ISBN beginnend mit 9783659812
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659812005: Kapilan Ranganathan: Biology of Cell
- ISBN 9783659812002: Kapilan Ranganathan: Biology of Cell
- ISBN 3659812013: Abeer Badr: Factor V Leiden in Ischaemic Heart Disease
- ISBN 9783659812019: Abeer Badr: Factor V Leiden in Ischaemic Heart Disease
- ISBN 3659812021: Tasneem Mahomed: Influence of an inpatient dual diagnosis program on readmission rates
- ISBN 9783659812026: Tasneem Mahomed: Influence of an inpatient dual diagnosis program on readmission rates
- ISBN 9783659812033: Ian Sesnan: Evaluation- do we transfer lessons learnt?
- ISBN 9783659812040: Stéfano Frizzo Stefenon Luiz Henrique Meyer: Inspection of Electrical Distribution Network
- ISBN 9783659812057: Gaynor Maclean: Achieving Safe Motherhood Globally - An Historical Overview
- ISBN 3659812064: Jurij Tarnawskij: Osnowy rewers-inzhiniringa .Net-prilozhenij
- ISBN 3659812072: Nadira Hatim: The Effect of Salvadora Persica Extracts on Titanium Alloy
- ISBN 9783659812071: Nadira Hatim: The Effect of Salvadora Persica Extracts on Titanium Alloy
- ISBN 3659812080: Jacob Nagler: On Homogeneous and Composite Cylindrical Pressure Vessels
- ISBN 9783659812088: Jacob Nagler: On Homogeneous and Composite Cylindrical Pressure Vessels
- ISBN 3659812099: Kolade Cole: Experimental Comparison of Three Scale Control Materials
- ISBN 9783659812095: Kolade Cole: Experimental Comparison of Three Scale Control Materials
- ISBN 9783659812101: Biljana Nikolic: Water Saving Options for the Municipality of Gracanica
- ISBN 3659812110: Ewgeniq Rybnikowa: Plutowskaq powest' Borisa Akunina
- ISBN 9783659812118: Ewgeniq Rybnikowa: Plutowskaq powest' Borisa Akunina
- ISBN 3659812129: Enoch Antwi: Political Party Followership and Political Leadership in Africa
- ISBN 9783659812125: Enoch Antwi: Political Party Followership and Political Leadership in Africa
- ISBN 9783659812132: Amer A. Taqa: Properties of Polymethyl¿Methacrylate Powder Treated by Autoclave
- ISBN 3659812145: Sinthana Gorky Swaminathan: A Introduction to biodiesel extraction
- ISBN 9783659812149: Sinthana Gorky Swaminathan: A Introduction to biodiesel extraction
- ISBN 9783659812156: Edwin Perona: Deuteronomy in Paul's Paraenesis within 1 Corinthians 5:1 - 11:1
- ISBN 9783659812163: Manthapudi Sri Kameswara Rao: Optical Procurement Of Chemicals For Laboratory Classes: A LP Model
- ISBN 365981217X: Mohammed Moghees: Field Sales Management
- ISBN 9783659812170: Mohammed Moghees: Field Sales Management
- ISBN 9783659812187: Pratap Naikwade: Environment: Problems, Impacts, Mitigation Practices and Education
- ISBN 3659812196: Janis Bibiyana D.: Business Organisation
- ISBN 9783659812194: Janis Bibiyana D.: Business Organisation
- ISBN 9783659812200: Siushkina Natal'ya: Social'noe blagopoluchie
- ISBN 9783659812217: Klara Salyamova: Dinamika gruntovyh plotin
- ISBN 3659812226: Fangyuan Li: Thermal design, simulation, and sensing of electronic products
- ISBN 9783659812224: Fangyuan Li: Thermal design, simulation, and sensing of electronic products
- ISBN 9783659812231: Radha Ravichandran: Response to Competition - A case study of Nationalised Banks in India
- ISBN 9783659812248: Berkan Ural: Non-Invasive Applications To Detect Gastric Cancer and Brain Tumor
- ISBN 9783659812255: Uma Venkatachalam: Internal Branding
- ISBN 3659812269: Sarbjit Singh Brar: Discrete Order Statistics- A Review
- ISBN 9783659812262: Sarbjit Singh Brar: Discrete Order Statistics- A Review
- ISBN 9783659812279: Amar Chudasama: Molecular and Phytochemical Analysis of Algal Species from Okha Coast
- ISBN 9783659812286: Fatima Khan: Credit Risk Grading Adopted by Private Commercial Banks
- ISBN 3659812293: Germano Vera Cruz: Human Sexuality
- ISBN 9783659812293: Germano Vera Cruz: Human Sexuality
- ISBN 9783659812309: Abdikarim Ibrahim Abdow: Competing Effectively in international Business
- ISBN 9783659812316: Teoriya pedagogicheskih sistem
- ISBN 3659812323: Shaardesh Kumar Chaurasia: Chemical Composition Of Sugarcane Bagasse
- ISBN 9783659812323: Shaardesh Kumar Chaurasia: Chemical Composition Of Sugarcane Bagasse
- ISBN 3659812331: Vivek Ginoya: AgriBOT
- ISBN 9783659812330: Vivek Ginoya: AgriBOT
- ISBN 365981234X: Segun Adebajo: JHVH Global Kingdom
- ISBN 9783659812347: Segun Adebajo: JHVH Global Kingdom
- ISBN 9783659812354: Mohammed Kasso: Biodiversity Conservation in the Horn of Africa / Mohammed Kasso (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 68 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659812354
- ISBN 3659812366: Mohamed Belamghari: Speaking of Culture in Literature and Film
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- ISBN 9783659812378: Hailu Wubshet: Clinical Supervision for Language Teachers
- ISBN 9783659812385: Termodinamicheskie osnovy natural noj filosofii potenciala pokoya kletki
- ISBN 3659812390: Samuel Amponsah: The Evolution and Implementation Strategies of the University of Ghana
- ISBN 9783659812392: Samuel Amponsah: The Evolution and Implementation Strategies of the University of Ghana
- ISBN 9783659812415: Thi Thi Soe: Wind Power Project Development for Rural Electrification in Myanmar
- ISBN 9783659812422: Faisal Shahzad: Optimized and Cost Effective Power Management System for Domestic Users
- ISBN 9783659812439: Abduallateef Ghallab: The Effect of Teaching Coherence on Writing Quality
- ISBN 9783659812446: Kripa Shanker Gupta: Empowerment
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- ISBN 9783659812453: Rasul Ahtqmow: Raschet rashoda gorüche-smazochnyh materialow awtomobil'nym transportom
- ISBN 3659812463: Rokia El-Banna: Update on Osteoporosis Management
- ISBN 9783659812460: Rokia El-Banna: Update on Osteoporosis Management
- ISBN 9783659812477: Patrick M. Honore: Renal Replacement Therapy in critical Care
- ISBN 3659812498: Hassen Bekeli Shafe: Challenges and Achievements of Implementing BPR
- ISBN 9783659812491: Hassen Bekeli Shafe: Challenges and Achievements of Implementing BPR
- ISBN 9783659812507: Hanna Arini Parhusip: Introduction Optimization for Food Science
- ISBN 9783659812514: Mulugeta Ayalew: Dairy Cattle Production
- ISBN 3659812528: Nabila Nisha: Sensitivity Analysis of Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Returns
- ISBN 9783659812521: Nabila Nisha: Sensitivity Analysis of Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Returns
- ISBN 9783659812538: Bioaktivnost modificirovannyh guminovyh kislot
- ISBN 3659812544: Yun Dai: Targeting Autophagy in Multiple Myeloma
- ISBN 9783659812545: Yun Dai: Targeting Autophagy in Multiple Myeloma
- ISBN 9783659812569: Antikrizisnoe upravlenie v organizaciyah mediabiznesa
- ISBN 3659812579: Gamal A. Elmegeed: Novel Steroidal Curcumin Derivatives: Weapons for Alzheimer's Disease
- ISBN 9783659812576: Gamal A. Elmegeed: Novel Steroidal Curcumin Derivatives: Weapons for Alzheimer's Disease
- ISBN 9783659812583: Formirovanie proizvol nosti u giperaktivnyh starshih doshkol nikov
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- ISBN 9783659812590: Andrej Kashkarow: Uslowiq krizisa doweriq. Vzaimodejstwie social'nyh strat
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- ISBN 9783659812606: AbdelRaouf Moustafa: Medicinal Plant Species Growing in Saint Catherine, South Sinai, Egypt
- ISBN 9783659812613: Manish Kumar Sinha Ishtiyaq Ahmad Mukesh Kumar Verma: Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability using DRASTIC Model
- ISBN 3659812625: Rex Cheung: Best of SRS, Public Health and Art in Medicine: Head and Neck Tumors
- ISBN 9783659812620: Rex Cheung: Best of SRS, Public Health and Art in Medicine: Head and Neck Tumors
- ISBN 3659812633: Nabeel Mandahawi: Implementing Triage Process to Minimize Waiting Time for Hospitals
- ISBN 9783659812637: Nabeel Mandahawi: Implementing Triage Process to Minimize Waiting Time for Hospitals
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- ISBN 9783659812644: Abdualhakim Tlaisi: Lateral and Torsional Vibration of a Cracked Overhanging Rotor Shaft
- ISBN 365981265X: Saleh Mohammad Ashraful Haque: Developing storage technology with quality jute seed production
- ISBN 9783659812651: Saleh Mohammad Ashraful Haque: Developing storage technology with quality jute seed production
- ISBN 3659812668: Ashok Kumar: Gamma absorption parameters in ceramics, solvents, solutions and wood
- ISBN 9783659812668: Ashok Kumar: Gamma absorption parameters in ceramics, solvents, solutions and wood
- ISBN 3659812676: Deepthi Inoka Uluwaduge: Hypoglycaemic efficacy of palmyrah (B.flabeliifer L) fruit pulp
- ISBN 9783659812675: Deepthi Inoka Uluwaduge: Hypoglycaemic efficacy of palmyrah (B.flabeliifer L) fruit pulp
- ISBN 3659812684: Haimanot Atinkut: Conservation Agriculture
- ISBN 9783659812682: Haimanot Atinkut: Conservation Agriculture
- ISBN 3659812692: Esa Abiso: Evaporative Coolers as Alternative Storage for Mechanical Refrigrator
- ISBN 9783659812699: Esa Abiso: Evaporative Coolers as Alternative Storage for Mechanical Refrigrator
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- ISBN 9783659812705: Romany Thabet: Cardiovascular And Neuromodulatory Effects Of Purine P1 Agonists
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- ISBN 9783659812729: Emily Wesutila: Factors Affecting High staff turnover in cleaning services Industry
- ISBN 3659812730: Zelalem Yekoye: Assessing Determinants of population fertility in Hosanna town
- ISBN 9783659812736: Zelalem Yekoye: Assessing Determinants of population fertility in Hosanna town
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- ISBN 9783659812750: Dan Corneci: Advances in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care for Nurses and Physicians
- ISBN 9783659812767: Maria Solange Da Silva: Conducting Mathematical Thinking Activities with Secondary Teachers
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- ISBN 9783659812774: Yekini Shehu: Iterative Algorithms for Nonlinear Equations in Banach Spaces
- ISBN 9783659812781: Feki Misbah: Community-Based Characterization of Afar Goat Breed, around Aysaita
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- ISBN 9783659812798: Juliq Vladimirowna Nowickaq: Issledowanie diskriminacii pri podbore i otbore kandidatow na wakansiü
- ISBN 9783659812804: Issledovanie transformacii cennostej personala v usloviyah optimizacii
- ISBN 9783659812811: Malak Yahia Qattan: Stem cells microenvironment and its effects on leukemia treatment
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- ISBN 9783659812835: Bikramjit Podder: Manufacturing Analytics for Cold Flow Forming of H30 Aluminum Tubes
- ISBN 9783659812842: Obratnye zadachi dlya kvadratichnogo puchka operatorov Shturma-Liuvillya
- ISBN 9783659812859: Naomi Nakashima: How the Stages of Deployment Impact Family Dynamics
- ISBN 3659812862: Preeti Rajput: Application of GIS in Drought Analysis
- ISBN 9783659812866: Preeti Rajput: Application of GIS in Drought Analysis
- ISBN 3659812870: Rowa Zarah: Cypermethrin Toxicity to the Growing Guppy's Larvae
- ISBN 9783659812873: Rowa Zarah: Cypermethrin Toxicity to the Growing Guppy's Larvae
- ISBN 9783659812880: Meroj A. Jasem: 1500 MCQs In General and Clinical Immunology
- ISBN 9783659812897: Hasan Balkhoyor: Chemical Sensors based on Nanostructure Materials
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- ISBN 9783659812910: Mozer Sergej Petrowich: Gorno-geomehanicheskie aspekty podzemnoj razrabotki poleznyh iskopaemyh
- ISBN 9783659812927: Siddharth Mehta: Management of Velopharyngeal Defects
- ISBN 3659812935: Ahmed Salah Mazeed: Biodegradable Fixation of Pediatric Mandibular Fractures
- ISBN 9783659812934: Ahmed Salah Mazeed: Biodegradable Fixation of Pediatric Mandibular Fractures
- ISBN 3659812943: Pulkit Chandra: Retention in Maxillofacial Prosthodontics
- ISBN 9783659812941: Pulkit Chandra: Retention in Maxillofacial Prosthodontics
- ISBN 3659812951: Viktor Kondakow: Korrekciq narushenij osanki sredstwami hatha-jogi
- ISBN 9783659812958: Viktor Kondakow: Korrekciq narushenij osanki sredstwami hatha-jogi
- ISBN 365981296X: Bilal Ahmad Tantry: Arsenic Pollution and Microbes ¿ An Emerging Global Threat
- ISBN 9783659812965: Bilal Ahmad Tantry: Arsenic Pollution and Microbes ¿ An Emerging Global Threat
- ISBN 3659812978: Ahmed Kh. Mohammed Almadi: Wilson's Disease: The disease that should never be missed
- ISBN 9783659812972: Ahmed Kh. Mohammed Almadi: Wilson's Disease: The disease that should never be missed
- ISBN 9783659812989: Dominic Savio, Regis Arunodayam: Financial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis Practices of NGO'S
- ISBN 9783659812996: Rachel L. McDonald: Geology, Technology and Human Behaviour