ISBN beginnend mit 9783954892
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783954892006: Chris Veits: Conflict Coverage Promotion: High Quality or High Concept? A multimodal analysis of claims-making in conflict coverage promotional spots of Al Jazeera English and CNN International
- ISBN 9783954892013: Dipendra Gautam: Water Management through Indigenous Knowledge: A Case of Historic Settlement of Bhaktapur City, Nepal
- ISBN 9783954892020: Sophia Kühnlenz: Economic Bubbles: A Story of New Eras, Emotional Contagion and Structural Support
- ISBN 9783954892037: Konstantin Veidenheimer: Carbon Dioxide Emission in Maritime Container Transport and comparison of European deepwater ports: CO2 Calculation Approach, Analysis and CO2 Reduction Measures - CO2 Calculation Approach, Analysis and CO2 Reduction Measures
- ISBN 9783954892051: Lukmaan Hakim Khan Seekdaur: Malcolm X: The Pragmatic Nationalist
- ISBN 9783954892068: Karl Tschetschonig: Collaboration without risk: How the most innovative SMEs protect critical knowledge in joint innovation activities with partners
- ISBN 9783954892082: Tatjana Kennedy: Anglicism Usage in German Political Language: The German Green Party's Election Manifesto
- ISBN 9783954892099: Bikram Jit Singh: RSM: A Key to Optimize Machining: Multi-Response Optimization of CNC Turning with Al-7020 Alloy
- ISBN 9783954892105: Siraj Shazia: Self – Concept, Learning Styles, Study Habits and Academic Achievement of Adolescents in Kashmir: A study on Psychological variables and academic achievement of adolescents in Kashmir
- ISBN 9783954892112: Tobias Erbert: A more democratic South Africa now! Emerging black middle class and democracy in South Africa
- ISBN 9783954892129: Paul Makocho: Developing Effective Policies for HIV/AIDS Education practice in Sub Saharan Africa: The Case of Urban Schools of Malawi: A synergy of pupils needs, policies and practice
- ISBN 9783954892136: Kushal Agrawal: A study investigating the factors that cause delays and cost overruns in construction projects in India
- ISBN 9783954892143: Sebastian Siebert: Cause Related Marketing: A substitute for direct donations?
- ISBN 9783954892150: David Kitz Kramer: A question of honour: How codes of ethical conduct and moral dilemmas impact behaviour
- ISBN 9783954892167: Cindy Hertel: Motivational Job Satisfaction in the Caribbean Hospitality Industry: How Demographic Variables Influence Job Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783954892174: Margaret Choi Kwan Lam: Scenography as New Ideology in Contemporary Curating: The Notion of Staging in Exhibitions
- ISBN 9783954892181: Michael Lang: Design of a Portfolio Management System for Software Line Development: Merging the Gap between Software Project and Product Management
- ISBN 9783954892198: Stefan Höppel: High Frequency Trading: Economic Necessity or Threat to the Economy?
- ISBN 9783954892204: Barbara Berthoud: The Precautionary Principle in EU Risk Regulation - A Matter of Priorities
- ISBN 9783954892211: Moses Wisdom Chisadza: Regional financial Integration in Africa: Cross-listings as a form of regional financial integration
- ISBN 9783954892228: Selina Schuster: An Analysis of Childhood and Child Labour in Charles Dickens’ Works - David Copperfield and Oliver Twist
- ISBN 9783954892235: Thomas Demmerling: Corporate Social Responsibility Overload? Intention, Abuse, Misinterpretation of CSR from the Companies‘ and the Consumers‘ Point of View
- ISBN 9783954892259: Anna Lena Hallmann: Food advertising to children - A critical evaluation of public, governmental and corporate responsibilities in Germany
- ISBN 9783954892266: Viktor Vrublevski: How to teach reading to the Net Generation Children: How to teach reading for those who do not want to read
- ISBN 9783954892273: Michael Debrincat: Patient perspectives to self medication: Community Pharmacy
- ISBN 9783954892280: Hassam Sheikh: Overview of Speech Based Gender Identification
- ISBN 9783954892297: Grace Debrincat: The Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal Systems: Employee Relations and Human Resource Management
- ISBN 9783954892303: Adam Chehouri: Advances in composite wind turbine blades: A comparative study
- ISBN 9783954892310: Sarah Maringele: European Human Rights Law - The work of the European Court of Human Rights illustrated by an assortment of selected cases
- ISBN 9783954892327: Christoph Breetz: Product packaging as tool to demand a price premium: Does packaging enhance consumers‘ value perception to justify a price premium
- ISBN 9783954892334: Joachim Ntunda: Investigating the challenges of promoting dark tourism in Rwanda
- ISBN 9783954892341: Prabhakar Shah: Animal Cruelty: Criminology & Prosecution
- ISBN 9783954892358: Alexander Cárdenas: The Global Journey of Football: From the origins of the beautiful game to its recent use as a social catalyst
- ISBN 9783954892365: Baris Bagci: Programming and Application of a DSP to Control and Regulate Power Electronic Converters: Programming in C++
- ISBN 9783954892372: Eira Martens-Edwards: Social Media During the Egyptian Revolution: A Study of Collective Identity and Organizational Function of Facebook & Co
- ISBN 9783954892389: Ariane Hillig: Causes and Consequences of Economic Imbalances: Comparison of US-Asia and Europe
- ISBN 9783954892396: Yinyuan Liu: German Business Social Network XING: Shortcut for doing business with Germans (published in Mandarin)
- ISBN 9783954892402: Kaustav Chakraborty: Deconstructing the Stereotype: Reconsidering Indian Culture, Literature and Cinema
- ISBN 9783954892419: Bernt-Dieter Huismans: Prolonged antibiotic therapy in PCR confirmed persistent Lyme disease
- ISBN 9783954892426: Sylvia Hadjetian: Multiculturalism and Magic Realism in Zadie Smith’s novel White Teeth: Between Fiction and Reality
- ISBN 9783954892433: Max Kindler: The 50 + 1 rule: What to consider before buying a football club
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- ISBN 9783954892457: Dilip Kumar: Long Memory in the Volatility of Indian Financial Market: An Empirical Analysis Based on Indian Data
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- ISBN 9783954892471: Florian Schleicher: Consumption patterns and lifeworlds: using the example of convenience food
- ISBN 9783954892488: Jasmin Schawalder: The future of Inflight Entertainment in Europe, according to passenger expectations: Why Airlines should embrace Consumer Technology
- ISBN 9783954892495: Anastasia Schmidt: Between The Languages: Code-Switching in bilingual communication
- ISBN 9783954892501: Hendrik Lemke: Strategic Market Expansions in the Rail Freight Sector: DB Schenker Rail’s Acquisition of PCC Rail in Poland
- ISBN 9783954892518: Karl Kovacs: From Grassroots to Comercialization: Hip Hop and Rap Music in the USA
- ISBN 9783954892525: Thi Tuyet Tran: Graduate employability in Vietnam: A loose relationship between higher education and employment market
- ISBN 9783954892532: Christina Weißenfels: A New Paradigm in Marketing – The Service Dominant Logic: Academia’s Reactions to the Theory of Vargo and Lusch
- ISBN 9783954892549: Daniel Scheffold: Why 9 of 10 Family Businesses fail at succession: Learn what the 10 % make right. Best practices from the UK and Germany
- ISBN 9783954892556: James Sunney Quaicoe: The influences of selected socio-economic factors of parents and parenting attitudes on the academic achievements of their wards
- ISBN 9783954892563: Samuel Williams: The Financial Impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility
- ISBN 9783954892570: Eyasu Desta Menamo: Impact of Household Food Insecurity on Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) among Urban PLHIV - The case of Hawassa City, SNNPR State, Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783954892587: Marie Lechler: An econometrical analysis of the interdependencies between the demographic transition and democracy
- ISBN 9783954892594: Branislav Zurik: Portfolio Entrepreneurship in Slovakia - Empirical analysis of small and medium sized enterprises
- ISBN 9783954892600: Claus Mayer: Non-Tariff Barriers to Agricultural Trade between Turkey and the EU
- ISBN 9783954892617: Christoph Wagner: Cultures of Memory in Football Fanzines. A Content Analysis
- ISBN 9783954892624: Sebastian Walter: How does Confucian Dynamism influence National Innovativeness
- ISBN 9783954892631: Tony Müller: A Study on the Integrated Approach of Shareholder Value Analysis
- ISBN 9783954892648: Alex Cole: The implications of consumer behavior for marketing A case study of social class at Sainsbury
- ISBN 9783954892655: Ginika Egesimba: RSM2
- ISBN 9783954892662: Shahnawaz Alam: Using Security Patterns in Web-Application
- ISBN 9783954892679: Markus Gaggl: Relevance of Buying Center Analysis in Industrial Markets
- ISBN 9783954892686: Victor Vrublevski: Security or electronic concentration camp? Persons` identification techniques, errors, consequences
- ISBN 9783954892693: Nicole Petrick-Felber: Liberalizing Europe’s Skies – A Failure? An Analysis of Airline Entry and Exit in the Post-liberalized German Airline Market, 1993-2006
- ISBN 9783954892709: Thuy Nguyen: Code Switching: A sociolinguistic perspective
- ISBN 9783954892716: Melanie Bobik: Thirst for Wine – Inside China’s Wine Industry: The Success Factors of Marketing Wine in China
- ISBN 9783954892723: Najmah Peerzada: Learning As A Function of Difficulty Values of the Learning Material: Learning To Be
- ISBN 9783954892730: Daniel James Schuster: Accounting for Self-Defense: Perspective and Responsibility as its Moral Basis
- ISBN 9783954892747: Mikołaj Piniewski: Scenario-based impact assessment of global and regional change on the semi-natural flow regime
- ISBN 9783954892754: Anna Wilczewska: Reflections upon Childhood and Adolescence - Intertextual Dialogue in The Cement Garden
- ISBN 9783954892761: Manish Kumar Singh: Handbook on Vermicomposting: Requirements, Methods, Advantages and Applications
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- ISBN 9783954892785: Annemarie Kunz: Women in the 1960s: Angela Carter’s The Magic Toyshop
- ISBN 9783954892792: Kiran Gangarapu: Development of Isatin as CNS Agents: Anticonvulsant activity
- ISBN 9783954892808: Dinesh Gupta: Strategic allocation of resources using linear programming model with parametric analysis: in MATLAB and Excel Solver
- ISBN 9783954892815: Samuel Jung: Sustainable Prosperity Through Qualitative Growth: An Economic Analysis Using The Example Of China
- ISBN 9783954892822: Claudia Posch: Feminist language forms in German: A corpus-assisted study of personal appellation with non-human referents
- ISBN 9783954892839: Vikramarajan Jambulingam: Particle swarm optimizer: Economic dispatch with valve point effect using various PSO techniques
- ISBN 9783954892853: Susanne Bölke: Strategic Marketing Approaches within Airline Management: How the Passenger Market causes the Business Concepts of Full Service Network Carriers, Low Cost Carriers, Regional Carriers and Leisure Carriers to overlap
- ISBN 9783954892860: Daniel Siebert: The Dilemma between Quality Reputation and Risk Prevention: Warranty Provisions of Car Manufacturers
- ISBN 9783954892877: Ali-Cina Fahimi: The truth behind Germany’s intervention in Afghanistan: A case study on the ground
- ISBN 9783954892884: Bari Khairov: Logistisation from Agricultural Complex (published in Russian)
- ISBN 9783954892891: Gennadij Baranov: Concepts of astronomy (published in Russian)
- ISBN 9783954892914: Mukasa Aziz Hawards: The underlying dynamics of health care systems in developing countries: Health policy, planning and the Impact of Social Economic Status (SES) on Health Disparities
- ISBN 9783954892921: Holger F. Bodenmüller: Leadership as a Framework for Successful Strategy Implementation
- ISBN 9783954892938: Michaela Meyns: Metal-semiconductor hybrid nanoparticles: Halogen induced shape control, hybrid synthesis and electrical transport
- ISBN 9783954892945: Silke Schmid: Earnouts as Payment Currency and Value Gains to Bidder Shareholders
- ISBN 9783954892952: Oliver Reiche: The Phenomenon of IPO Underpricing in the European and U.S. Stock Markets
- ISBN 9783954892969: Peter Zickermann: Co-Branding: Fit Factors between Partner Brands
- ISBN 9783954892976: Christian Schlegel: Futurama: Looking Backward at Present Day America
- ISBN 9783954892983: Adebayo Omotosho: A survey of E-Prescription readiness in selected Nigeria Hospitals
- ISBN 9783954892990: David Matsveru: Information needs and Information seeking behaviour of Namibian pastors