ISBN beginnend mit 9783659824
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659824003: Samuel Munyuwiny: Predictors of High Risk Sexual Behavior Among Female Domestic Workers
- ISBN 9783659824005: Samuel Munyuwiny: Predictors of High Risk Sexual Behavior Among Female Domestic Workers
- ISBN 3659824011: Dorothy Adimora: Effect of Comprehension Monitoring Strategy on Achievement & Interest
- ISBN 9783659824012: Dorothy Adimora: Effect of Comprehension Monitoring Strategy on Achievement & Interest
- ISBN 9783659824029: Mervat Agaibyi: S100 Protein Family and its Application in Clinical Practice
- ISBN 9783659824036: Milica Cmiljanovic: The Economic Aspects of Honey Production
- ISBN 9783659824043: Aminu Bello Zoramawa Shehu Usman Gulumbe: A Study on Detection and Identification of Faults in Clinker Minerals
- ISBN 9783659824050: Mona Hussein Emam Ahmad Kamel Hegazy Hanan Farouk Kabiel: Radionuclides Uptake By Some Crops Raised In Coastal Black Sand Soil
- ISBN 9783659824067: Shaima Almasry: Placental analysis of idiopathic growth restricted pregnancies in KSA / Shaima Almasry (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 64 S. / Englisch / 2016 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659824067
- ISBN 3659824070: Isaac Edunyah: Manual on Road Signs and Safe Driving
- ISBN 9783659824074: Isaac Edunyah: Manual on Road Signs and Safe Driving
- ISBN 9783659824081: Vvedenie v special nost Chislennye metody
- ISBN 9783659824098: Pawel Kijko: Powyshenie kachestwa obrazowaniq
- ISBN 9783659824104: Obraz goroda v yazykovom soznanii ego zhitelej
- ISBN 9783659824111: Ademokoya, Alade: Electronic Payment System and Bank Customers' Satisfaction in Ilorin / Alade Ademokoya / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 124 S. / Englisch / 2016 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659824111
- ISBN 3659824127: Stanley Ohenhen: Management & Marketing Communication Model for the Performing Arts
- ISBN 9783659824128: Stanley Ohenhen: Management & Marketing Communication Model for the Performing Arts
- ISBN 3659824135: Dar'q Mel'nikowa: Ionizaciq wozduha
- ISBN 9783659824135: Dar'q Mel'nikowa: Ionizaciq wozduha
- ISBN 9783659824142: B. P. Nandeshwarappa: Synthesis, Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Benzothiazole
- ISBN 9783659824159: Özlem Arac¿: Shaping Effect of Organizational Identity on Strategic Responses
- ISBN 9783659824166: Hemometrika
- ISBN 9783659824180: Giovanni Alcocer: Inferential Statistics with Excel
- ISBN 9783659824197: Audrey Cypress: The Effective Use of Job-Embedded Professional Development
- ISBN 9783659824203: Fayyaz Ahmed: Communication Protocols, Queuing and Scheduling Delay Analysis
- ISBN 9783659824210: Lei Fu: Improvements and Enhancements of MPS in Free Surface Flow Simulation
- ISBN 9783659824227: Vladimir Belogolovov: Mestorozhdeniya Buryatii
- ISBN 9783659824234: Prajna Paramita Panigrahi: Characterization of Women in the Novels of Kamala Markandaya
- ISBN 9783659824241: Prognozirovanie potrebnosti sel skogo hozyajstva v specialistah
- ISBN 9783659824258: Shirinkina, Elena: Organizaciq uprawleniq proizwodstwennymi zapasami na predpriqtii / Monografiq
- ISBN 3659824267: Hir Vyas: Communication And Branding: Relevance Of Design And Its Elements
- ISBN 9783659824265: Hir Vyas: Communication And Branding: Relevance Of Design And Its Elements
- ISBN 9783659824272: Winston Kuti-George: Fraud Perpetration in Insurance
- ISBN 3659824283: Ali Kareem Nahar: LSPSO Channel Estimation in OFDM MC-Communication System Based on FPGA
- ISBN 9783659824289: Ali Kareem Nahar: LSPSO Channel Estimation in OFDM MC-Communication System Based on FPGA
- ISBN 9783659824302: Bruno Curiel: Skeletal and Dental response to long-term Herbst Appliance treatment
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- ISBN 3659824399: Kavitha Varadarajan: Effects of Intensive Farming on Water Resources in Tamil Nadu, India
- ISBN 9783659824395: Kavitha Varadarajan: Effects of Intensive Farming on Water Resources in Tamil Nadu, India
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- ISBN 9783659824432: Maryasev, Igor: Two challenges to the system of periclase quality evaluation / Researches, measurements, methods
- ISBN 9783659824449: Ashis Ghosh: Nutritional and Dietary Management Against Ageing for The Human beings
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- ISBN 9783659824500: Chitta Ranjan Mohanty: Fluidized Bed Adsorber for Gaseous Pollutant Control
- ISBN 9783659824517: Elaine Collins-Brown: Aspects of Online Courses That Are More Effective Than Campus Courses
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- ISBN 9783659824531: Angani Randima Herriarachchi: Acceptance of Mobile Banking Services
- ISBN 9783659824548: Om Prakash Verma Abha Singh: Characterization of ¿-glucosidase from Rauvolfia species
- ISBN 3659824550: S. Ravi: Users Perception on Information Resources and Services
- ISBN 9783659824555: S. Ravi: Users Perception on Information Resources and Services
- ISBN 3659824569: Sergej Alexandrowich Artühow: Politika, fizika, filosofiq
- ISBN 9783659824579: A. S. Gavali R. R. Deshmukh S. N. Kakarwal: Analysis of 3D Face Recognition Robust to Expressions and Occlusions
- ISBN 3659824585: Kiyokazu Nakatomi: Philosophy of Nothingness and Love
- ISBN 9783659824586: Kiyokazu Nakatomi: Philosophy of Nothingness and Love
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- ISBN 9783659824593: Charles Akurugu: Women Participation in Local Governance in Ghana
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- ISBN 9783659824647: Farrukh Hussain: Ethnobotany of Mastuj Valley, District Chitral Hindukush Range, Pakistan
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- ISBN 9783659824654: Xeniq Plotnikowa: Informacionno-proswetitel'nye tehnologii w molodezhnom dosuge
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- ISBN 9783659824708: Ju. Ju. Gromow: Integrirowannye sistemy uprawleniq na osnowe setecentricheskih struktur
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- ISBN 9783659824722: Daisy K. Lepon: Economic, Social Benefits and Costs of Seasonal Work in New Zealand
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- ISBN 9783659824739: Eliam Kamanga: Marketing Principles: How They Influence Purchase of Alcohol
- ISBN 9783659824746: Omar Al-Khataibeh: Arab Investment Agreements and its Contribution to Arab Investment
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- ISBN 9783659824753: Zaid Hussein: Effect of Adding Polymers on The Mechanical Properties of HMA Mixtures
- ISBN 3659824763: Alexander Addae: Lives and Works of two indigenous and four studio potters in Ghana
- ISBN 9783659824760: Alexander Addae: Lives and Works of two indigenous and four studio potters in Ghana
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- ISBN 9783659824883: Nagwanshi, Anil: Evaluation of Herbicides on Persistence and Soil Fertility
- ISBN 9783659824890: Hasan Y¿ld¿z: Moleküler Yöntemlerle Mikrobiyal Çe¿itlili¿in Tan¿mlanmas¿
- ISBN 9783659824906: Sergej Borisovich Dubovichenko: Radiacionnyj zahvat nejtronov
- ISBN 9783659824913: Hoang Vu Dang: Human nasal primary cell cultures for peptide delivery studies
- ISBN 9783659824920: Akindele, Adetunji: Microcontroller Based SMS Electronic Scrolling Message Display Board / Adetunji Akindele (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 64 S. / Englisch / 2016 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
- ISBN 9783659824937: Popow, Vasilij: Modelirowanie techenij gaza w kanalah na osnowe urawneniq Vil'qmsa / Monografiq
- ISBN 9783659824944: Upravlenie personalom: kompetentnostnyj podhod
- ISBN 9783659824951: Binit Kavi: Dynamics and damping in thin riveted beam composite structures
- ISBN 9783659824968: Zobia Imtiaz: Smart Fueling System
- ISBN 9783659824975: Rohit Yadav: Carbon Nanotube Cotton Thread For Gas Sensing
- ISBN 9783659824982: Shaikh, Matin A.: Prediction of Vibrations & Cutting force of single point cutting tool / By using Artificial Neural Network in Turning
- ISBN 9783659824999: Piotr Kosmaty: Legal liability of a journalist