Constructing Identity - Continuity, Otherness and Revolt in the Poetry of Tony Harrison
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Constructing Identity - Continuity, Otherness and Revolt in the Poetry of Tony Harrison
Agata Handley
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
, 2016, GebundenISBN: 9783631658819
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![Handley, Agata (Verfasser): Constructing Handley, Agata (Verfasser): Constructing](
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Constructing Identity : Continuity, Otherness and Revolt in the Poetry of Tony Harrison. Agata Handley / Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture ; 18
Handley, Agata (Verfasser)
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, Peter Frankfurt
, Erscheinungstermin: Dezember 2016.ISBN: 9783631658819
Zustand: gebraucht; wie neu
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