ISBN beginnend mit 9783847325
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783847325000: Herli Salim: Early Years Literacy Program in Victoria
- ISBN 9783847325017: Nikolaj Morozow: Dorozhnye peschanye betony, uplotnqemye metodom zonnogo nagnetaniq
- ISBN 9783847325024: John Hawkins: Removing Heavy Metals From Contaminated Soils
- ISBN 9783847325031: Giuliano Langella: Space and space-time applications to environment
- ISBN 9783847325048: Bibha Dahal: Bacteriology of Urinary tract infection
- ISBN 9783847325055: Sintayehu Kebede: Toxicological Study Of The Butanol Fractionated Root Extract
- ISBN 9783847325062: Andrej Blinow: Territorial'nye warianty arabskogo literaturnogo qzyka
- ISBN 9783847325079: Ispol zowanie prirodnogo kapitala lesnyh aekosistem
- ISBN 9783847325086: Rafia Anjum Baba: EPS8 and E3B1 Proteins in Human Cancers
- ISBN 9783847325093: Pedersen, Rikke Schjønberg: The Weak Leviathan
- ISBN 3847325108: Ol'ga Vihrewa: Rossijskaq grammatika» A.A. Barsowa
- ISBN 9783847325109: Ol'ga Vihrewa: Rossijskaq grammatika» A.A. Barsowa
- ISBN 9783847325123: G. Chenchu Krishnaiah T.Jayachandra Prasad M.N.Giri Prasad: Effective Image Compression using Evolved Wavelets
- ISBN 9783847325130: Such, Jose M.: Enhancing Privacy in Multi-agent Systems
- ISBN 9783847325147: James Herring: Year 7 students, information literacy and transfer
- ISBN 9783847325154: Matale, Mushaukwa Mubuka: The practice of a female initiation rite in the shadow of HIV and AIDS
- ISBN 9783847325161: Ahmedin Sherefa: Performance of Coffee Farmers Marketing Cooperatives
- ISBN 9783847325178: Mickson Mazuruse: Language raising development and empowerment
- ISBN 9783847325185: Pitchaimuthu Ponnusamy: Marketing Agencies and Sale of Agricultural Produce
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- ISBN 9783847325192: Mihail Leonidowich Kaluzhskij: Genezis ciwital'noj organizacii: ideologiq nowogo mira
- ISBN 9783847325208: Vladimir Trut: Uchastie kazachestwa Rossii w russko-qponskoj i Perwoj mirowoj wojnah
- ISBN 9783847325215: Emmanuel Nyamaah: Effects of the Strategies of Evangelisation on Community Development
- ISBN 9783847325222: Mansour Harb: Problems in Translating Pilgrimage Hadiths: Culture and Equivalence
- ISBN 9783847325239: S. Agureew: Liwijskaq kul'minaciq arabskih rewolücij: kommunikacionnyj aspekt
- ISBN 9783847325246: Maheswara Rao, Kamatam: Human Development
- ISBN 9783847325253: Ikenna Emmanuel Onwuegbuna: The Instructional Value of African Popular Music
- ISBN 9783847325260: Medard Twinamatsiko: The Rights of the Minorities amidst Development Policy Interventions
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- ISBN 9783847325284: Dilruba Majumder: Genetic Divergence, Induced mutation and Interrelationships
- ISBN 9783847325291: Maksym Iavorskyi: Uniqueness of the Energy Charter Treaty's Investment Regime
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- ISBN 9783847325307: Elena Andrianowa: Discirkulqtornaq äncefalopatiq
- ISBN 9783847325314: Roman Fedük: Sistemnoe proektirowanie änergoäffektiwnyh zdanij
- ISBN 9783847325321: Swetlana Kenzhaliewa: Metodika indiwidualizacii samostoqtel'noj raboty studentow
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- ISBN 9783847325338: Sergej Vinogradow: Znakowo-interpretacionnyj aspekt termina
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- ISBN 9783847325376: Hakki Ulas Uenal: Robust Controller Design
- ISBN 9783847325383: Oswaldo Rosendo: Current On-Farm Monitoring Systems for Ketosis in Dairy Cows
- ISBN 9783847325390: Bullo Endebu Rikitu: Unemployment in a Primate City
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- ISBN 9783847325406: Tat'qna Kocofana: Jewolüciq prichin inflqcii w rossijskoj äkonomike
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- ISBN 9783847325420: Shaaban Moussa: Importance of Azotobacter as a biofertilizer
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- ISBN 9783847325437: Marina Lepeshkina: Kreditnye riski i ocenka problemnoj zadolzhennosti bankow
- ISBN 9783847325444: Tehmina Asmat: Medicinal Plants of Dir Valley, Pakistan
- ISBN 9783847325451: Ambika Joshee: Financing Higher Education Through Student Loan in Nepal
- ISBN 9783847325468: Roshanak Safavi: Usability of E-commerce Websites and systems
- ISBN 9783847325475: Matthew Drake: Mazar
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- ISBN 9783847325499: Rewati Raman Bhattarai: Mozzarella cheese
- ISBN 9783847325505: Ziauddin Ahmed: GO-NGO Partnership in Environmental Management of Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783847325512: Muhammad Zaheer Khan Muhammad Rais Afsheen Zehra: Effects of Selected Xenobiotics on Amphibians
- ISBN 9783847325529: Elliot Masocha: Global Sustainability and the Universality of Creative Processes
- ISBN 9783847325536: Kuburi, Laminu Shettima: Corrosion Inhibition of Low Carbon Steel in Crude Oil
- ISBN 384732554X: Jel'wira Denisowa: Ikonichnost' slowoobrazowatel'noj formy
- ISBN 9783847325543: Jel'wira Denisowa: Ikonichnost' slowoobrazowatel'noj formy
- ISBN 9783847325550: John Gartchie Gatsi: Public Procurement for Works and Services
- ISBN 9783847325567: Mehdi Ebrahimifar: Human Resources Risk Management
- ISBN 9783847325574: Vladimir Kulakow: Dekoratiwnoe iskusstwo Yantarnogo kraq
- ISBN 3847325582: Elena Pis'mennaq: Formirowanie ustojchiwyh agrolandshaftow: teoriq i praktika
- ISBN 9783847325581: Elena Pis'mennaq: Formirowanie ustojchiwyh agrolandshaftow: teoriq i praktika
- ISBN 9783847325598: Ali Jawad: Three-Phase Gas-Solid-Liquid Non-Newtonian
- ISBN 3847325604: Ol'ga Vatutina: Powyshenie inwesticionnoj priwlekatel'nosti otrasli
- ISBN 9783847325604: Ol'ga Vatutina: Powyshenie inwesticionnoj priwlekatel'nosti otrasli
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- ISBN 9783847325611: Valerij Meshalkin: Strategicheskoe uprawlenie änergosberezheniem w regionah
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- ISBN 9783847325635: Devaraju Narayanappa: Mathematical Modelling of Dispersion of Atmospheric Aerosols
- ISBN 9783847325642: Betül Aydo¿du: The Restriction of IPRs by EU Competition Rules
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- ISBN 9783847325666: Thulani Dube: Liberation, Women and Culture in Ndebele Literature
- ISBN 9783847325673: Diego Guerra: GaN HEMT Modeling and Design for mm and sub-mm Wave Power Amplifiers
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- ISBN 9783847325710: Anna Belous: Jewolüciq zhanra swetskoj besedy (small-talk)w Anglii
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- ISBN 9783847325789: Mohammed Miraj Hayat: Understanding of Rail Wheel Fatigue
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- ISBN 9783847325970: Zahida Habib: Performance of Community Model Schools & Govt. Girls Primary Schools / A Comparative Study / Zahida Habib / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 192 S. / Englisch / 2012 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- ISBN 9783847325987: Radha Ghafoor: Development of Some Lacunary Interpolation by S. F. and Application
- ISBN 9783847325994: Devendra Patel: Telemedicine