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Computational intelligence and applications. Studies in fuzziness and soft computing Vol. 23
Szczepaniak, Piotr S. (Hrsg.)
Heidelberg, Physica, 1998.
ISBN: 3790811610
Fuzziness in database management systems. Studies in fuzziness Vol. 5
Bosc, Patrick (Hrsg.)
Heidelberg, Physica, 1995.
ISBN: 379080858X
Autonome mobile Systeme 2000. 16. Fachgespräch Karlsruhe, 20./21. November 2000.
Berlin, Springer, 2000.
ISBN: 354041214X
Coloured Petri Nets. Basic Concepts Analysis Methods and Practical Use. Volume 1. EATCS monographs on theoretical computer sciences 27
Kurt Jensen
Berlin, Springer, 1992.
ISBN: 3540555978
Advances in cryptology. Proceedings. EUROCRYPT `93, Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques, Lofthus, Norway, May 24 - 27, 1993. Lecture notes in computer science Vol. 765
Helleseth, Tor (Hrsg.)
Berlin, Springer, 1994.
ISBN: 3540576002
The dynamics of concepts. A connectionist model. Lecture notes in computer science 766.
Van Loocke, Philip R.
Berlin, Springer, 1994.
ISBN: 3540576479
Fuzzy classifier design. Studies in fuzziness and soft computing Vol. 49
Kuncheva, Ludmila I.
Heidelberg, Physica-Verl., 2000.
ISBN: 3790812986
A logical theory of nonmonotonic inference and belief change. Artificial intelligence
Alexander Bochman
Berlin, Springer, 2001.
ISBN: 3540417664
Networks in action. Communication, economics and human knowledge.
Batten, David F. (Hrsg.)
Berlin, Springer, 1995.
ISBN: 3540589449
Fuzzy control. Theory and practice. Advances in soft computing
Hampel, Rainer (Hrsg.)
Heidelberg, Physica, 2000.
ISBN: 3790813273
Representing plans under uncertainty. A logic of time, chance, and action. Lecture notes in computer science Vol. 770
Peter Haddawy
Berlin, Springer, 1994.
ISBN: 3540576975
Enterprise engineering and integration. Building international consensus. Proceedings of ICEIMT `97, International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modeling Technology, Torino, Italy, October 28 - 30, 1997. Research reports ESPRIT / Project 21.859, EI-IC Vol. 1
Kosanke, Kurt (Hrsg.)
Berlin ; Heidelberg ; Singapore ; Tokyo ; New York ; Barcelona ; Budapest, Springer, 1997.
ISBN: 3540634029