ISBN beginnend mit 9783846598
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846598009: Justyna Japola-Desvergnes: The Brain in the Cathedral
- ISBN 9783846598016: Muzaffer Ercan Yilmaz: Political Islam and Conflict Management
- ISBN 9783846598023: Gladys Obondo: Pertinent Issues in Education in Usigu Division
- ISBN 9783846598030: Richard Wambua: Validation of a Selection and Classification Model
- ISBN 9783846598047: Devi Prasad Mishra: Utilization of Fly Ash in Mine Stowing
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- ISBN 9783846598061: Vaail Mahmud Lafta: Analiz prochnosti putewyh mashin
- ISBN 9783846598078: Jetnomedicina finno-ugorskih i tuerxkih narodow
- ISBN 9783846598085: Keshab Dahal: Inter-Ethnic Cohesion In Post War Sri Lanka
- ISBN 9783846598092: Thiyezen Aldhelai: Topical anesthetic agents used during needle insertion and extraction
- ISBN 9783846598108: Getachew Megerssa Bekele: Adaptation to Climate Variability Among Pastoralist
- ISBN 9783846598115: Neeraja Dwivedi: Rapid Identification of Mycobacterial species by PCR
- ISBN 9783846598122: Yahya Al Sharji: A framework for the influencing factors in the adoption of ICT in SMEs
- ISBN 9783846598139: Neformal'nye molodezhnye obschnosti w kul'ture i w kontrkul'ture
- ISBN 9783846598146: Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait: Internet Banking Acceptance
- ISBN 9783846598153: Nayereh Shahmohammadi: Educational Television Integration in to Teaching-Learning Process
- ISBN 9783846598160: Huchhe Gowda: Rural Marketing in India after the Economic Reforms
- ISBN 9783846598177: Samah Bassem: Insects And Fish In The River Nile As Bioindicators Of Diseases
- ISBN 9783846598184: Formirovanie Struktury Shlakobetonov
- ISBN 9783846598191: Sukhdev Singh: Kinanthropometric characteristics and fitness of softball players
- ISBN 9783846598207: Balasundaram, Nimalathasan: Value Added Accounting and Performance Evaluations / Value Added Statement
- ISBN 9783846598214: Wondwossen Mekuria: Young Audience's Satisfaction of Selected FM Radios
- ISBN 9783846598221: Sagar D. Shelare Chandrahas Handa: Synthesis, Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis Of Quick Return Mechanism
- ISBN 9783846598238: Venkata Siva Prasad Bolineni: Emissions from the Combustion of B20 and ULSD Blends
- ISBN 3846598240: Ewgeniq Larioncewa: Proektirowanie ustrojstw na osnowanii qzyka opisaniq apparatury VHDL
- ISBN 9783846598245: Ewgeniq Larioncewa: Proektirowanie ustrojstw na osnowanii qzyka opisaniq apparatury VHDL
- ISBN 9783846598252: Parnali Dhar Chowdhury C. Emdad Haque: Heat Wave in Canada
- ISBN 9783846598269: Wennan Wang: Shui Diao Ge Tou from Poems of the Sung Dynasty
- ISBN 9783846598276: Ol'ga Mostowa: Razwitie kommunikatiwnyh umenij mladshih shkol'nikow
- ISBN 9783846598283: Bayo Akinnola: Using Fuzzy Logic in Patient Computer Assisted Diagnosis
- ISBN 9783846598290: Yiqiang Han: Theoretical and Experimental Study of Helicopter Icing Scaling Methods
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- ISBN 9783846598306: Venera Junusbaewa: Professional'naq samorealizaciq wypusknikow agrarnyh special'nostej
- ISBN 9783846598313: Mostafa Karbasioun: Towards Competency Profile for the Role of Agricultural Instruction
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- ISBN 9783846598344: Norman Laws: The Energy Security of Lithuania
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- ISBN 9783846598429: Yousef AL-Ashqar: Building and Evaluating a SOA-Based Model
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- ISBN 9783846598436: Bright Osei Twumasi: Back shape analysis and visualization
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- ISBN 9783846598467: Adewunmi Taiwo: Study of Some Performance Parameters of a High Pressure Swirl Nozzle
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- ISBN 9783846598528: Sadiq, Afshan: Standard Bases and Primary Decomposition / The F4-Algorithm for Euclidean Rings and Efficient Algorithm for Primary Decomposition over Rings
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- ISBN 3846598550: Juliq Pin'koweckaq: Malye predpriqtiq Rossii
- ISBN 9783846598559: Juliq Pin'koweckaq: Malye predpriqtiq Rossii
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- ISBN 9783846598573: Roman Upyr': Dinamicheskij sintez mehanicheskih kolebatel'nyh sistem
- ISBN 9783846598580: Atakilte Beyene: Land Use and Property Rights in Northern Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846598597: Profsoyuzy Rossii
- ISBN 9783846598603: Nicolai Ilyinskikh: Infectious mutagenesis
- ISBN 9783846598610: Boris Kupriqnow: Social'noe wospitanie w uchrezhdeniqh dopolnitel'nogo obrazowaniq detej
- ISBN 9783846598627: Peyman Mikaili: New Pharmacological Trends in Therapy of Pulmonary Fibrosis
- ISBN 9783846598634: Mohammad Mehdi Ghanbari: Synthesis of new hydantoins and thiohydantoins
- ISBN 9783846598641: Amal Sayyid: Ideology and Literary Form
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- ISBN 9783846598658: Vinay Mohan: Comparision of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Irrigants-An In Vivo Study¿
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- ISBN 9783846598726: Preeti Verma: Genetic study on N fixation and yield traits in chickpea
- ISBN 9783846598733: Carolyne Adhiambo Kokeyo: School Leaders' Perceptions of Clinical Supervision
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- ISBN 9783846598757: Jake French: Field Emission Magnetometers
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- ISBN 9783846598832: Bal Joshi: Molecular tagging
- ISBN 9783846598849: Glorianne Mariz Valera: Regression-Based Estimation Methods of Poverty Incidences
- ISBN 9783846598856: venkata bhaskar reddy mandala sharat chandra marepalli: Cloud Computing Organizational Benfits
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- ISBN 9783846598887: Alexandr Kondrat'ew: Mehanizm organizacii: genezis i modelirowanie
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