ISBN beginnend mit 9783845475
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3845475005: Galina Palatkina: Jetnicheskaq pedagogika
- ISBN 9783845475004: Galina Palatkina: Jetnicheskaq pedagogika
- ISBN 9783845475011: Il'q Azarow: Mgnowennyj garmonicheskij analiz
- ISBN 3845475021: Anna Kuprij: Slabye pozicii w texte: sinergeticheskie i garmonicheskie aspekty
- ISBN 9783845475028: Anna Kuprij: Slabye pozicii w texte: sinergeticheskie i garmonicheskie aspekty
- ISBN 9783845475035: Charles Nsibande: Radon (Rn) Measurement in Buildings
- ISBN 3845475048: Tat'qna Litwinowa: Cheloweka w zerkale dialekta (na materiale woronezhskih goworow)
- ISBN 9783845475042: Tat'qna Litwinowa: Cheloweka w zerkale dialekta (na materiale woronezhskih goworow)
- ISBN 9783845475059: Krishna Kalyan Dixit: Facilitator Development for English Language Teachers' Clubs in India
- ISBN 9783845475066: Surendra Kumar: Polypropylene Yarn
- ISBN 3845475072: A. V. Lejfa: Formirowanie kommunikatiwnoj tolerantnosti
- ISBN 9783845475073: A. V. Lejfa: Formirowanie kommunikatiwnoj tolerantnosti
- ISBN 9783845475080: Rebecca Cooper: Evaluation of the Advanced Placement Program in Environmental Science
- ISBN 9783845475097: Sarim Khem: Fermented Fish Sausage from New Zealand Marine Species
- ISBN 9783845475103: Anil Ahmed: Mouse programming using C/C++
- ISBN 9783845475110: Yahichi Elam (Mrs.: Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Seedlings on Different Growth Media
- ISBN 9783845475127: Teoriq imidzha
- ISBN 3845475137: Jurij Bokow: Izbiratel'nye prawa grazhdan Prussii
- ISBN 9783845475134: Jurij Bokow: Izbiratel'nye prawa grazhdan Prussii
- ISBN 9783845475141: Funktsionirovanie Regional nykh Elit V Sovetskoy Rossii
- ISBN 9783845475158: Sadia Javed: Fermented Cholesterol Lowering Drug (Lovastatin)
- ISBN 3845475161: Jel'dar Asadullin: Mentalitet kazachestwa na Urale
- ISBN 9783845475165: Jel'dar Asadullin: Mentalitet kazachestwa na Urale
- ISBN 9783845475172: John W. Morehead: Burning Man Festival
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- ISBN 9783845475196: Shafqat Rasool Abdul Ghafoor Aslam Manan: Marketing and consumer preferences for inland fish in Punjab, Pakistan
- ISBN 9783845475202: Valerij Melik-Gusejnow: Shipowniki Ingushetii
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- ISBN 9783845475219: Viktor Mazhnikow: Social'nyj konflikt w sociokul'turnoj dinamike rossijskogo obschestwa
- ISBN 9783845475226: Hadia Ahmed: A Rereading of George Bernard Shaw as a Romantic Dramatist
- ISBN 3845475234: Natal'q Lupenko: Samosoznanie lichnosti rukowoditelq
- ISBN 9783845475233: Natal'q Lupenko: Samosoznanie lichnosti rukowoditelq
- ISBN 9783845475240: Tayyaba Ijaz: An Epidemiological Study Of Nosocomial Infections
- ISBN 9783845475257: Monimala Devi: Growth Dynamics of Nepali Community of Assam
- ISBN 9783845475264: Carol Dell'Amico: Postcolonial Rhys
- ISBN 9783845475271: Andrej Vasil'ewich Kuznecow: Genealogiq netelej golshtinskoj porody, zawezennyh iz Germanii
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- ISBN 9783845475295: Ramesh Parmar Naisarg Pujara H. M. Tank: Development of Polyherbal Formulation for Antibacterial Activity
- ISBN 9783845475301: Hassan Abd El-Aziz El-Sabagh: Enhance Science Learning with Virtual Labs.
- ISBN 9783845475318: Pamela Rutledge: The Impact of Media Coverage on USA-China Conflict
- ISBN 9783845475325: Yonas Tafesse Qoricho: Women and Land Rights in Rural Ethiopia
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- ISBN 9783845475332: Natal'q Malkowa: Reprezentaciq "muzhskogo" i "zhenskogo" diskursow w poäticheskom texte
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- ISBN 9783845475363: Fatima Fatima: Study of randomness for different time intervals
- ISBN 9783845475370: Arnon Dov Cohen: Clinical Assessment of Disease Severity in Patients with Psoriasis
- ISBN 3845475382: Pawel Valer'ewich Samolysow: Jelementarnaq i Vysshaq Matematika
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- ISBN 9783845475394: Ata Ur Rahman: Fundamentals of International Commercial Law
- ISBN 9783845475400: Aly Khan: Association of Nematodes with Vegetables in Pakistan
- ISBN 9783845475417: Farrah Farooq: Real-Time Data Warehousing: A State-of-the-Art Survey
- ISBN 9783845475424: Ali Nazari: Tensile strength of functionally graded steels with tilted layers
- ISBN 9783845475431: Lala Iswari Prasad Ray: Water Budgeting With Harvestable Rooftop Rainwater
- ISBN 9783845475448: Dmitrij Zaporozhec: Geometricheskie metody w teorii sluchajnyh polinomow
- ISBN 9783845475462: Magomed Magomedow: Issledowanie modelej magnitnyh materialow metodami Monte-Karlo
- ISBN 9783845475479: Stanislaw Vladimirowich Shhepalow: Priroda i harakter prawootnoshenij w ispolnitel'nom proizwodstwe
- ISBN 384547548X: Mihail Grigorowich: Social'no-geograficheskie tendencii razwitiq poselkow gorodskogo tipa
- ISBN 9783845475486: Mihail Grigorowich: Social'no-geograficheskie tendencii razwitiq poselkow gorodskogo tipa
- ISBN 3845475498: Vera Sakowskaq: Tipy i warianty izmeneniq psihicheskih processow pri OPGM
- ISBN 9783845475493: Vera Sakowskaq: Tipy i warianty izmeneniq psihicheskih processow pri OPGM
- ISBN 9783845475509: Adi Susilo: Groundwater Flow in Arid Tropical Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries
- ISBN 9783845475516: Sisay Melese Tassew: The role of Community Radio in promoting ethnic diversity in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783845475523: R. Narayanan: Factors Affect English learning
- ISBN 9783845475530: Fisseha Motuma: Challenges and Opportunities in Multiculturalizing School Learning
- ISBN 3845475544: Olatayo Moses Olaniyan: multinomial Distribution Based Model for controlling congestion
- ISBN 9783845475547: Olatayo Moses Olaniyan: multinomial Distribution Based Model for controlling congestion
- ISBN 9783845475554: Ali Ero¿ul: Spor Alemi (1919-1929)
- ISBN 9783845475561: Marius Carboni: Marketing Strategies in the UK Classical Music Business
- ISBN 9783845475578: Viktor Petrowich Golowanow: Razwitie dopolnitel'nogo obrazowaniq detej
- ISBN 3845475587: Jerkin Haltursunow: Optimizaciq seti mnogoätazhnyh garazhej i AZS w zastrojke goroda
- ISBN 9783845475592: Informacionnaq kul'tura
- ISBN 9783845475608: Margaret Njeri Mbugua: Family Caregivers of Mentally Retarded Children
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- ISBN 9783845475622: Solomon Gelalcha Woyessa: Genetic Analysis in Wheat
- ISBN 9783845475639: Urishanie Govender: Resource Allocation Model
- ISBN 9783845475646: T. V. Protopopowa: Kategoriq chelowecheskogo dostoinstwa w politike i prawe Rossii
- ISBN 9783845475653: Osman Sivrikaya: Use of Boron Based Binders in Pelletization of Iron Ores
- ISBN 9783845475660: Mohammad Javed: Seismic risk assessment of Unreinforced brick masonry buildings
- ISBN 9783845475677: Enock Nkonoki: Factors limiting small business success
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- ISBN 9783845475684: Ewgenij Sliwinskij: Modernizaciq i puti sowershenstwowaniqpoezdow transportnyh sredstw
- ISBN 9783845475691: Mohammad Abdul Ghani Chishty: A Novel Iron Based Bulk Metallic Glass
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- ISBN 9783845475738: Muhammad Muneeb Saleem Muhammad Abdullah Hanif: Biopotential Eye Tracking System
- ISBN 9783845475745: S. Mohammed Irshad: Disaster Rehabilitation and Exclusion
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- ISBN 9783845475776: Ranjit Singh Uppal: Clinical Diagnosis For Dental Students
- ISBN 9783845475783: Candice Goodwin: Novel biocatalysts and antibiotics produced by Micromonospora
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- ISBN 9783845475806: Razwitie psihicheskoj flexibil'nosti i profilaktika dezadaptacii
- ISBN 9783845475813: Samy K. K. Shaath: Advanced Ferrite Technology
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- ISBN 9783845475882: Vadim Karaban: Chislennoe modelirowanie teplofizicheskih processow termostatirowaniq
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- ISBN 9783845475899: Tat'qna Temqkowa: Konkurentnye strategii w hudozhestwennoj literature
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- ISBN 9783845475929: Egor Iwanowich Kuhar': Nelinejnye kineticheskie äffekty w swerhstrukturah
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- ISBN 9783845475950: Osei Kingsley: Managing root-knot nematodes with the African marigold
- ISBN 9783845475967: Nataliq Petrowa: Organizaciq mediko-social'noj pomoschi naseleniü.
- ISBN 9783845475974: Nancy Castillo: The use and integration of ICT in the teaching practice
- ISBN 9783845475981: C M Marya: Diagnosis of Dental Caries
- ISBN 9783845475998: Vladimir Kozlow: Arhitektonika mira liricheskogo proizwedeniq