Theorizing and Measuring Affect in Mathematics Teaching and Learning - Insights from the 25th International Conference on Mathematical Views
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Theorizing and Measuring Affect in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Chiara Andrà
Springer International Publishing
, 24.01.2022, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783030505288
![Chiara Andrà: Theorizing and Measuring A Chiara Andrà: Theorizing and Measuring A](
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Theorizing and Measuring Affect in Mathematics Teaching and Learning / Insights from the 25th International Conference on Mathematical Views / Chiara Andrà (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / xx / Englisch / 2022
Chiara Andrà
Springer Nature Switzerland
, 2022, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783030505288
![Chiara Andrà: Theorizing and Measuring A Chiara Andrà: Theorizing and Measuring A](
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Theorizing and Measuring Affect in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Chiara Andrà
Springer International Publishing
, 24.01.2022, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783030505288