Just ›A Machine for Doing Business‹? – Sociomaterial Configurations of the Intranet in a Post-merger Telecommunications Company
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Just 'A Machine for Doing Business'? Sociomaterial Configurations of the Intranet in a Post-merger Telecommunications Company
Katja Schönian
, 2022.ISBN: 9783837661873
Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut
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Just A Machine for Doing Business ?
Katja Schoenian
transcript transcript Verlag
, 2022, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783837661873

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Just "A machine for doing business"?, Sociomaterial configurations of the Intranet in a post-merger telecommunications company
Katja Schönian
, 2022., kartoniertISBN: 9783837661873
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Dieses Bild ist kein Original-Foto des angebotenen Exemplars. Abweichungen sind möglich.
Just 'A Machine for Doing Business'? / Sociomaterial Configurations of the Intranet in a Post-merger Telecommunications Company / Katja Schönian / Taschenbuch / 244 S. / Englisch / 2022 / transcript
Katja Schönian
, 2022, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783837661873

Just ›A Machine for Doing Business‹?: Sociomaterial Configurations of the Intranet in a Post-merger Telecommunications Company (Arbeit und Organisation) sociomaterial configurations of the Intranet in a post-merger telecommunications company
Katja Schönian
, 2022.ISBN: 9783837661873
Zustand: gebraucht; gut