ISBN beginnend mit 9783846549
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846549001: Mazen Hashem: Academic Knowledge from Elite Closure to Professional Service
- ISBN 9783846549018: Mansoor Khan Khattak: Effect of tillage practices on yield of Wheat and Maize rotation
- ISBN 9783846549025: Simmi Kharb: Homocysteine, Vitamin B 12, Folate,Cholinesterase in Osteosarcoma
- ISBN 9783846549032: Murugan Thangadurai: Studies on shock tube generated compressible vortex rings
- ISBN 9783846549049: Aparna Gore: Evaluation of Preventive Effects of Plectranthus Amboinicus (Lour)
- ISBN 9783846549056: Roy Chan: Students' Experience at World-Class Universities in China
- ISBN 9783846549063: Chilumo Katezi: Simplified Secondary Biology for Form One
- ISBN 9783846549070: Micheal Abraham: Political Decentralization and Accountability Mechanisms
- ISBN 3846549088: Galina Reznik: Koncepciq powysheniq blagosostoqniq w uslowiqh transformacii äkonomiki
- ISBN 9783846549087: Galina Reznik: Koncepciq powysheniq blagosostoqniq w uslowiqh transformacii äkonomiki
- ISBN 9783846549094: Kanchan Kamila: Santal Community Information Services
- ISBN 9783846549100: Abebe G/meskel: Rhizobacteria and Vegetable Growth.
- ISBN 9783846549117: Sasan Amini: Microbial Biofilms in the Post-Genome Era
- ISBN 3846549126: Olesq Nikolaewna Jur'ewa: Psihologicheskie osobennosti bol'nyh saharnym diabetom
- ISBN 9783846549124: Olesq Nikolaewna Jur'ewa: Psihologicheskie osobennosti bol'nyh saharnym diabetom
- ISBN 9783846549131: Shahid Mahmood: Estimation of Heavy Metals Contagion in Common Carp from Pakistan
- ISBN 9783846549148: Vikas Patil Shailesh Pawar: Polyaniline-Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposites for VOC Recognition
- ISBN 9783846549155: David Ruto: Communication Practices in Secondary School Administration in Kenya
- ISBN 9783846549162: Amanpreet Kaur: Performance of Optimal Combining versus Maximal RatioCombining: MIMO
- ISBN 9783846549179: A. R. Krishnan Ramasamy: Customer Relationship Management Practices in Consumer Durable Goods
- ISBN 3846549185: Mariq Iwanowna Shigaewa: Rol' mitoKatf kanala w fiziologii i pri patologii.
- ISBN 9783846549186: Mariq Iwanowna Shigaewa: Rol' mitoKatf kanala w fiziologii i pri patologii.
- ISBN 3846549193: Jurij Rogozow: Proektirowanie informacionnyh sistem na osnowe metamodelirowaniq
- ISBN 9783846549193: Jurij Rogozow: Proektirowanie informacionnyh sistem na osnowe metamodelirowaniq
- ISBN 9783846549209: Dhirendra Kumar Singh: Periodontology
- ISBN 9783846549216: Usama Zaineldeen: Tectonic Evolution of the Dead Sea Rift, southwest Jordan
- ISBN 9783846549223: Om Shankar Prajapati: Heat Transfer with Nanofluid
- ISBN 9783846549230: Robert Mburugu Kei: The Use of Media Resources in Higher Learning Institutions
- ISBN 9783846549247: Mariana Jimsheladze: The Euro-Med Partnership
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- ISBN 9783846549254: Ewgeniq Egorowa: Jekonomicheskaq ocenka uscherba ot razliwow nefti na morskih akwatoriqh
- ISBN 9783846549261: Kaza Somasekhara Rao B.V. Rajeswara Reddy Ch. Chakrapani: Activated KAZA's Carbons - Defluoridation of Potable Water
- ISBN 3846549274: Sergej Kuznecow: Vektornyj analiz faktorow proizwodstwa
- ISBN 9783846549278: Sergej Kuznecow: Vektornyj analiz faktorow proizwodstwa
- ISBN 9783846549285: Dilen Kistnen: Non-tariff barriers
- ISBN 9783846549292: Seyed Morteza Afghah: Non-economic Obstacles to Economic Development: Case Study of Iran
- ISBN 3846549304: Natia Lapiashvili: Evidence in International Construction Arbitration
- ISBN 9783846549308: Natia Lapiashvili: Evidence in International Construction Arbitration
- ISBN 9783846549315: Oscar Santamaría Julio Javier Diez: Gremmeniella abietina in Spain
- ISBN 9783846549322: Habtamu Worku Redie: Irrigation Management Practices in Tigray
- ISBN 9783846549339: Joynab Nabila Obayed: Modernism in Eliot, Pound and Williams
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- ISBN 9783846549346: Viktoriq Groshenkowa: Metodicheskie osnowy formirowaniq "talantliwogo" chitatelq
- ISBN 9783846549353: Gülo¿lu, Berna: The effects of CBT on learned resourcefulness and automatic thoughts
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- ISBN 9783846549384: Jackson Tuhirirwe: Foreign Aid Management in LDC'S
- ISBN 9783846549391: Abadi Amare: Zoonotic Opportunistic Infections Among HIV/AIDS Patients
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- ISBN 9783846549407: Gleb Borisowich Klinow: Adaptiwnye metody uprawleniq potokami kontejnernyh gruzow
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- ISBN 9783846549414: Vladimir Nikolaew: Issledowaniq teplowogo sostoqniq samolöta
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- ISBN 9783846549445: Urgessa, Teklu: Application of Data Mining Techniques on Antiretroviral Treatment Data
- ISBN 9783846549452: Alexej Chernysh: Powyshenie nadezhnosti klawishnyh solomotrqsow zernouborochnyh kombajnow
- ISBN 9783846549469: Atif Osheba: Preparation and Evaluation of some Healthy Foods
- ISBN 9783846549476: Desta Tesfaw Mebratu: Public Service Delivery Reform and Customer Satisfaction in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846549483: Alexandr Podoxenow: Powest' M.M. Prishwina "Mirskaq chasha": germenewtika tworchestwa
- ISBN 9783846549490: Nidhi Arora: Improved Binary Images by Achieving Euclidean Distance Transformation
- ISBN 9783846549506: Samuel Mekonen: Initial Spacing and Physical Properties of Wood
- ISBN 9783846549513: Deni Shidqi Khaerudini: Advanced Metallic Interconnect for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
- ISBN 9783846549520: Ogbole Francis E. Orokpo: Democracy, Poverty, Corruption and Development in Nigeria and Africa
- ISBN 9783846549537: Alexej Panischew: Filosofiq Indii i Kitaq
- ISBN 9783846549544: Navneet Kumar Yadav: In-Silico Analysis And Homology Modeling Proteins With MYMIV
- ISBN 9783846549551: Amit Kumar: Role of Vanadium Complexes in Biological Systems & Oxidation Reactions
- ISBN 9783846549568: Issaka Cecilia: An appraisal of in-service training
- ISBN 9783846549575: Emmanuel Aboagye: Maternal health seeking behaviour and social structures in Bosomtwe
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- ISBN 9783846549599: Haile Welearegay Gebreslase: Microbiological Quality and Safety of Raw Milk
- ISBN 9783846549605: Alexandr Alexandrow: Jetomu nado uchit'sq
- ISBN 9783846549612: Piotr Perek: Intelligent Platform Management Controller for ATCA Carrier Boards
- ISBN 9783846549629: Malay Kumar Das: Water Hammer Damage To An Irrigation Cum Water Conducting System
- ISBN 3846549630: Vera Lübchak: Vojna i mir w kontexte rossijskogo mentaliteta.
- ISBN 9783846549636: Vera Lübchak: Vojna i mir w kontexte rossijskogo mentaliteta.
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- ISBN 9783846549650: Guiadem Mundorff, Therese: Sustainability in the supply of drinking water in Cameroon
- ISBN 9783846549667: Nadezhda Sergeewna Kowalenko: Semanticheskaq interpretaciq imön s osnowoobrazuüschim formantom -s
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- ISBN 9783846549674: Oleg Shhuplenkow: Russkie w izgnanii
- ISBN 9783846549681: Divya Sushma: facial recognition system
- ISBN 9783846549698: Vasilios L. Nastoulis: The Economics of Wind Power Plants
- ISBN 9783846549704: Hayder A. Abdulbari Al-Khfaji Rosli Bin Mohd Yunus Tania Suhail Hadi: Zwittrionic Surfactants Flow Enhancment in Solid-Liquid Flow Systems
- ISBN 9783846549711: Marc Giudici: Post-Traumatic Growth in Hurricane Katrina Survivors
- ISBN 9783846549728: Shailesh Chandra: Demand Responsive Transit Performance Assessment Using Simulation
- ISBN 9783846549735: Mughal, Muhammad Riaz: Influential Outcomes of Distribution Situations
- ISBN 9783846549742: Haniyeh Nowzari: Habitat Use by Persian Gazelle
- ISBN 9783846549759: Diego F. Cortes: Functional genomics: metabolite profiling & gene expression analysis
- ISBN 9783846549773: Pires, Roberto: Flexible Bureaucracies / Discretion, Creativity, and Accountability in Public Sector Management
- ISBN 9783846549780: Adriana Peña Pérez Negrón: Monitoring Collaboration in Virtual Environments for Learning
- ISBN 9783846549797: Jena Balloo: Corporate Governance
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- ISBN 9783846549841: Marina Chilingarqn: podgotowka uchitelej k realizacii regional'noj qzykowoj politiki
- ISBN 9783846549858: Navdeep Grover: Polyester scaffold by radiation grafting for tissue engineering
- ISBN 9783846549865: Marketingowye aspekty formirowaniq i realizacii obrazowatel'nyh uslug
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- ISBN 9783846549926: Andrej Grigor'ewich Golowko: Chastnoe prawo Drewnego Rima
- ISBN 3846549932: Nikita Radionow: Kniga o transgennyh rasteniqh
- ISBN 9783846549933: Nikita Radionow: Kniga o transgennyh rasteniqh
- ISBN 9783846549940: Nadia Nicoleta Morarasu: The shaping of narrative identity through the act of naming
- ISBN 9783846549957: Peter Romeo Nyarko: The Effect of Heat Load on Fluid Friction Factor in Corrugated Hoses
- ISBN 9783846549964: Jason Chang: Choice of Market Proxy in the Capital Asset Pricing Model
- ISBN 9783846549971: Araya, Araya Kebede: Conflict of Family Laws in Ethiopia / Interstate Conflict of Family Laws under the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE): the Choice of Law Aspect
- ISBN 9783846549988: Mohamed, Safaa: Transvaginal Versus Transabdominal Ultrasound In Pregnancy / Sonographic Comparison of Transvaginal and Transabdominal Techniques in First Trimester of Pregnacy
- ISBN 9783846549995: Filosofskie idei russkoj kul'tury: stanowlenie i razwitie