ISBN beginnend mit 9783659893
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659893001: Marguerite Laferrere: Understanding Apple's success
- ISBN 9783659893018: Thomas Bove: A Human Error Management Taxonomy In Air Traffic Control
- ISBN 9783659893025: Igor' Lavrov: Opticheskie svojstva metall-dijelektricheskih nanokompozitov s texturoj
- ISBN 9783659893032: Muhammad Raza: Cost Feasibility of Dam Construction in Third World Countries
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- ISBN 9783659893056: Seyi Afolabi: Changing The Order of Suffering
- ISBN 9783659893063: Dianyu Jiang: Introduction to Multi Rational Pig Game Theory
- ISBN 9783659893087: Derek Battle: Large Scale Renewable Energy Projects in the National Football League
- ISBN 9783659893094: Narava Kedareswari: Political Participation and Leadership of Women
- ISBN 9783659893100: Karina Lange: Ecotourism in Ecuador
- ISBN 9783659893117: Qurrat-ul-Ain Akbar Saqib Arif Salman Khurshid: Impact of added pentosans on bread quality
- ISBN 9783659893124: Naveen Kumar Jagadapura Ramegowda: MEMS and NEMS
- ISBN 9783659893131: Eman Emam: Treatment Technologies of Hydrocarbon Contaminated
- ISBN 9783659893148: Joseph Makuraza: Natural Dyes For Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) Application
- ISBN 9783659893155: Vikash Pandey: Adoption of integrated pest management practices among Potato growers
- ISBN 9783659893162: Tekle Pauzaite: DNA sequencing
- ISBN 9783659893179: Osama Butt: Automatic Voltage Stabilizer by Using Pulse Width Modulation
- ISBN 9783659893186: Dharmalingam Muthusamy: Neural Network Architectures for Solving Imperfect Information Game
- ISBN 9783659893193: Tareek Pattewar: Telemedicine System Based on Embedded Computer
- ISBN 9783659893209: Marwa Ali ElShahed: Biometric Watermarking Techniques
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- ISBN 9783659893292: Awadh Baawaidhan: Overcoming language & cultural barriers in the translation of Sana'ani
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- ISBN 9783659893391: Megha Sahu: Impact of Sport Participation on Academic Performance
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- ISBN 9783659893445: Paul Tersue Iorlaha: Influence of Cartoons on Newspaper Readership in Nigeria
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- ISBN 9783659893605: Hilder Abur: Expatriate Employees' Perception of Challenge in the Work Environment
- ISBN 9783659893612: Ashish Saraf: Proximate Analysis of Wild Mushrooms Isolated from Central India
- ISBN 9783659893629: Abdullah Moukhtar Nosseir: Black Nickel Solar Absorber
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- ISBN 9783659893643: Aloy Nnamdi Obika: Metaphysical Content of Igbo Folktales
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- ISBN 9783659893650: Narjes Sherafati: Improving the quality of EFL learner's writing by dynamic assessment
- ISBN 9783659893667: Sociologiya organizacii
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- ISBN 9783659893735: Khaled Arafat: Date palm trees: The root rot fungal diseases and their control
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- ISBN 9783659893896: Ayca Akcay: Heparin-mimetic Polysaccharides
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