Bücher von Jones, C. E
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Southern African Sea Slugs
Gosliner, T., Jones, G., Beasley, L., Claassens, L., Fraser, V., Herbert, D., Jonker, K., Liltved, W., Ogden, C., Ogden, M., Pretorius, V., Pritchard, D., Scott, R., Sellick, B., Sherry, K., Snyman, E., Southwood, P., Strömvoll, J., Thornycroft, R., Tibir
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Lotze, Hermann Hamilton, Elizabeth Jones, E. E. C.
, 2020, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783337972875

Madison | Its Origin, Institutions and Attractions - Persons, places and events graphically delineated - A reliable guide-book for tourists | C. E. Jones | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 228 S. | Englisch
Jones, C. E.
, 2019, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783337839444
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Strength-Based Clinical Supervision
Wade John C Jones, Janice E.
Springer Publishing Company
, 2014, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9780826107367

Smith, A.F.E; Hargreaves, Mike; Macmillan Jones, Will; Cornah, Joel; Mathers, Kieran; Lesley, C. N.; Neilson, Clare; Talgo, Brian; Closser, Paige & Tina; Dougherty, Mary
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
, 2014, TaschenbuchISBN: 9781496136862
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
10,10 €
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Ab 80,00 € 15%
Ab 160,00 € 20%
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The Adrenocortical Hormones
Deane, Helen W. Rubin, Betty L. Brunt, E. E. van Christy, N. P. Ganong, W. F. Greep, R. O. Hodges, J. R. Janoski, H. Jones, M. T. Rosner, W. Shaver, J. C. Stockham, M. A. Thomas, P. Z.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 2012, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783642999406

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Advances in Soil Science
Allen, R. R. Bhatti, A. U. Butcher, W. R. Cook, R. J. Day, J. C. Elliott, L. F. Fryrear, D. W. Hatfield, J. L. Hornick, S. B. Hughes, D. W. Jones, C. A. Jones, O. R. Kanemasu, E. T. Kunkel, R. McCool, D. K. Meyer, R. E. Mulla, D. J. Papendick, R. I. Parr
Springer New York
, 2011, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9781461389842

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Heliothis: Research Methods and Prospects
Zalucki, Myron P. Allsopp, P. G. Boyan, G. S. Daglish, G. J. Daly, J. C. Drake, V. A. Evans, M. L. Fitt, G. P. Gregg, P. C. Gunning, R. V. Jones, R. E. Kitching, R. L. Murray, D. A. H. Paterson, H. E. H. Room, P. M. Seymour, J. M. Taylor, M. F. J. Teakle
Springer New York
, 2011, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9781461277613

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Adrenal Actions on Brain
Ganten, Detlev Pfaff, D. Baker, T. Beckford, U. Bohus, B. Doupe, A. J. Gillham, B. Greenstein, B. D. Holmes, M. C. Jones, M. T. De Kloet, E. R. Mc Ewen, B. S. Patterson, P. H. Riker, W. F. Sastre, A. Veldhuis, H. D.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 2011, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783642683381

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Structured Population Models in Biology and Epidemiology
Magal, Pierre Ruan, Shigui Auger, P. Ballyk, M. Bravo de la Parra, R. Fitzgibbon, W.-E. Gourley, S. A. Jones, D. Gareth Langlais, M. Liu, R. Martcheva, M. Nguyen-Huu, T. Poggiale, J.-C. Sánchez, E. Smith, H. L. Thieme, H. R. Webb, G. F. Wu, J.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 2008, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783540782728
A World of Stories. Traditional Tales for Children.
Jones, Raymond E., and Jon C. Stott (Eds.)
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006.

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Moore, Joanne I. Christensen, H. D. Hornbrook, K. R. Jones, S. L. Koss, M. C. Moore, J. I. Patterson, E. Reinke, L. A. Rikans, L. E.
Springer New York
, 1995, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 0387943943

Tables of Intensities for the Calibration of Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements in the Liquid Phase (Iupac Chemical Data Series ; No. 40)
Bertie, John E.; Keefe, C. Dale; Jones, R. N.
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chem
, 1995, Gebundene AusgabeISBN: 086542926X
Zustand: deutliche Gebrauchsspuren
53,57 €
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Ab 40,00 € 10%
Ab 80,00 € 15%
Ab 160,00 € 20%
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Ab 40,00 € 10%
Ab 80,00 € 15%
Ab 160,00 € 20%
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Contouring Geologic Surfaces With The Computer
T.A. Jones D.E. Hamilton C.R. Johnson
Springer US
, 1986, GebundenISBN: 0442244371
Morphological diversity of immunocytochemically identified GABA neurons in the monkey sensory-motor cortex. .
HOUSER, C. R., Hendry, S. H. C-. Jones, E. G-., Vaughn, J. E.
J. Neurocytol. 12, 617-638 (1983) 1983
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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The Study of Liturgy.
Jones, C. Wainwright, G. & Yarnold, E. (Ed.)
London, SPCK 1978
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
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