Contemporary Challenges in Cooperation and Coopetition in the Age of Industry 4.0 - 10th Conference on Management of Organizations’ Development (MOD)
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Contemporary Challenges in Cooperation and Coopetition in the Age of Industry 4.0
Iwona Staniec
Springer International Publishing
, 26.10.2020, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783030305512
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Contemporary Challenges in Cooperation and Coopetition in the Age of Industry 4.0
Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Agnieszka Staniec, Iwona
Springer International Publishing
, 2020, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783030305512
Dieses Bild ist kein Original-Foto des angebotenen Exemplars. Abweichungen sind möglich.
Contemporary Challenges in Cooperation and Coopetition in the Age of Industry 4.0
Iwona Staniec
Springer International Publishing, Springer International Publishing
, 26.10.2020, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783030305512