ISBN beginnend mit 9783659804
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659804007: Zubair, K. M. A. Ahamed: Islamic Perspectives
- ISBN 9783659804014: Harshneet Singh: Denture Base Materials: Past to Future
- ISBN 9783659804021: Misbah Masood Talat Sohail: Development of Terrorism Impact Evaluation Scale
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- ISBN 9783659804038: Nälli Sawel'ewa: Axiologizaciq processa prof. podgotowki buduschih specialistow
- ISBN 9783659804045: Konstantin Antipin: Teorema Haaga w nekotoryh wariantah kwantowoj teorii polq
- ISBN 3659804053: Mohammed Salem Atoum: Embedding Encrypted Text in MP3 Steganography
- ISBN 9783659804052: Mohammed Salem Atoum: Embedding Encrypted Text in MP3 Steganography
- ISBN 9783659804069: Esther Moraa Ondieki: Factors Affecting financial Management of Public Secondary Schools
- ISBN 3659804088: Muhammad Adil Shahzad: Subcarrier/Power allocation Scheme for OFDMA Networks
- ISBN 9783659804083: Muhammad Adil Shahzad: Subcarrier/Power allocation Scheme for OFDMA Networks
- ISBN 3659804096: Samina Bano: Spirituality and well-being among believers and non believers
- ISBN 9783659804090: Samina Bano: Spirituality and well-being among believers and non believers
- ISBN 9783659804106: Tukur Sani Bubuche: Evaluation of Sugarcane Genotypes for Yield and Yield Component
- ISBN 9783659804113: Gambu Wani Latio: Factors Influencing Digital Technology use in Public Schools
- ISBN 9783659804120: Viktor Buyankin: Jelektrotehnika jelektronika jelektrodvigateli jelektroprivod
- ISBN 3659804134: Jan Fazlagi¿: Knowledge Management in School Environment
- ISBN 9783659804137: Jan Fazlagi¿: Knowledge Management in School Environment
- ISBN 9783659804144: Carmen J. Calvanese: Now is the Appointed Time
- ISBN 9783659804151: Valentina Di Gregori Mariapaola Landini: Are Corynebacteria new emerging pathogens?
- ISBN 9783659804168: Osobennosti mezhlichnostnyh vzaimootnoshenij v sovremennom obshhestve
- ISBN 3659804177: Banaganipalli Bala Nagendra Prasad: The Fiction of Bhabani Bhattacharya
- ISBN 9783659804175: Banaganipalli Bala Nagendra Prasad: The Fiction of Bhabani Bhattacharya
- ISBN 3659804185: Zhangsen Huang: Platelet angiogenic activities and their regulation on EPC functions
- ISBN 9783659804182: Zhangsen Huang: Platelet angiogenic activities and their regulation on EPC functions
- ISBN 9783659804199: Natal'q Akimowa: Mul'timedijnye tehnologii w doshkol'nyh obrazowatel'nyh organizaciqh
- ISBN 3659804207: Manish K. Gupta: Homology Modeling of Human NK-1 Receptor and Docking Study
- ISBN 9783659804205: Manish K. Gupta: Homology Modeling of Human NK-1 Receptor and Docking Study
- ISBN 3659804215: Munkhnasan Lamchin: Desertification Assessment based on remote sensing
- ISBN 9783659804212: Munkhnasan Lamchin: Desertification Assessment based on remote sensing
- ISBN 3659804223: Zukile Ndyalivana: Development of Soundex Algorithm for IsiXhosa Language
- ISBN 9783659804229: Zukile Ndyalivana: Development of Soundex Algorithm for IsiXhosa Language
- ISBN 3659804231: Woldeyohannes Melaku: Performance of Cobb 500 and Hubbard broilers on different treatment
- ISBN 9783659804236: Woldeyohannes Melaku: Performance of Cobb 500 and Hubbard broilers on different treatment
- ISBN 9783659804243: Mehmet Hakan Karaata: Stabilizing Graph Algorithms
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- ISBN 9783659804274: Vnedrenie mentoringa v praktiku menedzhmenta malogo biznesa v Rossii
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- ISBN 9783659804298: Subhashini Vallabhaneni: Arbuscular Mycorrhization in Tobacco
- ISBN 9783659804304: Valeriq Filonenko: Problemy realizacii konstitucionnyh praw cheloweka
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- ISBN 9783659804311: Ruslan Ajratowich Gafiatullin: Sinergetika koäwolücii mikro- i makromira
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- ISBN 3659804339: Habtamu Ayalew: Husbandry Practices and Harnessing of Equines
- ISBN 9783659804335: Habtamu Ayalew: Husbandry Practices and Harnessing of Equines
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- ISBN 9783659804397: Tina Edwards: The Tale of Two Literacy Coaches
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- ISBN 9783659804410: Alcocer, Giovanni: Descriptive Statistics and the Least Square Method / Descriptive Statistics with Excel
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- ISBN 9783659804441: Daniel Ramírez Lamus: Foreign Language Education in Colombia: A Case Study
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- ISBN 9783659804465: Anna Escamilla: Self-Instructional Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques of Anger Management
- ISBN 3659804479: Mehree Iqbal: Radical Innovation: A Paradigm For The New Market Testing Procedure
- ISBN 9783659804472: Mehree Iqbal: Radical Innovation: A Paradigm For The New Market Testing Procedure
- ISBN 3659804487: Jeffrey Zimmerman: The Impact of Supervisor-Subordinate Exchange on State Govt. Employees
- ISBN 9783659804489: Jeffrey Zimmerman: The Impact of Supervisor-Subordinate Exchange on State Govt. Employees
- ISBN 3659804495: Maie Mahmoud: Water Management of Cool-Season Food Legumes
- ISBN 9783659804496: Maie Mahmoud: Water Management of Cool-Season Food Legumes
- ISBN 9783659804502: Sergej Tokarenko: Semikarakorskoe gorodishhe: tehnologicheskie aspekty
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- ISBN 9783659804564: Vladimir Chernov: Energy efficiency of power plants with use of Smart-MES System
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- ISBN 9783659804632: Niall Mackey: Determining the Effectiveness of Web Based Learning in Sport
- ISBN 3659804649: Daniel Messele Balcha: The Scope of Governance in Addressing HIV/AIDS Issues in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659804649: Daniel Messele Balcha: The Scope of Governance in Addressing HIV/AIDS Issues in Ethiopia
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- ISBN 9783659804793: Anyanova, Ekaterina: The problems of the Caspian Sea in the modern international law
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- ISBN 9783659804809: Suchitra Meshram: Mathematical Aspects of Inverse & Direct Problems of Thermoelasticity
- ISBN 9783659804816: Nuraj Aliewa: Frazeologiq Nahchywanskogo dialekta / Nuraj Aliewa / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659804816
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- ISBN 9783659804823: Yirgalem Assefa: Determinants of Rural Households Food Insecurity
- ISBN 9783659804830: Svetlana Petrovna Kokoreva: Gripp i drugie ostrye respiratornye infekcii
- ISBN 9783659804847: Mahesh Sankanahalli Srinivasa Setty Somashekar Rudrappa: Crystal Structural Differences among Varieties of Silk Fibers
- ISBN 9783659804854: Karakowa, Tat'qna: Bumagoplastika w scenarnoj kompozicii kostüma / Monografiq / Tat'qna Karakowa (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659804854
- ISBN 9783659804861: Moataz Ahmed Elsawy: Bio-polymers, Vegetable Oils, The Green Materials for the Green Life
- ISBN 3659804878: Jackson Songa: Maternal Child Health Through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- ISBN 9783659804878: Jackson Songa: Maternal Child Health Through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- ISBN 3659804886: Zuhaib A. Shaikh: Number Plate Detection & Recognition using Deformable Part Models
- ISBN 9783659804885: Zuhaib A. Shaikh: Number Plate Detection & Recognition using Deformable Part Models
- ISBN 3659804894: Amitoj Singh: Distributed Agile Development System: A Paradigm Shift
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- ISBN 3659804908: Tarundeep Kaur: EQ and Life Skills
- ISBN 9783659804908: Tarundeep Kaur: EQ and Life Skills
- ISBN 9783659804915: Bell, David: International student academic success
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- ISBN 9783659804946: Vsjo pro mumijo
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- ISBN 9783659804960: Teli, Shivagond: Dealer Quality Management / Customer Voice, Care, Satisfaction & Delight / Shivagond Teli (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 120 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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