ISBN beginnend mit 9783659810
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659810002: Preetha Palanisamy: Application of Electron Beam Irradiation in Food Processing
- ISBN 9783659810008: Preetha Palanisamy: Application of Electron Beam Irradiation in Food Processing
- ISBN 3659810010: Stephen Musau: Numerical study of NOx formation during combustion of syngas fuel
- ISBN 9783659810015: Stephen Musau: Numerical study of NOx formation during combustion of syngas fuel
- ISBN 3659810029: Khairunnisa Mohd Hairuddin: Magnetorheological Elastomer Isolator
- ISBN 9783659810022: Khairunnisa Mohd Hairuddin: Magnetorheological Elastomer Isolator
- ISBN 3659810037: Dipali Deshmukh: Survey of Milk Providers and Consumers
- ISBN 9783659810039: Dipali Deshmukh: Survey of Milk Providers and Consumers
- ISBN 9783659810046: Pravovoe razvitie Rossii: otdel nye problemy v jepohu peremen
- ISBN 9783659810053: Jehanzaib Waqas Gadgore: Comparative Impact Analysis of Microfinance Institutions
- ISBN 3659810061: Jerik Artem'ew: Staroobrqdchestwo w Vqznikowskom krae s serediny XVII do nachala XX ww.
- ISBN 9783659810060: Jerik Artem'ew: Staroobrqdchestwo w Vqznikowskom krae s serediny XVII do nachala XX ww.
- ISBN 9783659810077: Irfan Naikawadi: Effects of fast food on health
- ISBN 3659810088: Shamsiya Kurultaevna Ismailova: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
- ISBN 9783659810084: Shamsiya Kurultaevna Ismailova: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
- ISBN 3659810096: Eduardo Vera-Cruz Pinto: Society, Education and Violence
- ISBN 9783659810091: Eduardo Vera-Cruz Pinto: Society, Education and Violence
- ISBN 9783659810107: Trening profilaktiki nevrotizacii lichnosti
- ISBN 3659810118: Mona Magdy Badawy: Radiation and Scattering from Plasma Antennas and Applications
- ISBN 9783659810114: Mona Magdy Badawy: Radiation and Scattering from Plasma Antennas and Applications
- ISBN 9783659810121: Jentropiya Shennona i drugie harakteristiki organizacii kollektivov
- ISBN 9783659810138: Skladirovanie i vypusk uglesoderzhashhih sypuchih materialov
- ISBN 3659810142: Albert Nubiola: Affordable Robot Calibration for Industrial Robots
- ISBN 9783659810145: Albert Nubiola: Affordable Robot Calibration for Industrial Robots
- ISBN 9783659810152: Husen Ghazi Fathe Bajlan: Numerical Analysis of Geosynthetic Reinforced Earth Walls
- ISBN 3659810169: Roja Ghorbani: Revisiting Communal Trauma in Tony Morrison¿s The Bluest Eye, Beloved
- ISBN 9783659810169: Roja Ghorbani: Revisiting Communal Trauma in Tony Morrison¿s The Bluest Eye, Beloved
- ISBN 9783659810176: Lilach Shahar: Heredity, Environment, Alcohol, & Sexuality: L'Assommoir vs. McTeague
- ISBN 9783659810183: Ispol zovanie Triticum spelta L. dlya povysheniya produktivnosti pshenicy
- ISBN 9783659810190: Devendra Kumar Patel: A Digital Herbarium Book ¿ II On Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
- ISBN 3659810207: Nahid M. Elhassan Ali Fadul: Child Sexual Abuse in Sudan
- ISBN 9783659810206: Nahid M. Elhassan Ali Fadul: Child Sexual Abuse in Sudan
- ISBN 3659810215: Vadim Garifullin: Issledowanie sposobow sinhronizacii nazemnyh nawigacionnyh sistem
- ISBN 9783659810213: Vadim Garifullin: Issledowanie sposobow sinhronizacii nazemnyh nawigacionnyh sistem
- ISBN 3659810223: Timothy Holt: A Case Study Concerning the Inconsistencies in Postsecondary Programs
- ISBN 9783659810220: Timothy Holt: A Case Study Concerning the Inconsistencies in Postsecondary Programs
- ISBN 9783659810237: Malwina Sp¿awi¿ska: Characteristics of traffic flow variability and their impact on AADT
- ISBN 365981024X: Manjiri Deshmukh: Short Handbook on Evidence-based Dentistry
- ISBN 9783659810244: Manjiri Deshmukh: Short Handbook on Evidence-based Dentistry
- ISBN 9783659810251: Betty McDonald: Teaching How To Learn
- ISBN 3659810266: Essien Udo: Compaction Characterization and Model Prediction of Stabilized Mbo Residual Soils
- ISBN 9783659810268: Essien Udo: Compaction Characterization and Model Prediction of Stabilized Mbo Residual Soils
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- ISBN 9783659810282: Georgij Dmitriewich Antoniadi: Jelektricheskaq model' gorodskoj transportnoj seti
- ISBN 9783659810299: Robert Gres': Reshenie problemy perenaselennosti gorodow putem stroitel'stwa VSM
- ISBN 9783659810305: Azza Ali Abd El Hamed Nadia Abd El Hamed Korany: Effect of Acupressure on Morning Sickness at Cairo University Hospitals
- ISBN 9783659810312: Aditi Gaur: Molecular Basis Of Orthodontic Therapy
- ISBN 9783659810329: Murat Kurt: Science Education in Turkey The Light of Different Models
- ISBN 9783659810336: Patrick Daniel Sudi: Studies of Some Essential Elements Composition of Potash Deposits
- ISBN 3659810347: Arpit Sikri: TITANIUM - A Miracle Metal in Dentistry
- ISBN 9783659810343: Arpit Sikri: TITANIUM - A Miracle Metal in Dentistry
- ISBN 9783659810350: Diana Nada: Project Approval Decisions: Exploring Success Factors
- ISBN 3659810363: Mohammed Al-Smadi: Numerical Solutions of Integro-Differential Equations Using RKHSM
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- ISBN 9783659810404: Istochniki neustojchivosti mirovoj finansovoj sistemy
- ISBN 9783659810411: El-Mugheira Ibrahim: Prediction of Crown Width & Tree Height from Diameter at Breast Height
- ISBN 3659810428: Mithlesh Sharma: Study of slurry erosion behaviour of HVOF coated and uncoated steel
- ISBN 9783659810428: Mithlesh Sharma: Study of slurry erosion behaviour of HVOF coated and uncoated steel
- ISBN 9783659810435: Rossiya segodnya: jekonomika, finansy, obshhestvo
- ISBN 3659810444: Rajni Shukla: Arthritis : Cure and prevention through diet therapy
- ISBN 9783659810442: Rajni Shukla: Arthritis : Cure and prevention through diet therapy
- ISBN 9783659810459: Hawkar Omar: Attitudes towards Benefits of and Barriers to TELL
- ISBN 9783659810466: Natal'ya Omboeva: Interaktivnye metody obucheniya starsheklassnikov (anglijskij yazyk)
- ISBN 9783659810473: Suresh Kumar Tummala: Composite Power Systems Reliability analysis using FACTS Controllers
- ISBN 3659810487: Rizwan Jeelani: Adoption of Improved Animal Husbandry Practices by Gujjar Tribe of J&K
- ISBN 9783659810480: Rizwan Jeelani: Adoption of Improved Animal Husbandry Practices by Gujjar Tribe of J&K
- ISBN 9783659810497: Ben Ngene: Structures in a Changing Climate
- ISBN 9783659810503: Yazykovoj portret jex-prezidenta Korei Li Men Baka
- ISBN 9783659810510: Enas M. Mostafa: Mathematical Modeling Procedure in Bio-processes
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- ISBN 9783659810527: Ercan Kocayörük: Father Involvement in Adolescent Development
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- ISBN 3659810541: Hicham Mahda: Social-Networking & EFL Secondary Education: Notions & Implications
- ISBN 9783659810541: Hicham Mahda: Social-Networking & EFL Secondary Education: Notions & Implications
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- ISBN 9783659810558: Dharti Narendra Gajjar: Clinico-Radiographic Co-relation of Pulp stones in Systemic disorders
- ISBN 3659810568: Alloysius A. Ogbe: Micro-Finance and Entrepreneurship Development
- ISBN 9783659810565: Alloysius A. Ogbe: Micro-Finance and Entrepreneurship Development
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- ISBN 9783659810572: Mrugesh Trivedi: Ecological & Economical Importance of Fishing at Jakhau Harbor, India
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- ISBN 9783659810589: Matthew Ekum: Panel Predictive Model of Food Production and Exports In West Africa
- ISBN 9783659810596: D'yachkova, Tat'yana: Gazofaznaya funkcionalizaciya uglerodnyh nanotrubok
- ISBN 9783659810602: Akinkunmi Apena: Biochemical and Chemical Changes of Fermented Melon Seeds
- ISBN 3659810614: Bisrat Gebremichael: Investigation of Feed Resource Availability in Amhara region, Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659810619: Bisrat Gebremichael: Investigation of Feed Resource Availability in Amhara region, Ethiopia
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- ISBN 9783659810626: Ol'ga Moskalenko: Kartografiq: prakticheskie raboty
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- ISBN 9783659810657: Daniel Schoeni: Second-Best Markets
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- ISBN 9783659810688: Mahmoud Hosini: Optimization Methods in IMRT Planning
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- ISBN 9783659810749: Analiz i ocenka ugroz jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti Chechenskoj Respubliki
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- ISBN 9783659810763: Christina Nitsou: Exploring how civics education constructs youth social action
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- ISBN 9783659810862: Kazi S. Farid: Adjustment Experiences of Immigrants in the Host Society
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- ISBN 9783659810879: Arun Thuruthikkattil Ram: Effect of 6-Benzylaminopurine(BAP) on in vitro shoot multiplication
- ISBN 9783659810886: Andrew Keoro: Constraints in the Integration of Computers in Curriculum Delivery
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- ISBN 9783659810909: Vikas Humbe: Elevated Enhancement Techniques for Fingerprint Recognition System
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- ISBN 9783659810916: Ziaul Hassan Bakhshi: Stochastic Programming Approach in Stratified Sampling Problems
- ISBN 3659810924: Masoud Yarahmadi: Proceedings of the Scientific and Research with Economic Issues
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- ISBN 9783659810930: Tejashree Balgude: Various Problems Due to Excess Use of Bikes at an Institute
- ISBN 9783659810947: Sergej Ivanov: Proektirovanie interfejsov
- ISBN 9783659810954: Dmitrij Nikolaew: Chuwstwo lübwi kak instrument psihoterapii
- ISBN 3659810967: Nikolaj Alexeew: Yawleniq Vselennoj - swojstwo Prostranstwa
- ISBN 9783659810961: Nikolaj Alexeew: Yawleniq Vselennoj - swojstwo Prostranstwa
- ISBN 9783659810978: Perspektivy razvitiya rynka zerna v Akmolinskoj oblasti
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- ISBN 9783659810985: Nurpeisow Darhan: Konstitucionno-prawowye osnowy stanowleniq suwereniteta Kazahstana