat,India
- ISBN 9783659215247: Das, Shyamal Kanti: Nimesulide- induced hepatotoxicity
- ISBN 9783659215254: Marina Makarich: Awtomaticheskaq sistema dlq sozdaniq tablichnogo referata gruppy textow
- ISBN 9783659215261: Miran Kim: The Phonetics of Stress Manifestation
- ISBN 9783659215278: Antony, P. J.: Natural Language Processing For Indian Languages
- ISBN 9783659215285: Tarang Bhatt: Elution Characteristics Of Selected Antibiotics From Tendons
- ISBN 3659215295: Elena Yaroslawskaq: Razrabotka i analiz innowacionnyh reshenij w bankowskoj sfere
- ISBN 9783659215308: Matheka Wambua, Cyrus: Effects of Chronic Mild Stress on the Cardiovascular System in Rats
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- ISBN 9783659215322: Manoj Kumar Soni: Metabolism of growth in plants - "Photo-oxidative damage and repair"
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- ISBN 9783659215346: Shipra Gupta: E-Banking: Positive and Negative Aspects
- ISBN 9783659215353: Sananda Kumar: Public-private Partnership in primary health care / An analysis of PPP model in Karnataka, India / Sananda Kumar / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 124 S. / Englisch / 2012 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659215384: Shailaja Patil: Advanced Control system for a vibration control for a road vehicle
- ISBN 9783659215391: Asoka Gunaratne: Promoting Post Start-up Small Businesses
- ISBN 9783659215407: Munish Sharma Akhilesh Sharma: Breeding Hot pepper (Capsicum) for better horticultural traits
- ISBN 9783659215414: Yatish Choudhary: Neural Network Based Power System Stabilizer
- ISBN 9783659215421: Daaniya Rahman: Kinetic Modeling Of Methanol Synthesis
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- ISBN 9783659215643: Majq Smolina: Hudozhestwennaq kritika w kul'turnom kontexte
- ISBN 9783659215650: Shrikrishna Mishra: The causal factors of dropout among the socio-economically backward
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- ISBN 9783659215667: Lübow' Borisenok: Analiz birzhewyh indexow razwityh i razwiwaüschihsq stran
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- ISBN 9783659215674: Irina Labunec: Jepifiz i ritmy funkcij immunnoj sistemy pri starenii
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