ISBN beginnend mit 9783030359
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783030359003: Joachim Kerner: Control Theory of Infinite-Dimensional Systems
- ISBN 9783030359010: Ted Carmichael: Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas
- ISBN 9783030359041: Ted Carmichael: Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas
- ISBN 9783030359058: Abdullkhay A. Zhamaletdinov: The Study of Continental Lithosphere Electrical Conductivity, Temperature and Rheology
- ISBN 9783030359089: Abdullkhay A. Zhamaletdinov: The Study of Continental Lithosphere Electrical Conductivity, Temperature and Rheology
- ISBN 9783030359096: Pavan Muttil: Mucosal Delivery of Drugs and Biologics in Nanoparticles
- ISBN 9783030359126: Pavan Muttil: Mucosal Delivery of Drugs and Biologics in Nanoparticles
- ISBN 9783030359133: Vladislav V. Kravchenko: Transmutation Operators and Applications
- ISBN 9783030359164: Vladislav V. Kravchenko: Transmutation Operators and Applications
- ISBN 9783030359171: Lars Schweizer: Advances in Pharma Business Management and Research – Volume 1
- ISBN 9783030359201: Lars Schweizer: Advances in Pharma Business Management and Research – Volume 1
- ISBN 9783030359218: Robert A. Stebbins: Pondering Everyday Life – Coordination, Continuity, and Comparison
- ISBN 9783030359249: Robert A. Stebbins: Pondering Everyday Life – Coordination, Continuity, and Comparison
- ISBN 9783030359294: Farhad Balali: Data Intensive Industrial Asset Management – IoT-based Algorithms and Implementation
- ISBN 9783030359324: Farhad Balali: Data Intensive Industrial Asset Management – IoT-based Algorithms and Implementation
- ISBN 9783030359331: Ulrich Felgner: Philosophie der Mathematik in der Antike und in der Neuzeit
- ISBN 9783030359355: Pamela Leong: Rating Professors Online – How Culture, Technology, and Consumer Expectations Shape Modern Student Evaluations
- ISBN 9783030359386: Pamela Leong: Rating Professors Online – How Culture, Technology, and Consumer Expectations Shape Modern Student Evaluations
- ISBN 9783030359393: Augusto S. Auler: Lagoa Santa Karst: Brazil's Iconic Karst Region
- ISBN 9783030359423: Augusto S. Auler: Lagoa Santa Karst: Brazil's Iconic Karst Region
- ISBN 9783030359430: Mohammad S. Obaidat: Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications – 8th International Conference, SIMULTECH 2018, Porto, Portugal, July 29-31, 2018, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783030359461: Bhim Pratap Singh: Management of Fungal Pathogens in Pulses – Current Status and Future Challenges
- ISBN 9783030359492: Bhim Pratap Singh: Management of Fungal Pathogens in Pulses – Current Status and Future Challenges
- ISBN 9783030359508: Robert Middeke-Conlin: The Making of a Scribe – Errors, Mistakes and Rounding Numbers in the Old Babylonian Kingdom of Larsa
- ISBN 9783030359539: Robert Middeke-Conlin: The Making of a Scribe – Errors, Mistakes and Rounding Numbers in the Old Babylonian Kingdom of Larsa
- ISBN 9783030359546: Imran Ul Haq: Plant Disease Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture through Traditional and Modern Approaches
- ISBN 9783030359577: Imran Ul Haq: Plant Disease Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture through Traditional and Modern Approaches
- ISBN 9783030359584: Agnieszka Stec: Sustainable Water Management in Buildings – Case Studies From Europe
- ISBN 9783030359614: Agnieszka Stec: Sustainable Water Management in Buildings – Case Studies From Europe
- ISBN 9783030359621: Vice Admiral Jorge Enrique Carreño Moreno: Proceeding of the VI International Ship Design & Naval Engineering Congress (CIDIN) and XXVI Pan-American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transportation and Port Engineering (COPINAVAL)
- ISBN 9783030359652: Vice Admiral Jorge Enrique Carreño Moreno: Proceeding of the VI International Ship Design & Naval Engineering Congress (CIDIN) and XXVI Pan-American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transportation and Port Engineering (COPINAVAL)
- ISBN 9783030359669: Glen Miller: Reimagining Philosophy and Technology, Reinventing Ihde
- ISBN 9783030359690: Glen Miller: Reimagining Philosophy and Technology, Reinventing Ihde
- ISBN 9783030359706: Mingu Kang: Deep In-memory Architectures for Machine Learning
- ISBN 9783030359737: Mingu Kang: Deep In-memory Architectures for Machine Learning
- ISBN 9783030359744: Rosario Girasa: Artificial Intelligence as a Disruptive Technology – Economic Transformation and Government Regulation
- ISBN 9783030359775: Rosario Girasa: Artificial Intelligence as a Disruptive Technology – Economic Transformation and Government Regulation
- ISBN 9783030359782: Bernardo Nicoletti: Procurement 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution – The Opportunities and Challenges of a Digital World
- ISBN 9783030359812: Bernardo Nicoletti: Procurement 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution – The Opportunities and Challenges of a Digital World
- ISBN 9783030359829: Anh Nguyen-Duc: Fundamentals of Software Startups – Essential Engineering and Business Aspects
- ISBN 9783030359850: Anh Nguyen-Duc: Fundamentals of Software Startups – Essential Engineering and Business Aspects
- ISBN 9783030359867: Mike R. Jeffrey: Modeling with Nonsmooth Dynamics
- ISBN 9783030359898: Manuel F. Silva: Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference – Advances in Robotics, Volume 1
- ISBN 9783030359928: Vito Dario Camiola: Charge Transport in Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures – The Maximum Entropy Approach
- ISBN 9783030359959: Vito Dario Camiola: Charge Transport in Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures – The Maximum Entropy Approach
- ISBN 9783030359966: Tomy J. Gutiérrez: Food Science, Technology and Nutrition for Babies and Children
- ISBN 9783030359997: Tomy J. Gutiérrez: Food Science, Technology and Nutrition for Babies and Children