The Geometry of Spacetime - A Mathematical Introduction to Relativity Theory
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![Rainer Oloff: The Geometry of Spacetime Rainer Oloff: The Geometry of Spacetime](
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The Geometry of Spacetime
Rainer Oloff
, 2023, gebundenISBN: 9783031161384
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![Rainer Oloff: The Geometry of Spacetime Rainer Oloff: The Geometry of Spacetime](
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The Geometry of Spacetime
Rainer Oloff
Springer International Publishing
, 22.04.2023, BuchISBN: 9783031161384
![Rainer Oloff: The Geometry of Spacetime Rainer Oloff: The Geometry of Spacetime](
![gebrauchte Buecher](
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The Geometry of Spacetime - A Mathematical Introduction to Relativity Theory
Rainer Oloff
Springer International Publishing
, GebundenISBN: 9783031161384
![Rainer Oloff: The Geometry of Spacetime Rainer Oloff: The Geometry of Spacetime](
![gebrauchte Buecher](
Dieses Bild ist kein Original-Foto des angebotenen Exemplars. Abweichungen sind möglich.
The Geometry of Spacetime
Rainer Oloff
Springer / Springer International Publishing / Springer Spektrum / Springer, Berlin
, HardcoverISBN: 9783031161384