Advanced University Physics
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Superconductivity Centennial (Peking University-World Scientific Advanced Physics)
ISBN: 9813273135
Optical Processes in Microparticles and Nanostructures: A Festschrift Dedicated to Richard Kounai Chang on His Retirement from Yale University (Advanced Applied Physics)
Ali Serpenguzel; Ali Serpenguzel [Editor]; Andrew W. Poon [Editor]
ISBN: 9814295779
Optical Processes in Microparticles and Nanostructures: A Festschrift Dedicated to Richard Kounai Chang on His Retirement from Yale University (Advanced Applied Physics)
Ali Serpenguzel; Ali Serpenguzel [Editor]; Andrew W. Poon [Editor]
ISBN: 9814295779

The Physics of the Planets. Their Origin, Evolution and Structure NATO advanced study institure..held in School of Physics at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne 9-20 April 1985
Runcorn, S. K.
Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore; John Wiley & Sons
, 1988ISBN: 0471916218
Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut
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From the Planck Scale to the Weak Scale: Toward a Theory of the Universe: Proceedings Of The Theoretical Advanced Study Institute In Elementary Particle Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz 1986 (2 volumes)
Haber, Howard E. (editor)
Singapore/New Jersey/London/Hong Kong : World Scientific
, 953, HardcoverISBN: 9971502364
Zustand: Gut: No dust jackets, spine ends slightly worn, light stain on side cut volume 1.
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The Physics and chemistry of minerals and rocks. (Papers presented at NATO Advanced Study Institute on Petrophysics, 22-26 April 1974, School of Physics, Newcastle Upon Tyne University).
Strens, R. G. J.
London, John Wiley u. Sons
, 1976.Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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Mathematical aspects of string theory : proceedings of the Conference held at the University of California, San Diego July 21-August 1, 1986. Advanced series in mathematical physics.
S-T Yau
World Scientific
, 1987.ISBN: 9971502747
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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Physics and Chemistry of Upper Atmosphere / Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Summer Advanced Study Institute, Held at the University of Orléans, France, July 31 ¿ August 11, 1972 / McCormac
Billy McCormac
Springer Netherland
, 2011, TaschenbuchISBN: 9789401025447

Topological Matter - topological insulators, skyrmions and majoranas. Vol. 139 lecture notes of the 48th IFF Spring School 2017 ; the Spring School was organized by the Institute for Advanced Simulation and the Peter Grünberg Institute of the Forschungszentrum Jülich and by the Physics Institut II, University of Cologne on 27 March
Blügel, Stefan, Yuriy Mokrousov Thomas Schäpers a. o.
Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich
, 2017.ISBN: 9783958062023
Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut
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