ISBN beginnend mit 9783838330
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783838330013: Harold Mark Livingston: Failure Rates of Implants in Irradiated Bone: A Meta-Analysis
- ISBN 9783838330020: Mark Johnson: PHP, REST and Dynamic SVG
- ISBN 9783838330037: Dianna Baldwin: Everyone''s a Kool-Aid Man Today
- ISBN 9783838330044: SAMIRAMIS SARKARDEI: Lipid oxidation in underutilised fish species
- ISBN 9783838330051: Christopher Fritz: Echoes of the Past
- ISBN 9783838330068: Ryo Sudo: In vitro liver reconstruction by small hepatocytes
- ISBN 9783838330082: Jones-Cole, Ed. D.: Mississippi Freedom Schools
- ISBN 9783838330099: Voxi Heinrich Amavilah: National Wealth Accounting and Baseball Player Exports
- ISBN 9783838330105: Mary Ann Burston: Imagining home: constructs, images and desires
- ISBN 9783838330112: Lyew-Ayee, Parris: Digital Topographic Analysis of Cockpit Karst
- ISBN 9783838330129: Russell Medbery: Exploring Anger in Sport
- ISBN 9783838330136: Md. Abdur Rashid Sarker: Cost Recovery and Sustainable Urban Water Service
- ISBN 9783838330143: Venkatathri Narayanan: Studies on Vanadium Aluminophosphate molecular sieves
- ISBN 9783838330150: Muhammad Shahanoor Alam: Network Governance for Adaptation to Climate Change
- ISBN 9783838330167: Emeline Afeaki-Mafileo: The Effects of Social Policy Upon the Tongan Family
- ISBN 9783838330174: Helena Pettersson: BOUNDARIES, BELIEVERS AND BODIES
- ISBN 9783838330181: Felix Wilke: From European Identity to a Social Europe?
- ISBN 9783838330198: Gunilla Klemendz: Dental fear in a clinical practice
- ISBN 9783838330204: Craig Cormick: The Last Supper
- ISBN 9783838330211: Dharma Lesmono: Election Timing
- ISBN 9783838330228: Leonardo Agudo Jácome: Properties of Steel-Aluminium Metal Arc Joints
- ISBN 9783838330235: Bohórquez Rodríguez de Medina, Patricio: Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Free-Surface Flow
- ISBN 9783838330242: Amy Burns: Controlling Appetite
- ISBN 9783838330259: Stephanie Ahn: Is Your Website Really Working for Your Communication Goals?
- ISBN 9783838330266: Subramaniam Nadaison: Creative Writing, Positive Affect and Formative Assessment
- ISBN 3838330277: Scott Sherouse: The Bahamas: ¿Land of Milk and Honey¿
- ISBN 9783838330273: Scott Sherouse: The Bahamas: ¿Land of Milk and Honey¿
- ISBN 9783838330280: DeFoggi DBA, John: Proactive Market Orientation in U.S. Medical Manufacturing Industry
- ISBN 9783838330297: Tsedeke Kocho: Smallholder sheep and goat production and marketing system in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783838330303: I-Lun Tseng: Estimation of Analog Layout Parasitics with Parameterized Polygons
- ISBN 9783838330310: Aydin Karahan: An Evolutionary Fuel Assembly Design for High Power Density BWRs
- ISBN 9783838330327: Antonio Cumbane: Microwave treatment of Minerals and Ores
- ISBN 9783838330334: Alhagi Marong: International Sustainable Development Law
- ISBN 9783838330341: Alan Clipperton: The Design and Implementation of a Newcomer ESL Program
- ISBN 9783838330358: Niels Krarup Leth: Interplay between the proteome and sensory quality in farmed trout
- ISBN 9783838330365: Masanori Matsumoto: Persistence in Japanese Language Study at Universities in Australia
- ISBN 9783838330372: Richard Easingwood: Microwave Influence on Ice Formation
- ISBN 9783838330389: Niyazi Ari: Symbolic Computation Techniques for Electromagnetics
- ISBN 9783838330396: Anil Damodar Naik: Metal complexes as antimicrobial agents and in biomimetics
- ISBN 9783838330402: Dennis Greenwood: The Possibility of Psychotherapy with a Person Diagnosed with dementia
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- ISBN 9783838330433: Jurgita Andruskiene: Sleep, depression and quality of life in coronary artery disease
- ISBN 9783838330440: Alam, Md. Mahmudul: Microentrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh
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- ISBN 9783838330471: Marco Spohn: Using Dominating Sets to Improve the Performance of ad hoc Networks
- ISBN 9783838330488: Julie Moffenbier: Who's Got Their Hand in the Cookie Jar
- ISBN 9783838330495: Jennifer Hall: Affirming, Maintaining Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education / Perceptions on the Use of Student Evaluations for Quality Assurance in Teaching and Learning a Tertiary Institution / Hall
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- ISBN 9783838330518: Eugenia Fratzeskou: Visualising Boolean Set Operations
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- ISBN 9783838330549: Ricardo Silvestre: Induction and Plausibility
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- ISBN 9783838330600: Peter Petrov: Nash problem on spaces of arcs
- ISBN 9783838330624: Mat Sin, Nazirah: Design Criteria For Visual Presentation
- ISBN 9783838330648: Maree Stanley: Buddy Systems in Australian Primary Schools | An investigation of the staff and students'' perceptions of buddy systems in school communities | Maree Stanley | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 92 S. | 2010
- ISBN 9783838330655: McAlpine Jeffries, Julie: The Duty to Accommodate in Employment
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- ISBN 9783838330686: Jayne Butler: Interest and effort in large-scale assessment
- ISBN 9783838330693: Viktoryia Menkova: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- ISBN 9783838330709: Simon Olling Rebsdorf: The Father, the Son, and the Stars
- ISBN 9783838330716: Ganesh Raj Acharya: Conflict Management of Natural Resources in South Asia
- ISBN 9783838330723: Alexi Gugushvili: Pension Systems in the First Years of Post-communist Transition
- ISBN 9783838330730: Pelotshweu Moepeng: Rural Poverty in Botswana
- ISBN 9783838330747: Michael Barkl: Vertigo
- ISBN 9783838330754: Eric Houk: Valuing Irrigation Water in the Platte River Basin
- ISBN 9783838330761: Chiang, Frances S.: Chinese Immigrant Women Entrepreneurship
- ISBN 9783838330778: Judith Rasoletti: Square and Compass
- ISBN 9783838330785: Sasha Altaf: Erotic Autonomy as a Politics of Feminism
- ISBN 9783838330792: Craig Mark: The Causes of Intrastate War
- ISBN 9783838330808: Alvin Lee: Service facility design, customer quality perceptions and facility use
- ISBN 9783838330815: Tadis Brhane: EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION
- ISBN 9783838330822: Marine Boyadzhyan: VISUALIZATION OF COLOR FROM SCENT
- ISBN 9783838330839: Jamnean Joungtrakul: The Strike: A Concerted Industrial Action in Thailand
- ISBN 9783838330846: Aditya Pratap: Haploidy Breeding in Triticale and Triticale X Wheat Hybrids
- ISBN 9783838330853: Jie Geng: Development of niobium silicide based in situ composites
- ISBN 9783838330860: Motoko Akakura: Effect of Instruction on Implicit and Explicit Second Language Knowledge
- ISBN 9783838330907: Merel Keijzer: First Language Acquisition and First Language Attrition
- ISBN 9783838330914: Donghui Zhu: Astroglial cells are not just bystanders in Alzheimer''s
- ISBN 9783838330921: ALEXANDRU CONSTANGIOARA: Consumer Credit Scoring
- ISBN 9783838330938: Robert Wight: Exploring Ecovillager''s Perceptions'' of Nature and Uses of Technology
- ISBN 9783838330945: Seth Kuhlman: Assessment of Provocative Tests for Superior Glenoid Labrum Lesions
- ISBN 9783838330952: Javed Iqbal: Managing Strategic Change
- ISBN 9783838330969: Vishal Shrotriya: Polymer Solar Cells
- ISBN 9783838330976: Luis Ruiz-Garcia: Development of Monitoring Systems for Cold Chain Logistics
- ISBN 9783838330983: Jesper Kjeldsen: Turbo Coding
- ISBN 9783838330990: Deborah Prentice: Personality Profile of Accounting Professionals and Students