Buchtitel beginnend mit Numerical
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Numerical Algorithms with C
Numerical Analysis …
Numerical Calculation of EMC Effects on Printed Circuit Boards
Numerical Computation of Stress Waves in Solids in englisch
Numerical Computing With Modern Fortran
Numerical fluctuations of four species of subterranean amphipods
Numerical Fracture Mechanics
Numerical Homogenization by Localized Orthogonal Decomposition
Numerical Identification of Teeth in Japanese Shrew-Moles, Urotrichus
Numerical Integration
Numerical Linear Algebra
Numerical methods
Numerical modeling of expansive soil behavior,Dissertation
Numerical Modelling …
Numerical optimization. Springer series in operations research
Numerical Polynomial Algebra
Numerical Processes In Differential Equations
Numerical Recipes in C
Numerical Regularization for Atmospheric Inverse Problems
Numerical simulation …
Numerical Solution …
Numerical solutions of differential equations
Numerical structure factor tables
Numerical Studies of Line Blending
Numerical Techniques …
Numerical Treatment of Differential Equations
Numerical Upscaling for Multiscale Flow Problems