ISBN beginnend mit 9783030190
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783030190019: Antonella Zucchella: Circular Entrepreneurship – Creating Responsible Enterprise
- ISBN 9783030190026: Elza Reymond-Eniaeva: Towards a Uniform Approach to Confidentiality of International Commercial Arbitration
- ISBN 9783030190057: Elza Reymond-Eniaeva: Towards a Uniform Approach to Confidentiality of International Commercial Arbitration
- ISBN 9783030190064: Frank M. Phillips: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery – Surgical Techniques and Disease Management
- ISBN 9783030190095: Frank M. Phillips: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery – Surgical Techniques and Disease Management
- ISBN 9783030190101: Edward St. John: Detroit School Reform in Comparative Contexts – Community Action Overcoming Policy Barriers
- ISBN 9783030190132: Edward St. John: Detroit School Reform in Comparative Contexts – Community Action Overcoming Policy Barriers
- ISBN 9783030190149: Mariam Adepeju Abdulraheem-Mustapha: Child Justice Administration in Africa
- ISBN 9783030190170: Mariam Adepeju Abdulraheem-Mustapha: Child Justice Administration in Africa
- ISBN 9783030190187: Cristina Nanni: Molecular Imaging in Multiple Myeloma
- ISBN 9783030190217: Cristina Nanni: Molecular Imaging in Multiple Myeloma
- ISBN 9783030190224: Detlef Schuppan: Wheat Syndromes – How Wheat, Gluten and ATI Cause Inflammation, IBS and Autoimmune Diseases
- ISBN 9783030190255: Babak Anasori: 2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes) – Structure, Properties and Applications
- ISBN 9783030190286: Babak Anasori: 2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes) – Structure, Properties and Applications
- ISBN 9783030190293: Sonia M. Tiquia-Arashiro: Fungi in Extreme Environments: Ecological Role and Biotechnological Significance
- ISBN 9783030190323: Sonia M. Tiquia-Arashiro: Fungi in Extreme Environments: Ecological Role and Biotechnological Significance
- ISBN 9783030190330: Philippe Kruchten: Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – 20th International Conference, XP 2019, Montréal, QC, Canada, May 21–25, 2019, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783030190361: Nikolay Mehandjiev: Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry – 9th International Workshop, FinanceCom 2018, Manchester, UK, June 22, 2018, Revised Papers
- ISBN 9783030190392: Riccardo Lucchini: Children in Street Situations – A Concept in Search of an Object
- ISBN 9783030190422: Riccardo Lucchini: Children in Street Situations – A Concept in Search of an Object
- ISBN 9783030190439: Mark Kaunisto: Variation in Non-finite Constructions in English – Trends Affecting Infinitives and Gerunds
- ISBN 9783030190477: Amirhosein Khandizaji: Reading Adorno – The Endless Road
- ISBN 9783030190507: Amirhosein Khandizaji: Reading Adorno – The Endless Road
- ISBN 9783030190514: Joshua D. Guttman: Foundations of Security, Protocols, and Equational Reasoning – Essays Dedicated to Catherine A. Meadows
- ISBN 9783030190545: Rolando Cimaz: Periodic and Non-Periodic Fevers
- ISBN 9783030190576: Rolando Cimaz: Periodic and Non-Periodic Fevers
- ISBN 9783030190583: Mieczyslaw Pokorski: Medical Science and Research
- ISBN 9783030190613: Mieczyslaw Pokorski: Medical Science and Research
- ISBN 9783030190620: Sukhan Lee: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM) 2019
- ISBN 9783030190651: Franklin de Lima Marquezino: A Primer on Quantum Computing
- ISBN 9783030190682: Natalia Kryvinska: Data-Centric Business and Applications – Evolvements in Business Information Processing and Management (Volume 2)
- ISBN 9783030190729: Philippe Neyret: Surgery of the Knee
- ISBN 9783030190750: Philippe Neyret: Surgery of the Knee
- ISBN 9783030190767: Andrea Robitzsch: An Externalist Approach to Epistemic Responsibility – Intellectual Norms and their Application to Epistemic Peer Disagreement
- ISBN 9783030190798: Andrea Robitzsch: An Externalist Approach to Epistemic Responsibility – Intellectual Norms and their Application to Epistemic Peer Disagreement
- ISBN 9783030190811: Florence Bretelle-Establet: Making Sense of Health, Disease, and the Environment in Cross-Cultural History: The Arabic-Islamic World, China, Europe, and North America
- ISBN 9783030190842: Florence Bretelle-Establet: Making Sense of Health, Disease, and the Environment in Cross-Cultural History: The Arabic-Islamic World, China, Europe, and North America
- ISBN 9783030190859: Shuai Liu: Advanced Hybrid Information Processing – Second EAI International Conference, ADHIP 2018, Yiyang, China, October 5-6, 2018, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783030190880: Michael Seal: The Interruption of Heteronormativity in Higher Education – Critical Queer Pedagogies
- ISBN 9783030190910: Michael Seal: The Interruption of Heteronormativity in Higher Education – Critical Queer Pedagogies
- ISBN 9783030190927: Stanisław Kozielski: Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Paving the Road to Smart Data Processing and Analysis – 15th International Conference, BDAS 2019, Ustroń, Poland, May 28–31, 2019, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783030190958: Bogdan Grechuk: Theorems of the 21st Century – Volume I
- ISBN 9783030190989: Rachel Simon-Kumar: Intersections of Inequality, Migration and Diversification – The Politics of Mobility in Aotearoa/New Zealand