Bücher von Barlow, P. W
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Kaipara; or, Experiences of a settler in North New Zealand
Barlow, P. W.
Trieste Publishing
, 2017, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9780649205578
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Structure and Function of Roots
Baluska, Frantisek Ciamporová, Milada Gasparíková, Otília Barlow, Peter P.W.
Springer Netherlands
, 1995, GebundenISBN: 0792328329
The distribution of Plasmodesmata in the root tip of maize
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The new Phytologist. Volume 105 / 1987. Numbers 1-4 (January - April 1987). Also containing : Supplement to No.2. --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 20 pages): Tansley review No.7. The sap of plant cells. (Ph. Matile) / Cellular packets, cell division and morphogenesis in the primary root meristem of Zea mays (P.W. Barlow) / Interaction between ozone and cold sensitivity in Norway spruce: a factor contributing to the forest decline in Central Europe? (K.A. Brown, T.M. Roberts and L.W. Blank) / The distribution of lignin derivatives in fossil plants (K.J. Logan and B.A. Thomas) / Models for the control of branch positions and flowering sequences of capitula in Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumont (Compositae). By J.M. Janssen and A. Lindenmayer / Internal aeration and the development of stelar anoxia in submerged roots: a multishelled mathematical model combining axial diffusion of oxygen in the cortex with radial losses to the stele, the wall layers and t
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / Lewis, D.H. / Mansfield, T.A. / Stribley, D. P. / Syrett, P.J. / West, R. G. / Yeoman, M.M. (Editors) // Ph. Matile / P.W. Barlow / K.A. Brown, T.M. Roberts
London, Academic Press, 1987.

Solid Freeform Fabrication: A New Direction in Manufacturing
J J Beaman, John W Barlow, D L Bourell, R H Crawford, H L Marcus, K P McAlea
, 1996, Gebundene AusgabeISBN: 0792398343
Zustand: deutliche Gebrauchsspuren
88,54 €
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Ab 80,00 € 15%
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Solid Freeform Fabrication: A New Direction in Manufacturing
J.J. Beaman John W. Barlow D.L. Bourell R.H. Crawford H.L. Marcus K.P. McAlea
Springer US
, 2014, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9781461379058