Bücher von Jones, C. E
– gebraucht, antiquarisch & neu kaufen
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Advances in Soil Science
Allen, R. R. Bhatti, A. U. Butcher, W. R. Cook, R. J. Day, J. C. Elliott, L. F. Fryrear, D. W. Hatfield, J. L. Hornick, S. B. Hughes, D. W. Jones, C. A. Jones, O. R. Kanemasu, E. T. Kunkel, R. McCool, D. K. Meyer, R. E. Mulla, D. J. Papendick, R. I. Parr
Springer New York
, 2011, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9781461389842
Klischee + Antiklischee. Bildformen der Gegenwart.
Becker, Wolfgang (Hrsg.)- Mit Werken von E. Aeppli, R. Artschwager, Christo, C. Close, R. Graham, D. Hockney, R. Indiana, J. Johns, A. Jones, E. Kelly, K. Klapheck, R. Lichtenstein, P. Manzoni, B. Nauman, C. Oldenburg, R. Rauschenberg, G. Richter, D. Rot

Tables of Intensities for the Calibration of Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements in the Liquid Phase (Iupac Chemical Data Series ; No. 40)
Bertie, John E.; Keefe, C. Dale; Jones, R. N.
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chem
, 1995, Gebundene AusgabeISBN: 086542926X
Zustand: deutliche Gebrauchsspuren
53,57 €
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Ab 40,00 € 10%
Ab 80,00 € 15%
Ab 160,00 € 20%
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Biostratigraphy and Paleotemperatures of a Section Cored on the Nicaragua Rise, Caribbean Sea
Bolli, H. M., Boudreaux, J. E., Emiliani, C., Hay, W. W., Hurley, R. J. & Jones, J. I.
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Analytical Pyrolysis
BUCH - Jones, C.E.Roland and Carl A. Cramers
Elsevier Science Ltd
, 01.04.1977.ISBN: 0444415580
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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The Anatomical Organization of the Suprasylvian Gyrus of the Cat
C. J. Heath E. G. Jones
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 1971, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 3540055967
Informal speech. Alphabetic & phonemic texts with statistical analyses and tables.
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Gross Pathology
Curran, R.C.; Jones, E.L
H.M. & M. Publishers Ltd.
, 1974, Hardcover/gebundenZustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
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The Adrenocortical Hormones
Deane, Helen W. Rubin, Betty L. Brunt, E. E. van Christy, N. P. Ganong, W. F. Greep, R. O. Hodges, J. R. Janoski, H. Jones, M. T. Rosner, W. Shaver, J. C. Stockham, M. A. Thomas, P. Z.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 2012, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783642999406
The wheats of commerce. II. Commercial wheat classes. The Research Association of British Flour Millers.
Fisher, E. A. a. Jones, C. R.
National Joint Industrial Council for the Milling Industry
, 1937., Softcover
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Adrenal Actions on Brain
Ganten, Detlev Pfaff, D. Baker, T. Beckford, U. Bohus, B. Doupe, A. J. Gillham, B. Greenstein, B. D. Holmes, M. C. Jones, M. T. De Kloet, E. R. Mc Ewen, B. S. Patterson, P. H. Riker, W. F. Sastre, A. Veldhuis, H. D.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 2011, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783642683381

Southern African Sea Slugs
Gosliner, T., Jones, G., Beasley, L., Claassens, L., Fraser, V., Herbert, D., Jonker, K., Liltved, W., Ogden, C., Ogden, M., Pretorius, V., Pritchard, D., Scott, R., Sellick, B., Sherry, K., Snyman, E., Southwood, P., Strömvoll, J., Thornycroft, R., Tibir
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Morphological diversity of immunocytochemically identified GABA neurons in the monkey sensory-motor cortex. .
HOUSER, C. R., Hendry, S. H. C-. Jones, E. G-., Vaughn, J. E.
J. Neurocytol. 12, 617-638 (1983) 1983
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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Il cuore oscuro dell'Italia. Un viaggio tra odio e amore (Saggi stranieri) Jones, Tobias and Galli, C.
Il cuore oscuro dell'Italia. Un viaggio tra odio e amore (Saggi stranieri) Jones, Tobias and Galli, C.
ISBN: 8817873055
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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J. L. R. Williams M. B. Rubin L. B. Jones V. K. Jones C v. Sonntag E. Koerner von Gustorf F.-W. Grevels
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 1969, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 3540044892

Madison | Its Origin, Institutions and Attractions - Persons, places and events graphically delineated - A reliable guide-book for tourists | C. E. Jones | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 228 S. | Englisch
Jones, C. E.
, 2019, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783337839444